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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Who's dat drivin? Patrick Swayze! Also, I did a song about this for OHC months ago: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/Nekofrog_-_Goodbye_Mr__Swayze___(OHC020).mp3 Sound familiar? That's because I took that compo and turned it into a real song. Maybe I'll change the name back to "Goodbye, Mr. Swayze" just in his honor for the album.
  2. Jedi Outcast was pretty shitty until you turned on the g_realisticsabercombat 1 console command, and then the game became absolutely GOD tier. srsly, fuck swinging a lightsaber and hitting enemies multiple times to kill them, realistic saber combat = 1 hit one kill dismemberment, even in most saber duels with minibosses and bosses. THAT shit was intense. Also, some tremendously awesome memories of Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight multiplayer, mostly on that one map that takes place in a canyon with what seems to be a downed ship that you can go into, and a cliff area you can jump around in.
  3. If you think that sounds bad, your ears are shitty and you are shitty. Sorry, shitty.
  4. I don't know if it's the same for 7, but XP has a nifty little window that lets you choose this sort of thing. System Properties, Advanced, Startup and Recovery. There's a dropdown box that will display known OS's. But since you have them on different partitions I'm going to assume that this info is worthless.
  5. You're lucky you had someone there to properly educate you in the ways of my generation of gaming.
  6. I seem to remember lots of stages coming to a complete halt as you wait for the stage obstacles to position themselves, or position them yourself. Marble zone, the underwater zone, and the other zone near the end of the game set at night in a city. Sorry, it's just not a fact that the game is speed-orientated. Momentum MAYBE, but that's still a stretch. It's the "gimmick" of the series, where platforming was still the core. What you say is true for the first zone only, honestly. And that's the only zone a lot of people remember.
  7. Go back and play the 2d Genesis Sonics. It was 90% platforming, 10% on-rail speed running. Perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass before you post again, Hibiki.
  8. Fuck that. It's Sonic and Sega, it will be terrible, I don't care what anyone says.
  9. "aims to return to original game's speed-oriented play" What is it that Sega doesn't understand here. Sonic was never about speed. The gameplay was never speed-orientated. It was purely a platforming game with occasional bits of speed thrown in here and there, Fuck you Sega, fuck you Sonic, fuck anyone who hypes this piece of shit up. Sonic is dead, Sega is pissing on his grave.
  10. My stuff only gets better from here on out. Just wish it didn't take so long for it to get posted
  11. funny story: i finished my dkc2 project mix last night, and couldn't think of a name for it. Then I thought "holy shit I have the perfect name, krool intentions. it's a play off the movie cruel intentions" and then when i suggested it i was shot down and told prot already used it D: FUCK YOU PROT YOU FGT
  12. Sat down to do the final mixing on my track and ran into some issues. First, the mix and my audio software is stored on two hard drives from my desktop computer in California, I brought them out to Indiana and threw them into Ash's desktop and everything worked fine until I actually tried to do some mixing. The audio stuttered so bad that I couldn't do anything. Seeing as how the actual music has all been finished, I exported a high quality wav of that and will throw in onto my laptop when I get home tomorrow or friday, mix the vocals on that, and voila, it will be done. Edit: hang on, I may have worked it out Edit 2: oh fuck yes, this song will be done tonight. both versions you wanted
  13. Why, thank you sir. I just hope the submissions I have that are in the queue are that favorable. Wily's Requiem definitely represented a huge leap forward in my production abilities, but the one thing I would have changed would be panning some of the harmonized leads left or right instead of keeping it dead center with what it's harmonizing with. That's probably where things get harder to hear.
  14. oh, tensei, you're just jealous that i am spending time away from you and starcraft. also starcraft is shit
  15. Do you know how I know you're gay?
  16. UPDATE floating kiss in water while shitty music plays in the background has pretty much killed my remaining interest in this game. thanks square
  17. I'm just going to quote this whole post because it seems to have gotten lost at the very end of the last page.
  18. UPDATE Just boarded the airship for the first time, wandered around, convinced that whore to quit her path of a summoner (god she dresses like a whore). Kind of sick of the whole concept of airships, to be honest with you. So far the game is still incredibly boring, and the only joy I get out of it is messing around with the sphere grid. If that's the only real joy I can derive from a game, something is very very wrong. I'd also like to take a moment and discuss the main overlying theme of the game. I know what Square was going for here, but really, did they have to think their entire audience SO obtuse that they had to beat us over the fucking head this hard with the allegorical religious content? No I take that back, it's not even allegorical, because an allegory would use one different situation to refer to an existing situation (District 9 vs. apartheid, Animal Farm vs. Government, 1984 vs... well, you know), but the storytelling is SO heavyhanded and hamfisted that I can't help but wonder what the hell Square was thinking. We have to atone for our sins? Praise be to Yevon? Yevon is the way? Blah blah blah? I really get what Square is saying here but they could have been a bit more SUBTLE about it. You can take the religious content of this game and layer it over our own society and BAM it matches perfectly. A quick character dissection as I see it: Jecht: I get that Jecht was supposed to be a major dickbag and the driving force for Tidus' hatred blah blah blah, but they REALLY went overboard with the whole verbal child abuse thing. I'm not coming at it from an offended standpoint, because don't get me wrong, I am not offended. I just think that, again, Square decided to just hit the player over the head with the concept of verbal child abuse instead of subtly explore it and give it more meaning. Clo... I mean Squa.. I mean Tidus (yeah, that's it): Why can't he talk like he talks when he goes into The Wonder Years Narration mode all of the time? I can TOLERATE that voice. In fact, I even sort of LIKE that voice. Why does he suddenly revert into high pitched whiny teenager as soon as he isn't narrating? From what I've been told he's narrating the quest while taking a break from it at a certain point (outside of Zanarkand), so he should sound like that all of the time. Tidus is one of the few characters who has aspects that I actually found admirable in this stupid game. But with that, Square does the OPPOSITE of what they’ve been doing and they severely underplay it (at least to the point I’m at). He’s called everyone out on the whole sanctimonious religious buffoonery once, but let it go too early. Also, cocks Wakka: The very definition of sanctimonious asshole. The rest of the cast let him go on far too long spouting off his retarded Yevon-this and Yevon-that shit before someone put him in his place (Rikku of all people) by challenging his ignorance. Jesusfreak defined. Auron: Not as badass as people always hype him up to being. At least, not where I’m at in the story. If anything he’s kind of a dickbag, too. Yuna: Eh. Incredibly wishy-washy as a character. Sometimes she’s ditsy, sometimes she’s mature, sometimes she’s smart, sometimes she’s stupid, sometimes she’s playful, sometimes she’s somber. I don’t know what they were going for here but they never managed to keep her consistent. Kimahri: furfag Lulu: Hot ass bitch tig old bitties. I find it humorous that the game takes every chance it can get to focus on her tits, even during the very serious scene under the frozen lake (after the Wendigo fight), the first shot of her is zoomed in squarely on her tits while she is talking, and then slowly pans up. Slowly. Way to objectify a character that’s trying to actually contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way. But then again she objectifies herself by leaning down to let her tits hang out in her victory animation in battle. WHORE. Rikku: They really didn’t give her a good reason to join the party when she did. It was just “oh hey what’s up I think I’m going to follow you guys around now and maybe be a guardian,” and the other guys were all like “oh hey yeah that sounds great! We totally don’t know you but we’ll take the word of a guy who just showed up from the past lol nice to meet you.” Sure they reveal WHY later on, but for the party to just trust some random stranger like that (who had tried to abduct Yuna before) was insulting to my intelligence. As a character she’s that standard annoying superpeppy Japanese schoolgirl type (read: Selphie) that I so fucking utterly despise. Bounces around everywhere, smiles and laughs at everything, takes a comical level of offense at the smallest of words, she’s a walking cliché. Except for when she grows the only pair of testicles in the entire party and puts Wakka in his place with a verbal smackdown that, if she had continued would probably have escalated to Richard Dawkins’ level of grandiosity, but she relented. Seymour: They had better offer some sort of explanation as to why the latest long-haired pretty boy wanted to take over the world, because if they don’t I’m going to be incredibly pissed off at such lazy storytelling.
  19. I enjoy both new and old games equally, for different reasons. I can kick back and throw in Super Mario World or Mario 3 and have a total blast for two hours by beating them in their entirety (okay, Maybe 1 hour for Mario 3 because it's shorter). I can throw in Rock Band, Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Mass Effect, or GTA4 and have a hell of a lot of fun. Not more or less fun than an old game, but just fun. To me, it really doesn't matter WHEN the game came out or how it looks. Its content is all that matters to me. Oh, and bad music can kill a game for me, whilst bad graphics can't. For what it's worth, I enjoyed Megaman 9 and My Life as a King last year than any other game. Not of all time, but just for that year.
  20. OH MY GOD I'M SEEINNG GHOSTS Just as a warning I'm drunk right now just got home from the bar so whatever i post is not reflective of what i normally post but hey yeah i might have tracks for you individually in a month or so if you still want them also gj i didnt expect anyone to actually do anything like this let alone someonew ho awas here on the boards i think i messaged you on youtube or commented or something earlier today. this post will likely be edited properly when i am sober tomorrow
  21. Sure, it's just most of them don't rely on hackneyed and cliched phrases like that. At least, not good ones.
  22. Yeah you're pretty much an awful human being to be honest.
  23. So having nothing to do this week, I decided to try and play through Final Fantasy 10 for the first time ever. Missed it the first time around, and never really cared to pick it up years later when I finally did have a PS2. Now that it's sitting here on my housemate's shelf, I couldn't find a single good reason not to pop it in and give it a whirl. First thing's first, I'm an old-school FF guy, my first FF being FF2 on the SNES (though I had played RPGs as far back as the NES days with Ultima and whatnot). I grew up with Final Fantasy, and around the time 8 came out, I swore the series off out of sheer and utter disgust (yeah, 8 is an awful game). So that's where I stand. I had never given a modern Final Fantasy a try (though I DID buy 12 around 8 months ago, never got around to actually playing it) until now. My thoughts? Wow. This is pretty shitty. The soundtrack alone is beyond boring and generic. Instrumentation is dull, melodies are almost entirely lifted from previous Square efforts (I hear Xenogears melodies as well as other FF melodies) and generally just plain not good. The Wonder Years narrations -- seriously, not only does he SOUND like Daniel Stern as the grown up Kevin Arnold, but he starts his narrations just like them -- "I didn't know it that day, but our lives had changed forever..." Tom Kenny. He's doing practically all of his voices from Rocko's Modern Life in this, most especially Really Really Big Man. I keep expecting Heffer and Rocko to waltz past the screen. Turn the page, wash your hands... Please tell me this game gets better. I just beat the Sin thingamajigger that kills a bunch of people after destroying the machina cannon that fired at it. You know, the one where you fight the thing again with Seymour in your party. Speaking of faggots...
  24. So someone has already made Rock Band/Guitar Hero charts for this song Drums Guitars (rhythm and lead) The drums are the most accurate, if you take into account the fact that it wasn't built around a double bass pedal (which is in the song). Guitars are close, but there are missed triplets all over the place. That'd probably be because this was recorded late 2008/early 2009, whilst my original stuff was much more recent. Weird that you say that about the compression, I really don't use much at all in my remixing (I lay down my tracks and rarely do anything to them). It might be the fact that there's so much sound in there (quad tracking rhythm, double tracked harmonizing leads, a loud drumset).
  25. Just wait until I return to the OHC. Metal domination will be BRUTAL
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