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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. They have an entire team dedicated to going through the dictionary. And internet memes were among the first things they added.
  2. The coolness of a game is relative to the amount of smirking on the cover art.
  3. Shouldn't this be in the other sub-forum seeing as it's a C64 remix?
  4. The way they presented the Milo tech as some sort of self-sentinent AI was misleading, and most journalists who saw the private demo have debunked it as smoke and mirrors by now.
  5. What is this shit. Needs more NEXTGEN BROWN BLOOOOM
  6. That kid thing is in all likelyhood scripted like hell, considering the amount of pre-recorded sentences used.
  7. Japanese hentai game developers are gonna have a field day.
  8. That news is being twisted around a bit. 3D Realms never got any money from them, the $12 million went to buying out Apogee and the publishing rights to DNF were part of that package. The 2007 deal was that 3DR would get a bonus if they finished DNF early.
  9. Some gameplay footage, model animations, etc: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/316675.html?playlist=featured
  10. Alegged DNF screens from a designer
  11. That's Duke Nukem Trilogy, which is a set of spinoff titles for the DS and PSP made by a separate developer.
  12. There was no DNF trailer last E3.
  13. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/58519 Take-Two were publishing DNF for them, but not financing it. The money came from 3DR's own pockets. They went to Take-Two this year asking for $5 million to finish the project, they said no. So I guess that's that. I'm not going to say it's the end of DNF however. It's very possible some other publisher will pick it up out of the gutter and actually get it finished.
  14. Downloadable content existed, mostly for free, long before corporations reinvented it with a new catchphrase. Once online functionality for consoles became advanced enough, downloading stuff for your games became possible, and since the console owners can control any content that goes through their services with an iron fist, they will squeeze out every penny possible out of you. We can clearly see this with how Valve and Epic are constantly releasing extra free stuff for their PC games, while with the console equivalents you either have to pay for it or get nothing at all. This is also getting to the point now where developers like Bethesda instead choose to release several lackluster DLC packs instead of a full-fledged expansion pack.
  15. For some reason, there was an epidemic among American boxart designers throughout the early 90's which caused characters to have that "I just fucked your wife" smirk applied to their face. Classic example, the americanized Sonic 1 boxart: Once Capcom were done having well-built men in their 30s figure as Mega Man, they decided to give him the same treatment: Wonderboy in Monster World appears to have the same mischievous tone mixed with a healthy dose of cocaine:
  16. I can't say I support foreign companies fiddling with Swedish law for their own benefits.
  17. The basis for Varian Wrynn's dickery is mostly from people whining that the Alliance and Horde were getting too buddy-buddy in WoW compared to the previous Warcraft games.
  18. He is the little kid's father who was gone since WoW launched. They reintroduced him via the official comic.
  19. Funny, that's what people were saying about rogues before DKs were introduced.
  20. They burned him up in a football stadium.
  21. I would like to round up all the european OCR WoW players to make a guild, but I doubt there are enough of us even for 10-man raiding. Nothing's stopping me from buying a US client and account, but it would be too impractical with the time zone differences.
  22. Heppy berfday chap

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