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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. Honestly, not everyone needs this stuff. Unless you are a very accomplished pianist who is concerned for the most convincing sound possible, and for some reason you don't have access to an actual piano with decent recording capabilities, a cheaper or even free sample set will suit your needs just fine. Contrary to what some people seem to think, bigger and badder software will not compensate for your own shortcomings as a producer.
  2. http://www.mediafire.com/?v67q37irjxm Putting the other one on hold for a bit while finishing this one which I actually started earlier. I've got almost everything I want in here: uplifting piano chords, chipmunk ragga vocals, and tons of layered drums.
  3. I don't think I've really seen anything like that apart from the ones that act more like online social communities rather than actual games with objectives to complete.
  4. David Jones is the brainchild behind concepts like Lemmings and Grand Theft Auto. Basicly what Jones said at the show was that MMOs have become synonymous with World of Warcraft and the mechanics behind it, and he doesn't like that. So he's taking the core idea of a persistent world and building something new around it. APB is basicly an online version of cops and robbers. It's not an RPG in the sense that it's based on building your character's stats and skills, but there should still be that sense of progression. It will also have unprecedented customization features, but within reasonable limits so you don't end up with a heap of disjointed turd (and furries) like in Second Life. To show off just how versatile the character creation process is, they create a poser gang of high-profile game developers: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17691 Here's a gameplay segment of an experienced Shaft-lookalike taking on a group of n00bs trying to steal some TVs: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17694
  5. http://www.quakelive.com/index.php Quake Live is something as simple as a free browser-based version of Quake 3. There's no bullshit inbetween, all you have to do is type in your mail and you're done. I never actually owned Quake 3, so it's all good to me.
  6. Taking a MIDI guitar and running it through a simple VST with an arpeggioator might be interesting indeed.
  7. There's a fantastic new feature out, it's called Ignore.
  8. http://www.mediafire.com/?8ez1zhgx1y9 Just throwing in lots of ideas everywhere at the moment. For the riff at the end I took a string section, bended it up 1 octave fairly fast, then sampled it and resequenced shamelessly. Good times.
  9. I tend to go by the policy that good music is good music, hence I've remixed soundtracks to games I haven't even played.
  10. This applies mostly to people remixing material out of sheer nostalgia.
  11. Screenshots: Not exactly mind-boggling visuals, but they are going for a decidedly comical style so you can't exactly stuff it full of speculars and HDR. The info I got was poorly translated from a Russian magazine, so I can't make any real sense out of the plot summary. What I can make sense of however, is that there will be a third faction and it's none other than the Empire of Japan. Live action FMVs will still be there.
  12. I don't really get how they go to such lengths to preserve the art and feel of Street Fighter 2, then suddenly add some kind of KOF-reject to the roster who looks completely out of touch with the others.
  13. The real announcement is supposedly this thursday, but of course they need to give magazines exclusives in good time which makes it easy to spoil the surprise.
  14. Consequently, platformers have become a niche genre, shoot em ups even moreso, Madden NFL tops the sales every year, and "casual" games like Singstar and Wii Fit are skyrocketing in popularity. zomg console gaming is dying!!!
  15. The fact that this isn't optional on startup is kind of stupid.
  16. Projects depend largely on the competence and willpower of its organizer.
  17. At current rate the to-be-posted list is going to outgrow the submission queue.
  18. Hurray, more american lowest-common-denominator-teenage-jock parodies.
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