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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. Is the concept of a commercially driven industry really that hard to grasp?
  2. I'm about to rip my hair off over the fact that Viena refuses to save my velocity range settings.
  3. Vienna hates my soundcard apparently. I will try out Viena. I found another tool called Alive, though it isn't free and I wouldn't want to spend money on something I will only use once.
  4. Make that -33 for shooting the hostages.
  5. I'm looking for a not all too fancy program for creating my own .sf2 libraries with. I've heard the name Vienna pop up from time to time, but I can't find it anywhere and it seems like Creative stopped supporting it a long time ago. Right now the name seems to be reserved for those humongous orchestral libraries.
  6. Post-editing fades in external programs just feels more comfortable. I prefer CoolEdit's interface for fading and such.
  7. http://www.nedopc.com/TURBOSOUND/TFMMAKER/tfmmaker10.rar It was developed primarly made with the Spectrum ZX YM2203 in mind but is compatible with the Mega Drive's YM2612 (Albeit without PSG and PCM support for now). The documentation is only in Russian, but there is a forum thread briefly explaining some things: http://www.spritesmind.net/_GenDev//forum/viewtopic.php?t=125
  8. It's not his fault. He just needs a different development vessel.
  9. Ugh, this was made in SynthEdit? It's as though everything made in that tool suffers from a tiny attack envelope that can't be altered. I just can't get over it.
  10. Look at it this way: The artist is the end product that all the others have invested in. That's what they are in the end, products. Oh, and when they do claim to have written a song, they usually just thought up some incomprehensable humming which their "co-composer" to their best ability translated to something resembling a chorus.
  11. Because then the video marketing would be oversaturated with guys saying "rated M for mature" using that lame trailer voice.
  12. Version 2: http://www.zshare.net/audio/nod-strike2-mp3.html
  13. http://www.zshare.net/audio/nod-strike-mp3.html Since the original soundtrack is so disappointing I've started working on new music to replace it once the proper tools are released. I can only hope the dynamic feature can be bypassed and allow for side-specific playlists. This would be my first real foray into D&B. The style goes perfect with Nod's sneaky and aggressive tactics coupled with their dark mysticism.
  14. Tiberian Sun has an interface that is adaptable to higher resolutions. Starcraft doesn't.
  15. I'm disappointed with the multiplayer maps available. All of them are completely symmetric which can get quite boring and predictable in the end. Some larger and more natural maps like in Tiberian Sun would be a nice change.
  16. .... but where did the win go? I can't believe the creator of Oxygene degenerated into this.
  17. I have to say, the AI is actually really smart. It will find ways around your base defenses, sell structures if you get too close with an engineer, sneak in commandos, etc. This makes comp stomps really challenging. After looking a bit more I actually found a friend list in online mode, though I don't know how to add members yet. My handle is GeckoYamori
  18. I got the Kane Edition and have been playing it for most of the day. Tried a bit of the GDI and Nod campaigns, and got my ass kicked by the Scrin in a skirmish map. The music is boring, and the cutscenes feel kind of undramatic compared to the previous installations. Anyone want to try multiplayer? Odd how I couldn't find a friends list in the online features, you'd kind of expect that to be standard these days.
  19. You get what you pay for. The more accessible a MMORPG is, the more you'll rip your hair off over the idiotic community.
  20. Now how did an anne amére OT troll thread end up getting moved to GenDisc and turn into a serious thread? This is just sad.
  21. The horrors of appealing to two demographics.
  22. The URL itself is shortened, I can't download it.
  23. I'm pretty certain they are available as unpacked wav files on the go after installing the game. Just need to find your way through the myriad of directories. Furthermore, http://morrowind.ytmnsfw.com/
  24. Sorry, but I don't think any practical tempo information is stored in SPCs, or any format aside from SIDs for that matter.
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