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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. Advertising is handled by the publisher. The way Eidos is making a mess out of things is not only tarnishing the reputation of themselves, but the developers in their fold as well.
  2. Everyone makes less-than-spectacular games every now and then. To believe anything else is just naive.
  3. I love the upped damage, and IIRC that's how it was in the first UT. The excessive jumping around while trying to do any kind of damage with that sad excuse for a minigun just pissed me off in 2K3/4 and made me lose interest in deathmatch real fast.
  4. http://oniblade.com/upload/image/screenshots/032_1.jpg http://oniblade.com/upload/image/screenshots/51_1.jpg Russian developer aptly named Gaijin Entertainment decide to make their own Heavenly Sword, with gunblades. If they're going to be so blatant with the... art direction, they could have at least added more polygons to the buttocks. It's for PC, by the way.
  5. My computer has been dead for some time now and I've had withdrawal symptoms from lack of remixing, so I started this mish-mash of Gradius 2 themes on my laptop. (I grew bored of programming drums near the end) SHOOT THE CORE
  6. Multiplayer co-op? I can see it right in front of me... ssjray69: OMFG NUB U CROSSED THE STREAMS
  7. They probably implemented it, Heretic style.
  8. I never quite understood what's so exceptional about the SNES pad. It had a tendency of giving me sore thumbs, especially when playing MMX and the likes. Any other pad works just fine.
  9. I fail to see what's so special about the music.
  10. This is a stupid assumption. Why would they spend enormous amounts of money on a single system of their own when they they're already earning trillions from selling Madden on PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 without having to bother with hardware of their own?
  11. Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26558.html?type=wmv
  12. No one has said it's going to be 2D.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ_F_3oBwxE&feature=dir Brad Derrick works for Mythic on the Warhammer MMO. He composes demos on his 1 hour drive to work, using a MIDI controller and laptop hooked up to his car stereo. Then he creates a glorified demo to ultimately be used for a live orchestra, with the exception of percussion as he reveals that most of it these days is in fact not real.
  14. Try toning down the texture detail a bit if you want to play in higher resolutions.
  15. Developers won't start requiring DX10/Vista anytime soon. That would be an economical disaster for them. If anything you'll get a performance increase when you won't have to render all those fancy DX10 effects.
  16. First of all, the game is fucking awesome and every inch as good as I hoped it would be, a rare occurance for games that are really hyped. It looks great, it runs great, and has that fast and tough feel from the first UT that went missing in the later installments. As I expected they did an excellent job on optimizing it for lesser machines. I tried running it on my shitty laptop with the lowest settings, I get a very steady and comfortable FPS and it doesn't look horrible. http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6918/laptop1to8.jpg http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9022/laptop2aa2.jpg http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/8849/laptop3xy3.jpg
  17. The weekend is saved! http://members.home.nl/wiboender/UT3BetaDemo.exe.torrent
  18. Might be better if the stereo image wasn't so detached. The tringle lead could also rely less on pitchbends. Try adding some delayed vibrato instead to keep it from being too straight.
  19. Noise canceling = Isolation? I tried one of those. It was like putting two seashells on your ears.
  20. http://geckoyamori.escariot.net/mtpreview.mp3 Yes, it's supposed to be very cheesy. I will replace the Boobass and FL Slayer when I've finished writing it.
  21. http://blog.livedoor.jp/t_a_g_o_m_a_g_o/archives/cat_50029096.html I haven't checked them all yet, but they all seem to be free. One of them is a NES/2A03 synth and is really good unlike all that SynthEdit junk I've come across.
  22. http://www.music4games.net/Music_Display.aspx?p1=629 Overall this is mostly better than the 2003 and 2004 scores, which is mostly thanks to the fact that the remixes of the UT99 modules are very conservative. The rest is just dull and disappointing, especially with what you'd expect from Jesper Kyd. Not as good as UT99, and lightyears away from the first Unreal soundtrack.
  23. Hasn't the overconfidence and the "screw our customers" attitude been pointing towards that for a good while now?
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