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Everything posted by lazygecko

  1. The problem with WC3 isn't the art direction, it's the fact that it is an RTS that tries to be Diablo and ends up being watered down in both aspects.
  2. The vast majority of this userbase consists of japanophiles who wouldn't know a good RPG if it slapped them in the face.
  3. Right, nobody's probably going to care about this. http://www.zshare.net/audio/21827120bc604a/ Original for reference: http://www.zshare.net/audio/2182797dffab37/ Ever since I did Marvel Superheroes Vs. Street Fighter back in early '02 I vowed to return to Capcom's 2D fighting roster. There's way too many goodies from those to leave untouched. I've tried tackling some others throughout the years like Captain America or Spider-Man but nothing came out satisfactory, until I tried Omega Red's theme that is. I took some liberties with the melody to suit the 4/4 dance groove better but it should be recognizable enough.
  4. http://fallout.bethsoft.com/ Pretty much a ripoff of the Fallout 1 intro, but I guess that's what people wanted. And it seems like they got Ron Perlman back to do narration.
  5. That would be the pattern system, and not the piano roll itself.
  6. I guess there's the step sequencer, which you will find severly limiting and tedious to work with. FL's piano roll is pretty much the best in the industry. Just take some time to learn it and composing will be like a second nature.
  7. I had some drums in it but they were so damn hectic I decided to just throw them away.
  8. http://www.zshare.net/audio/2050895b71fbaa/ Well, let's see where I can go from here.
  9. It can very well be a pre-alpha. Right now it pretty much looks like Starcraft 1.5 Remember, the very first footage of Starcraft looked exactly like Warcraft 2 in space, and Blizzard got a lot of crap because of it. The game underwent several revisions before release.
  10. Both Rambo and Rocky were iconic Stallone movies whose titles were the surnames of the main character. If the new Rocky is called Rocky Balboa, why shouldn't they follow the same theme for the new Rambo? It's great marketing, if anything.
  11. The lead designer is former Westwood.
  12. Add another 2 if they're working on another WoW expansion.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx6i090FGzQ Looks fun. I've been longing for some raw 80s macho action in this era of PG-13 political correctness.
  14. I will be pissed if they turn SC2 into another watered down Diablo like they did with WC3. RTS is not about running around with a hero unit in a bloody maze half of the campaign. In other news, I have once again joined the ranks of the 02'ers.
  15. I recently got a laptop myself with Vista-preinstalled and let me tell you, it's a living hell. Most of its features are useless/gimmicky and just hog your memory so you'd want to disable as much as possible. It also takes ridiculous safety precautions, giving you annoying popup boxes whenever you try to run something. I guess this can be disabled somehow, but I can't arse myself to look into it. Then there's of course the infamous compability issues, which I immideately ran into once I installed some of my commonly used programs. You should get rid of it and install XP if you can. I know I will.
  16. Seeing as the first 2 Warcrafts are highlighted and the others aren't, I'm guessing there might be some sort of remake in the works.
  17. I never caught up with this dual mumbo jumbo. I have a vanilla 3ghz, and all of a sudden they went down in hz.
  18. Don't let others decide for you. Try them all out, then just go with whatever you feel more comfortable with.
  19. Actually, it's a Lost Vikings dating sim.
  20. So, at first I decided to wait some months and see if there'd be any improvement, but now I've heard that Sony Online Entertainment more than lives up to its mother company's reputation of abysmal customer relations. I think I'll be steering clear of this one.
  21. I used FL for 4 years prior to learning Logic and didn't find it particularly hard. People are exaggerating about the interface differences.
  22. How pleasantly original, creative and forward-thinking. I would never have expected this coming from them!
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