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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  2. Speculation time: Suitless Samus and Snake will have the same control style ala Captain Falcon/Ganondorf. Remember how you played as Samus in the second half of Zero Mission? Think about it...
  3. I really don't want to get back into playing WoW again, but the expansion looks like it could be lots of fun...I feel the addiction coming over me again
  4. I could never get used to Fox or Falco. They just felt way too lightweight.
  5. I miss the Captain Falcon from the original game...well, mostly the sound effects and voice. When you got nailed by a Falcon Punch, the sound was great.
  6. Fin>Eliwood. Fin>all other characters.
  7. I want Fin from Fire Emblem, kick that fgt Roy out of the game.
  8. Wow, excellent song. Not a dull part in it at all. I would have liked some more bass, but bass doesn't make the song so I really can't complain. Really awesome stuff here. 9/10
  9. Anyone know where I can get a good, free lead guitar soundfont? I'd use my own guitar, but it sucks and I suck at playing it. Thanks in advance.
  10. Is there a way to keep your Soundfont player settings? Everytime I save then restart FL, they reset so I have to reload my soundfonts and instruments
  11. Yay, got the soundfonts to work. Had to reinstall FL though
  12. I've tried. It tells me they're invalid or I have to register them first. What exactly does it mean by register?
  13. I still can't get the ones on DarkeSword's page to work. Do they not work in Fruity Loops?
  14. Anyone know how to install the soundfonts on Darkesword's page? I've installed soundfonts fine before, but these don't seem to work. (Yes, I have used the utility to unpack them)
  15. Anyone know where I can get some decent saxaphone samples or a complete brass pack? Thanks in advance.
  16. Omg, teh non-suck Flows nicely, no instrument sounds out of place. This actually sounds like it could be used in a stage of Smash Bros. it's so good. Wow. I love this. Dr. Fruitcake, get to work on making an MP3 out of your Super Smash Bros. Melee melody now
  17. You serious? I've been using other software but it has nowhere near as many options as FL has and recording everything in that and bringing it over to FL would be a fucking pain in the ass... Other than suggesting I use something else, do you actually know how to do it in FL just so I can try it?
  18. Here's a very simple question: How can I use a microphone to record audio in FL? I've tried what the instructions say, but when I go to the Mixer I am unable to select ANY Input Source. Help?
  19. Excellent, excellent work. The bass is absolutely perfect
  20. I hate to say it, but this song didn't make sense to me o_O You'd have to listen very closely to even tell that it's based off of Super Metroid. This piece would have been great, IMO, with classical instruments rather than techno beeps and bloops. However, I keep finding myself bored as I listen to it. On the plus side, two of my friends said they liked it but they like techno-ish stuff.
  21. Wow, I thought I was the only one who liked or even remembered this song I love this remix. I love any kind of song that has the "midnight" sound to it, but that song from P64 always stuck in my head as my favorite. This isn't very far removed from the original but that's not a bad thing either. Great tune.
  22. It's awesome, but I wish the Corneria part was extended a little more and included the victory theme of that and other land stages.
  23. Holy crap, this is AMAZING. This is the best remix of anything, ANYWHERE that I've ever heard. The whip is even placed at just the right and adds so much 'tude to the song. Awesome work. We need more stuff like this and less techno
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