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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Sure, the IDEALIZED version of Natal is brilliant. But do you really think you'll be sitting on the couch with your whole family, and every single person's movements is identified individually to their own character? Come on. It's Microsoft hype. The only thing worse is Molyneux hype. Oh wait, he was there too.
  2. Plus, no AO games
  3. A group of hydras will always tear up a group of goons, everything else being equal. Their rate of fire of higher (but range is lower). If the hydras do not have hydra speed, you could micro the dragoons to tear apart the hydras with shoot-and-move, but at that point in the game hydra speed is always evolved.
  4. yeah well i never said anything about "buying"
  5. So, further evidence that the "98% complete" figure is a complete crock of shit -- Crimson Echoes leaked. Sort of. It's early alpha and only a few months old, but why in the hell would this leak if there's a version that's 98% done and ready to go? Something is way too fishy here. http://www.gossipgamers.com/chrono-fan-game-crimson-echoes-98-complete-leaked/
  6. so as someone who has never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever played a mgs game, where should I start? keep in mind that i don't give a shit about bad graphics, so if the ps1 game is superior to twin snakes i will play that with no problem whatsoever
  7. Let's not get into that, lest the banhammer come down.
  8. I have to say, I take great offense at the title of this thread. To reflect everyone's views, it should be retitled "The THEORY of the evolution of ocr" evolution has never been proven
  9. I've loved Follin's work ever since Plok and Spiderman/X-Men arcade's revenge, both of which I played extensively when they came out.
  10. is this the thread that is making bleck rage in skype
  11. Haha yeah that was awesome wasn't it
  12. :3 kittyfacetenchars
  13. Farewell, birthday. Thank you for everyone who posted.
  14. thank you sir
  15. thank you, sir
  16. thank you sir
  17. Nekofrog's untitled solo project whoops you didn't hear that
  18. I know the top issues with my mixes. 10. They're too awesome 9. They're too awesome 8. They're too awesome 7. They're too awesome 6. They're too awesome 5. They're too awesome 4. They're too awesome 3. They're too awesome 2. They're too awesome 1. They're too awesome That about does it.
  19. no but i can play a sweet accordion HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW
  20. Actually, I got the huntsman today. On my birthday. FUCK YEAH.
  21. Left 4 Dead Wii announced http://wii.ign.com/articles/986/986663p1.html Well, sort of. It's essentially the exact same thing, but from the makers of the Conduit and with vampires and werewolves instead of zombies. 4 player online multiplayer is the core of the game.
  22. i'd still tear her apart with my weiner
  23. The Terminator theme starting at :37 and beyond http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO2sHdDO6cw and Lufia's "Iris" theme from Lufia 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSXyn-2GIhs&feature=related Both share a common melody.
  24. Jessica looks like an old woman in that picture That's not the Jessica I know and love I FEEL SO BETRAYED
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