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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. Pearl code: 0043 7410 2693 I picked the penguin because in the older games I never started with a water type. Plus, he's adorable.
  2. Yays, finally beat the Elite Four. Now to work on getting something other than Parukia (Palkia?) to a decent level.
  3. I bet you'd hate me even more if I told you I had the game since September but I haven't played since October because the Elite Four kicks my ass.
  4. Pokemon Pearl code: 0043 7410 2693
  5. It does work with Japanese saves...I am so happy. I'll post my code when I get it.
  6. Since we're on the subject... I hope Japanese saves will work with the US version. I already have a pretty good party built up.
  7. The stuff is already in the works. I know it's fun and all to bitch and complain, but it's not like this stuff isn't coming. It's just taking longer than it should have.
  8. IGN says the next Fire Emblem (after Goddess of Dawn) may have online play and downloadable content. Intelligent Systems fucking rules.
  9. Some Lite D-pads have weak diagonals. It used to really bother me, but after you get used to it it's no big deal at all.
  10. I have both. Not gonna sell my old DS because it has much, much better speakers and it's more comfortable. But if you want really nice colors, you have to get a Lite.
  11. Well, it can't possibly be that hard to make a search of every nook and cranny of well known RE areas last 15 hours. What I'm worried about is it may not feel worth doing. If this were an actual light gun game I might think differently, but when you throw the cursor in that makes it a bit too easy.
  12. UC definetly looks a lot more promising, but I'm still in doubt. Personally I think being able to see the pre-rendered areas in full 3D would be worth the price of admission alone to any RE fan, but the game is going to get old awful quick if it's just point and click shooting the entire way through.
  13. It's going to be Rogue Squadron 2/3 in high def. Nothing but another Factor 5 tech demo...but without Star Wars.
  14. I really wish we'd start to hear more about Battalion Wars 2. They really seem to be pushing the online in that game.
  15. Could be wrong but wasn't this version of the browser supposed to let you change your cursor settings? Like make it smaller and whatnot? Maybe I'm blind but I haven't found it yet.
  16. Wow, the new browser is pretty sweet.
  17. I couldn't care less if we get another 2D Metroid now. Fusion and Zero Mission weren't bad, but I'm gonna be terribly disappointed everytime I play a 2D Metroid and it's not as good or better than Super Metroid (and that's just not gonna happen).
  18. Hmm my lovely blue light isn't showing...does Nintendo ever plan on using this thing?
  20. Well don't feel too bad. You get Strikers before we do and I really want to play that.
  21. If it makes you feel any better, the game is awesome.
  22. http://kotaku.com/gaming/inis/ouendan-2-coming-next-month-251288.php Oh joy.
  23. It seems a lot of places aren't selling it today...
  24. I haven't thought about any console as a visual powerhouse since PC gaming took me over in like 2003. I get the whole HD thing and playing on your TV, but with any decent video card you can do the same. Hell, you could use a 360 joypad if you wanted to, but why someone would want to give up mouse and keyboard control is beyond me. If Nintendo releases a console in the future that just pushes graphics, I'll have to pass on it. Consoles are becoming more and more irrelevant when they just try to copy PCs.
  25. So, has anyone else here tried Chocobo Tales? I can best describe it as "surprisingly awesome". Definetly work checking out, even if you aren't a huge fan of Final Fantasy.
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