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Everything posted by TCK

  1. Yes he did.I finally fell asleep around sometime during Aerofunknamics. I planned to record the afterparty, but looking at it, I don't think there WAS an afterparty Out of interest, does anyone else have problems listening to the stream while AIM (or Trillian) is running ?
  2. I've got VGFs #21-30, so if you want 25, message me.
  3. For those who don't want to wait till late September/early October.
  4. http://www.canadianphilatelics.com/choksta/halfblack.mp3 What the flying fuck?That's it, that's the last time I miss the aftershow.
  5. So it begins, again. It's a relief this is only taking 10 minutes to download too, compared to the usual 8 hours. How I love DSL I'll be sure to be there for the season opener. We've missed you, Larry!
  6. you know I got you....
  7. When OCR reaches #1500? They'll be a torrent at #1250, which isn't too far off. In the meantime, you can get a rar of mixes 1001-current from this thread. (/pimpage)
  8. For anyone who can't wait until the 1250 torrent, I and Ramaniscence will be serving a rar file with mixes from 1001 upwards until the torrent comes. Thread here.
  9. Seeding. Likewise, if you need me to seed, AIM me and I should seed right away. Try not to do so too often though, because it takes quite a while for me to start seeding (thanks to the lack of real specs for my computer).
  10. That's likely coming in a 1001-1250 or 1001-1500 torrent when OCR reaches that level.I'm broadbanded tomorrow (as it were) so as soon as I've downloaded the torrents I should be able to seed.
  11. Check in the WIP: Other forum, and look for QTSA, shouldn't be too far down.
  12. Time for AB Frequency!
  13. There are ideas in this, but to be honest lo-fi is an understatement for this mix. The drums rival Retentions Of Conflict. It'd be nice if Eradicate could resubmit this in higher quality, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  14. Thanks for the offer Debotron, but unfortunately I've got 56k and a 2 hour cutoff, which is approximately 20MB at max speed for me. Plus the fact that AIM is very temperamental with file transfers probably means that anything going through AIM would be broken. If it was hosted that'd be better, but it's not too much of a loss if I don't have it.
  15. Out of interest, exactly how "lo-fi" are the pre-#21 shows? I might be interested in them some time.
  16. Again Larry, bueno!
  17. Seconded. Leave it there for about 3 days, that should be ample time for the mp3 at least, and if you're going to host a video I doubt it's even in the region of sanity to attempt to DL it at 56k.
  18. My god, the campus hates you Larry Also, I'm loving the interview with the Jesus Killer. That was some good stuff.
  19. Flashget, dear sir.But take out the s out of https if you use it. Works a charm for me.
  20. ...YOU BASTARD Also, thanks Species, it worked.
  21. I'm pretty sure it's not the spaces that is the problem, since I've tried accessing other files on the same server through various DL managers without spaces, and they've all come up with the same error message "The certificate is invalid or expired."I'm not absolutely sure if it's because it's hosted on a secure server (https) either, Larry. I didn't have any problem downloading shows #21 and #22 from the server at all. But whatever it is, I feel it's affecting the actual server rather than the file, and it's relatively recent. On a seperate subject, while downloading from Prot's FTP, a message caught my eye. Hmmm.
  22. I love you Protricity.In that not so homosexual way, of course.
  23. So much for drastic measures, it seems no download accelerator works, and I've tried dozens This is asking a BIG favour, and I wouldn't be surprised if this turned up blanks, but could it be possible for someone to host the file somewhere else as well as at Larry's webspace? I would be most thankful.
  24. I can't download this AGAIN! Drastic times call for drastic measures.
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