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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. They have em done ahead of time, just in case. They add to them as time goes on. This was revealed when CNN or some station accidentally dropped Ronald Reagan's "tribute" when he wasn't dead.
  2. I will be raising a glass of some very heavy alcohol to him tonight. He is on my iPod. No matter how crazy, insane, and cracka he became, he was still awesome. Even moreso when he touched little boys.
  3. so sick of helena bonnam carter
  4. games are for NERDS
  5. Kokiri Forest THE BEST EVER
  6. Are you wireless? Experiencing packet loss or choked packets?
  7. Death is but a door Time is but a window I'll be back
  8. The point was to just put some guitar on top of it. Since it wasn't part of the original mix, there was no way of getting it in "naturally", nor did I care to (if you read the video description). It was mostly done as a joke anyhow. And yes, I am a god, for future reference.
  9. Announcing my semi-permanent retirement from compos. Not due to a lack of interest, because I love doing it, but because I've moved and have NO access to my computer, guitar, or recording equipment, and I won't for at LEAST six months. So have fun vying for first place without me.
  10. seems like every other day there is someone on their period about something new on the server i will miss tf2 but i won't miss some of the people who call themselves regulars
  11. so why can you not fly here but you can fly elsewhere
  12. I rerecorded the intro stage and uploaded it to youtube a while ago. It's full length now.
  13. We even did a practice run ages ago to get ready for it.. now it's likely we're going to need another practice run.
  14. Especially when Blizzard claimed "last week of April". :\
  15. can the judges djp
  16. If I could change one thing about the requirements, it would be the filesize limit. We live in the age of broadband, 6MB is usually enough but there ARE cases when it can be limiting. For example, the FF7 / Xenogears remix I subbed ran 7:30-something originally and even with VBR I still couldn't get it to 6MB without sacrificing a LOT in the way of quality. That one kind of hurt, but I made cuts in the piece the best I could to get it under 6MB
  17. Yeah, that's what atmuh was doing, and that's why I kicked him.
  18. also jesus christ someone needs to deal with atmuh
  19. actually one of the things i do remember is people bitching that his teleporters were going nowhere
  20. Oh, you'll get it sooner or later. That is if you even have it in you to go anywhere with this.
  21. Dude. "Changing" some things will not stop Nintendo from coming down on you. They are about to re-release Metroid Prime on the Wii, they are not going to let someone try and port Metroid Prime and potentially steal sales away. You are just asking to be flamed now.
  22. Yep, this post right here, guys. This shows what you people are really seeking. You are seeking the accolades associated with the project before having actually done anything worth any sort of congratulations. If you were truly serious about this project you'd delete all traces of it on the internet and keep it a secret until it was DONE. Have you idiots not been paying any attention at ALL to the scene lately?
  23. Holy shit you're an idiot to boot. Do you not know what a C&D is? Cease. Desist. Terminate the project and destroy all data relating to it. You will not be able to go underground with the project once it is issued, because if you do eventually release it BAM lawsuit. There is no hiding once you've been issued the C&D. Wow. Your ignorance is astounding.
  24. Hey, I was never once a jerk in this thread until someone accused me of being one -- after accused, why the hell not? I simply stated that the chances of this ever getting any notice in the industry are slim to none -- because it shows your complete lack of creativity. Why do you think so many indie-developers choose NOT to go down this route? Oh right because it's creatively bankrupt, morally questionable, and financially impractical. You're wasting your time. If you were even remotely serious about this you never would have announced it publicly until it was finished and ready to launch, where there was no risk of a C&D. Good job. You've shown your true colors.
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