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Everything posted by TCK

  1. I'm still interested, but still can't get round this certificate problem. Ideas Larry?
  2. If you do, you'll probably have the pleasure of listening to some jackasses breaking Larry's cords, or some two-bit whore ranting off about how J-Pop is the best (No wait, that's Paige )Tune in at 3pm on the Sunday, just to be sure. But it'll likely be at 4pm. Whoa, you move in fast, boy!
  3. I stand by what I said (4-6pm), bearing in mind that NZ is 12 hours away from the UK, not the US.Sorry NJ
  4. I figure it should be either 3-5pm, or 4-6pm. We've just put the clock forward, see?
  5. Enjoyed it two months ago, and still I find it timeless. JUST FIGURE IT OUT YOU DUMMY!
  6. Having the same trouble NJ Sykora had last week with the mp3 not downloading. According to my download manager, "The date in the certificate is invalid or has expired", so make of it what you will. It's also happening with ALL the files in your loji folder. EDIT: It does seem to be downloading without the aid of Flashget, however I never had trouble downloading them before, so I'm not sure who's to blame if anyone here.
  7. It's likely I won't be there for a while now, trying to get into a sleeping pattern that doesn't take me past 5am Don't count me out though. Still, I'll be downloading the archive files, so you haven't lost a listener either way.
  8. The only complaint about the archives I have is that I can't download them fast enough And that gif pic, that begging to be your sig.
  9. Heh, loved the Prot interview. And Jim Holland > You. (Yes, that was me leeching the HQ version off of you )
  10. I really should go on to say that Protricity loves the DKC2 soundtrack too much, but no. For me, the DKC2 soundtrack really epitomises game music. And Protricity expands on it in ways I couldn't imagine. Business as usual with this one, people. Admittedly, I'm not too fond on the "birdcussion", but not to the point that it detracts from the mix, and shouldn't be too much of a niggle for anyone. I really like the piano at 2:55, that was one of the nice touches to the mix. People have also mentioned that he manages to keep it interesting for the while, and while he does, he's still missing out on the climax section of the original, which while somewhat disappointing, makes it more phenomenal that he's still made a 6 minute mix out of it. One of the main reasons that Protricity is one of the best mixers on the site - his attention to detail. I sure hope that Protricity continues to do his thing with DKC2, if only for more mixes like this and his others.
  11. EST. That's 7-9pm PST, or sadly in my case, 3-5am GMT.
  12. And I actually made it this week. Good show!
  13. Dang, I chose sleep instead of this? I chose rest instead of this? I chose alcohol instead of this? Bugger.
  14. This is definitely one of my favourites. I've never played Shadowgate so I don't know how different it is from the original, but it's nonetheless brilliant. The way aneurysm seems to variate second from second with differing drum beats makes the track stand out, 1.49-2.12 being my favourite part of the track. The whole composition almost reminds me of a final boss theme for a Final Fantasy game, I don't know why, but it seems to have that special quality. I'd advise anyone to download this, especially drum n' bass fans, just to try this fantastic track and see if it's your cup of tea.
  15. This is my favourite FFmusicdj track. Ironic, since I can't hear the original in here at all. I like the intro, and the part from 2.43 to 3.10 most, and the ending, from 3.38 puts a brilliant twist to the track. All trance fans should like this one. Others will probably steer clear.
  16. I liked this track when I first downloaded it, and I still appreciate the beauty of this track. Impressive that it was made in a week too, but it does show. It seems rather muted compared to other remixes, but that is a minor problem. However, from 1.15 to 1.30, I feel that the lack of sound is not good. Sure, a fade into the main part of the piece would of been effective, but I feel that it started up from a VERY low volume, and takes too long to complete the fade in phase. I'm also not sure about the samples (but what would I know, I don't remix). Goodness wise, the main structure is fantastic, and very powerful, especially the middle section, and it was a brilliant idea to make an orchestral version. It's still worth downloading definitely, especially for SMW fans, but do take into mind that it was constructed in a week.
  17. God knows if this is NIN-sounding or not, but no matter this is one of my favourite ReMixes from the site and the best DKC mix. Very suprising since I wasn't a fan of the original. I can't pinpoint exactly what I like about this mix, but the section from 0.22 to 1.00 is probably my best part. 1.00 to 1.38 is also good. After that, the track perhaps doesn't live up to the beginning, but it's still not bad. The lyrics were ok, the only lyrics I didn't like that much was from 2.36, but the rest of the lyrics were suitable, and keep the track going well. The introduction with the sitar (apparantly) starts off the track well. Any fan of the DKC series, especially those who played DKC2, but not 3, should download this, along with those who like NIN (in order to comment on its apparent NINness) and those who like electronica.
  18. I like this track. The first part of the track (Metroid Title) is very mellow, with the haunting tone, and follows the original well. The second part (many may recognise this from SSBM - Brinstar Depths) lives up to the title - Metal. This part is arguably the main part of the track, and it's more creative than the first part. I do prefer part 2, and especially like the section between 2.55 and 3.15, which repeats to end the track. If you're a fan of Metroid, Metal, or even if you've played Melee, then download this.
  19. I however am wearing socks, and this track is rocking them. I have to say I am a personal fan of aneurysm. This was the first track of his I heard, and I love it. The track revolves around the drums, and nice distortions coupled make this a remix I'd recommend for anyone at least to try out. The ending is perhaps my only complaint, the last 10 seconds does seem to be a bit empty IMO. Anyone who's played SMW and loved its music should definitely download it, and I would of thought the majority of those would like this track.
  20. The n00bs are wrong. Wait, I'm a n00b! Brilliant track, represents Robo's Theme in a way that, as far as I'm concerned, deserves a medal. I love the drums, and the ending is particularly great. Not everyone will like it though, but it's better to have a song thats hated by 50% of the public and loved by 50% of the public than a song which everyone thinks is "OK". Download this track, definitely, 80's pop fan, Chrono Trigger fan, or neither. No guarantees that you'll like it, but this track is like Marmite.
  21. I won't let the intro/ending make up 50% of my argument, all I'll say is that it's an aquirred taste, but it is NOT the remix. Elsewise, upbeat trance track which when in the mood I like. I never was a great fan of Cid's Theme, but this ReMix does it justice. He didn't just take the piece and remake it with trance beats. But beware, if you don't like trance, it is highly unlikely that this track will change minds. I can see why some people like FFmusicdj's stuff. It's what brought me to the site (a certain Jenova ReMix). But nowadays it doesn't float my boat. But good trance tune. Not FFmusicdj's best, but up to scratch.
  22. First off I will say that I haven't heard the extended version, and I hear that it's better than the cut down version hosted here. Elsewise it's a good piece. The clock idea was novel, although like someone said before it could of been used more in the song. The track does drag on quite a bit however. This I hear is better in the extended version, and I will have to track down it in order to judge that. The inclusion of the "time management" quotes was brilliant though, and I really liked that part of the track.
  23. Short. Get that over and done with. Elsewise it's a pretty good ReMix, although I would of prefered a bit more variation on the original. It seemed more of a rendition than a remix.
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