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Everything posted by TCK

  1. Kill the Beast!
  2. Remix #1400 is up now, so I'll see about getting up that rar file.
  3. Not to mention there's already a podcast for the whole VG remixing community, if anyone wants a wider scope of the whole community.
  4. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=63134&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=120
  5. I was randomly listening to this, and the melody instantly reminded me of Comic Bakery. Nice to see I'm not the only one who thought that.
  6. That wasn't what I wanted to read
  7. I'd guess there's a FLAC plugin for Nero, but I'm not too familiar with how Nero works.EDIT: I was right.
  8. I don't think there's any centralized place. But Larry has the hook-up on every single remix ever created, so I suggest stealing his Winamp playlist. Also, I protest this poll for not having an "All of the Above" selection. A place such as that would take a hell of a lot of effort. Sure, you can gather up all the tracks from OCR, VGMix and all the C64/Amiga sites, but then you'd have to find out what each one was covering (which here at least isn't complete). Then think of all the Japanese sites like SSH, Levo Lution, Quasar, et al, and translating them. For the competitions such as IMC you may have to provide your own hosting too.Nearest thing to a central for VG remixes at the moment is ThaSauce. Otherwise just let Larry do all the work, or at least when he actually releases another
  9. Someone pointed this out in IRC. SUBLIMINAL JUDGEHATE IN THE DOOM PROJECT?!!!? ...yes... It's as if you knew they'd reject Lunar Bakery.
  11. Purgatory. Unrelated to the project, but nonetheless a nice extra for a Doom fix.
  12. djp time is more around 5-6am GMT. 4am if you're lucky.Saturday afternoon was a rare occasion, with the Doom remix.
  13. Always happens. Stupid name for it.
  14. I really like the idea of a Phobos side, and a Deimos side. Perhaps MN can incorporate that into the main CD design. Although the songs are going to be mixed up so you'll have E1 (Phobos) stuff with E2 (Deimos) stuff.
  15. The only thing I will say is to get rid of the Grand Theft Auto font, it's overused as it is.
  16. I'm sure we'll find out how much fun you had when #10 comes out.
  17. Out of interest, is there already a community podcast? I might be interested in starting one up sometime if there's a need.
  18. I say Remixers. The orange looks a bit nicer against the planet with the light fading out on the right. Out of the two, I agree. But I think it might go better with the level titles and/or track numbers.Actually, now I think about it, I'm not too keen on the crimson at all.
  19. My bad. I typed it out manually.
  20. Now's a good time to say that the Dwelling of Duel's June 2005 edition is over. And it's a good one.
  21. Yeah, you shouldn't wait for it to be listed in iTunes to listen to it.Would vote, but PCA is down, so I'll do it later.
  22. Begs the question, does Larry even have a controller?
  23. Is there something you're not telling us?
  24. What's the progress on the two unfinished tracks, are they almost done or still being worked with?
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