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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Hey there guys! First off, I heavily perused the rules just to make sure that I can post this in community. I know it states that as long as you are involved in your Kickstarter link it can be posted in community if you're a remixer. However, I'm not sure if it had to be album or game development related. If need be I'd be more than happy to have this post moved to the appropriate mega thread either by mod or myself. I'm reaching out to a community that I used to spend a large part of my life with and coincidentally enough, shared in my first convention experience with: at Magfest 2008. During college I went on hiatus as I was neither musically productive nor free enough to participate too much in the forums anymore. As soon as I escaped the grips of university I realized that I needed to do something bigger than myself. TL;DR I'm bringing a niche genre convention to Bremerton, WA. It's this coming July 5th and 6th. We only have 6 days from the time of posting (end is February 5th at ~9:00 pm EST) and we're looking for anybody we can find to give us a final push into our $8000 mark. We've already raised nearly $6000 but now I must turn to you guys! It's two days long, we plan to heavily feature music of the anime, local and videogame variety (and were actually planning in the coming months to extend an invitation for an OCReMix guest panel). One can understandably think that the Puget sound region may be already saturated with conventions. We have attempted to schedule GAMCON at a time that conflicts with no local conventions. We are not trying to "compete" with anybody, we solely wish to bring something fun to the city of Bremerton. If you've visited, you know what I mean. Self promotion on forums feels dirty to me so I share any sort of weirdness you may feel upon seeing this but we are doing it out of a perceived necessity to make our area fun and a place where people actually wish to travel -to-. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/626038125/gamcon-14-bremertons-first-geek-convention All critiques, insults and compliments are welcome. If you have any questions PM me. Thank you for any interest you may show to this event as I have been working extremely hard on planning, fundraising and organizing.
  2. Hallo. I would like access to the OCReMix Minecraft Server. May I be whitelisted? Thanks in advance. My Minecraft UN is Blizihizake

  3. Feel free (anyone) to add me on LoL: Blizihizake I'll always be down for an ARAM or two.
  4. I came back from the grave to say I love this
  5. You have a really good ear for mixing. The productions sound snappy, punchy, and just perfect all around. Thanks for the music!
  6. Oh god! I QUICKLY DART AWAY THROUGH ALLEYWAYS. WE ARE IN INDIA AND PEOPLE ARE CARRYING THINGS ON THEIR HEAD. I SHOVE THEM AND THEY STUMBLE AND I RUN THROUGH A OUTDOOR MARKET,KNOCKING OVER FRUITS AND JUMPING OVER WHEELBARROWS. I RUN THROUGH A RESTAURANT AND CHEF SAYS "HEY, WATCH IT IM COOKIN HERE!" IN A BOSTON ACCENT. But yeah, it sucks when you find out your unique name was already taken as a username. Would it make you mad to find out it's not even my name? It is my name though. Just a hypothetical. Nice name you got there as well. Also to be on topic I highly suggest you guys try out the Nations at War 32x32 texture pack. http://nationsatwar.org/?page_id=17
  7. Could I be whitelisted? I wanna make gardens. Edit: whoops, my MC is Blizihizake
  8. Wow, the synthwork for this was balls to the wall. Awesomely mixed. Love it!
  9. erp, sent a pm

  10. Hey, I would like to claim The Skies of Alexandria. I already started and should have a good wip ready by June 1st.

  11. I've been requesting this for a while from the OCR staff, and finally they've answered. I think they've got a -very- strong concept at work here. Personally, I'm glad that this system's in place. That way we can gradually bring the standard of our OCReMixes back up to what it once was. No more shitty mixing. No more shitty judges. Might increase traffic to this site too, and some, god forbid, -real musicians.- Thanks OC ReMix (:rolleyes), for finally putting the "Re" back into "ReMix" like I've been asking ever since '99, ya know, back when the greats such as Seifer and Counterstrike ReMixes were still treated nicely enough to be "one of us".
  12. RIP Nujabes. Your music got me through a lot of tough shit and accompanied me through a lot of good times, and I'll never forget you. The nostalgia of my past is too intertwined with your music for that to happen.
  13. WOW Busta these Youtube tutorials are absolutely amazing. I tried Reaper a couple weeks ago and my head just exploded, mainly because I've only ever used FL Studio. But watching your tutorials I feel absolutely ready to not only try it, but use it and take advantage of its neat features and ability to optimize the workflow.
  14. I guess I'll piggyback on this topic and say that I have a problem with meanies on Left 4 Dead. I'm not the greatest player, but by no means am I retarded in game. But in quickmatches, apparently I'm bad enough to the point where people constantly swear me out and attempt to votekick me. I don't know what about my play classifies me as terrible. All I know is people are completely unwilling to help each other out in game and everybody seems to have the game down to a science.
  15. Purely awesome. As soon as it moved into the more recognizable melody I got tingles. You should be extremely proud of crafting this!
  16. If only you guys were alliance, then I may have transferred. Though I'm having lots of fun running stuff with just my IRL buddies. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Frostmane&n=Blizihizake It looks like you guys could use a tank : [ EDIT: nm I was looking at the Glyph list. You have lots of warriors.
  17. I like this.
  18. That's a fucking awesome intro song. Also, I have nothing to contribute!
  19. Wow, honestly I thought versus mode was gonna be a gimmick. It's freakin FUN though.
  20. A smaller tube TV or iPod may seem like it looks great because the small resolution is being compressed into a small frame, hiding any artifacts. Unless you converted a 1400 kbps double pass mp4, it's not gonna hold up to an HD broadcast on the same large screen. The thing is, anybody who has actually seen an HDTV broadcast usually has their mind instantly changed, because there IS groundbreaking detail. Especially in a movie like transformers, I'm pretty sure you won't see Megan Fox's cleavage sweat (that's beside the point however) on an iPod. So either something was wrong with the hookup between the blu ray player and the TV, it wasn't really a blu ray player, the TV had a weird ratio/filter dragging down the quality, you can encode 1900x1000+ movies into 1900x1000 mp4's on your iPod, you have bad eyesight, or just don't mind about things like these. Personally, I have a hard time watching anything that's not HD on a screen bigger than 30 inches just because it feels so harsh on the eyes. Sorry to sound like an HD fanboy, but when I first saw an HD broadcast in my house I was pretty amazed. I imagine it gets the same response out of most people. However this may not seem to be the case.
  21. The only store near where I live that actually knows how to put HD broadcast onto HD tv's seems to be Costco, of all places. Which is awesome. When you walk into Costco to get some awesome hotdogs and gigantic bins of pretzels, the first thing you see is 20 tv's all showing a live sports event in HD. The Best Buy and Circuit City where I live show an absolutely shitty broadcast that looks like youtube quality.
  22. I freakin love this. The Warcraft II soundtrack is a great soundtrack, and this is a great remix.
  23. Turning off vertical sync did it for me and everyone I know who's had that issue. Also, another big hit to performance I've found is shader detail. If you can run tf2, then you can definitely run this game. If you're on minimum settings already, I donno what to say. My laptop has a much harder time with TF2 than with L4D though. This game is fun. I've spent so much time on this demo it's not even funny.
  24. I'm really surprised that nobody has made a Left 4 Dead thread on this forum. It really is fun as hell if you play with your friends or with a community. I've probably already spent around 15 hours just on a freakin Left 4 Dead demo since a couple days ago. The AI controller, known as the Director, seems like it almost has its own personality. For ex,(in expert mode, my only mode!) starting off in the safe room and seeing no zombies outside. Great times, this will be a breeze! Well, turns out that AI just wanted to fuck with you and once you got through that area, a boomer barfs on the guy at the back of your group, then as we all try to defend that guy from a huge zombie attack somebody gets lasso'd by a smoker. Well, ok I try to save that person getting lasso'd, BUT I GET FUCKING PINNED DOWN BY A HUNTER (super agile zombie that can tackle/pin you down). Well, fuck. We all died and the last man standing just gets the shit kicked out of him by 60 zombies. He tries to throw a molotov but sets all of us on fire too. Meanwhile, we're all on our mics saying "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as we all asphyxiate or get the shit beaten out of us. This game needs to be discussed more on OCR! It really is so much fun.
  25. Oh wow that was awesome.
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