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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Whoa, this song is in Banjo Kazooie? It's quite beautiful.
  2. Jennifer Hudson was a contestant on American Idol. She didn't win (I along with many others believe she should have). Instead she went on to do acting, co-starring in Dreamgirls and stealing the spotlight from Beyonce brilliantly, and now she's an accepted star. It's a shame because her dad died, so this news means that three of her immediate family members are dead. : (
  3. Decided to try it out. Love it so far, and the music is awesome.
  4. Yeah it's fucking littlebigplanet though. I'd understand if this was like, Fallout 3. But it's not. It's littlebigplanet. Who wants to hear lyrics (whether or not you understand them) that you are aware say those kind of things while playing LittleBigPlanet? True, for some of us it would be pretty entertaining for the two elements to mix. But kids are going to play this too.
  5. according to loltaku, the words actually mean something! Maybe that will give it a little bit of context. Personally, I think Sony are pussies for taking this out!!!
  6. I made a post about Saving Private Ryan recently in offtop, but it's because I just watched it. John Williams is awesome in this movie, and it just goes to show why everyone knows his name. After watching the heavy ending, the credits kick in and keep punching you in the gut: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnx_7D_2myg
  7. Watching the live performance of Octavarium on youtube brought a tear to my eye during the ending. So fucking epic and awesome. Also, the song "You Never Know" by Immortal Technique. That song leaves you feeling really heavy.
  8. I voted. Best of luck. Also, well made site.
  9. My friends and I just went and watched the videos in this thread. We all feel really heavy hearted now : (
  10. Reading this makes me so nostalgic.
  11. Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, Ronin Warriors, Outlaw Star, Blue Sub 6, DBZ, Reboot... What the fuck happened?
  12. Happpppypypypypypypypy Birthday Monobrowz
  13. Also the steam servers are so reliable that downloading/installing barely takes any times.
  14. Bahaha thanks. Fun listen
  15. Yeah, any form of HDR is great. Not only did I stay up all night watching events, but as soon as I woke up I would watch HD recordings of the men's USA bball team pwning noobs.
  16. Here's a "solution" I found to "Up the Stairs". I'm willing to settle for this. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=660120 Don't think it's gonna make it? PREPARE TO BE DISAPPOINTED.
  17. Why did both of you have to end up being very respectable and mature people? If I was either of you I would've broken some bottles on heads by now at least for fun : (
  18. I've been watching a lot of NBC olympics on NBC's sister channels, USA and Universal. I don't know if you get Universal, but those both are either run or permitted by NBC to show the Olympics, and since it's in the middle of the night, it's live if you're in the US. So far I've caught fencing, boxing, volleyball, badminton, shooting, rowing, and even equestrian (lol). It sucks if you don't get these channels, but I do, and have been so far pleased with the coverage. Also I watched US soccer last night but fell asleep.
  19. Heh, this is exactly the reason I love his soundtracks.
  20. Yeah it was voted by some group as best sports moment in history evar. Also, USA RAPED in the men's 4x200m freestyle. Great scott Marty.
  21. THIS IS CRAP. Actually, this is really good. Keep it up!
  22. You gotta realize every person on the USA men's gymnastics team has never been to the Olympics before. Also, they didn't go into this even expecting to get a medal. Imagine going to the Olympics for the first time, you get a medal that you didn't think you had a chance in, let alone getting into the finals. None of them were being cocky, they were just trying to raise their own morale against a team that they knew was amazing. What's wrong with being happy about winning a medal?
  23. SHIT. Talk about pressure. Good fucking job Artemev. Good on the USA gymnastics team to get a medal. There were so many good performances out of USA. Also, China was just mindblowing. On another note can you imagine how it must feel to be one of the swimmers left in the wake of Michael Phelps in the 200m Butterfly, knowing he just swam a gold medal race an hour ago? I'd feel sick to my stomach.
  24. Oh I meant the qualifier round for the relay. However, I finally saw the finals and went nuts. LOL@the French.
  25. I like how the US set a world record for the 400m freestyle relay in swimming, without Phelps. Goes to show how AWESOME US swimming is.
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