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Antonio Pizza

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Everything posted by Antonio Pizza

  1. Well, I checked out rob1's link and d/l'd Robert Miles' "Children." (thanks rob1). Gee wilikers golly gosh, I've never seen the votes flip flop this much since we had that vote on which of us was the Official Bitch. Not only that, but it sounds like it was directly sampled. The remix has all of the background noise and static from the beginning of "Children." I agree 100%. In fact I agree with damn near everything you said. Sorry, pal. That's what I should have done at first. I feel so .Just please, not another "OI!!!ThisremixcannotbeposteditiscommercialCOMMERCIALKO*SuperFinish*"... I can't bear another thrasing AP's vote, take 3 = No. So to recap, the vote is now 2 yes / 4 no. Malcos never officially voted, but I think we all know what his answer was, so I included it in the count as well.
  2. No. That's right. I said no. No, no, no. Why not? My reasons are my own. Okay, here's why. It's too damn long. It's a beautiful piece, no doubts there. but the intro is almost 100 seconds long...(the rock guitars don't start until 1:45). Everything is beautifully performed, layered, and pieced. But it's waaaaaaaay to repetitious. We've shot down mix after mix after mix for being too lengthy and repetitious, so this should be no exception. Trim the intro and cut one or three loops. Then I'd be happy to vote yes. I bet it doesn't matter since everyone else will vote yes, but I shun conformity and laugh at the broken wheels of the bandwagon. Like I said above. My reasons are my own. Have a nice day ^^!
  3. True, we had a similar issue with Das Imperium...BUT. The main problem concerning that was not whether to post a mix of a movie theme, but that the movie theme WAS NOT IN THE GAME ITSELF. I say if "Children" is in the game, go for it. SNK must have aquired the rights, and even if they didn't it's too late to change it. I'm not sure whether or not the ReMixer knew that this was a prewritten song or not, but I don't think it's all that relevant. What matters is this: Is the song from a game? Yes Does it meet all submission guidelines? Yes Is it good enough to post? Yes We could say the same for someone looking to mix the Carnival Night Zone, or the slot machine theme from Star Fox, or the intro to Cool Spot (circus theme, "when the saints go marching in," "wipeout" repectively). Or any game based off of a movie for that matter. Remember that Roger Rabbit mix? That was a bad mix, but the matter of mixing a prewritten movie/tv/commercial theme never came up. You know why? Cuz as long as it's recognizably in the game, it shouldn't be that important. I'm taking the hold off of my vote. I say yes, post it ASAP.
  4. Your bass is way distorted. soften it up a bit. The intro panning has too much emphasis on the right. Get it to share with the left a bit more. I don't mind the length of the intro because the song isn't high tempoed anyways, so I didn't see it as a problem. The section from 1:15 - 1:46 is what's got folks complainin'. That 30 second or so interval of nothing but the bass and the drums is empty and bland. And what you reach on the other side of the bridge is exactly what you left. Again, this wouldn't be so bad, but not hearing things really switch up until the last 19 seconds of the song is what kills it. Do a switch up of your drum scheme in the bridge, or maybe throw in some spooky ambient strings or a pad somewhere. This mix DOES have the potential to get on OCR. I'd like to see it, but in the meantime I'll have to say no.
  5. I like this mix...but: It's a little bland and the 15 second silence MUST be trimmed. The mix itself is very well pieced together. However, its faithfulness to the original is what kills it. I'd say keep it is as is for the first loop and maybe do a little something different to the drums for loop 2. How does that sound? Originally I was gonna vote yes, as I didn't see that as tooooooooooo big of a problem. I'd just let the reviewers give you hell. But that 15 seconds of silence has GOT to go, so no.
  6. Here's the linkage: You'd better click on it We went through too much to get that link working properly for you bozos to ignore it. *gets a grip* whoops. I think it's time for my medication again *heads off to the catgirl thread*
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I get it. Pretzel is a fill-in judge. Okay, I see. You poor guy, as if you don't have enough. Remember the days when all you had to do was come up with clever stuff for Prof. Pretzel and Fresh Greens to say? P.S. Yes rob1, you are a 'tard. But that's okay cause you're also a sexybitch, eh?
  8. Why was this thread locked? A majority wasn't reached. We need one more yes or 3 more no's for that. A boo boo or you just made a final decision?
  9. ... And I don't mean a good , but the bad . No. It's too repetitive, but that's not the killer. What kills this song is the GM synth. If I wanted to hear a GM sythn version of the Marble Garden Zone, I'd play Sonic the Hedgehog. Sure the drums shake things up a little, but not enough. Plus I didn't care for them that much anyways. And that strike at the very end? (@ 2:50) Oh no. No no no. Cut the length, find a new synth, and shake it up some more. Good luck to you.
  10. Yes. I loved the animal noises. The pan flute was beautiful. My only complaint would be the brass samples, but hey, horn samples as a whole pretty much suck. Malcos is right. A lot of time/energy went into this. Orchestra hits are cool too! Everything about this mix is cool. This is a 100% improvement over Windy Waters, which I thought was good too. Good job Koop! Now you can get that +v (hopefully)!
  11. I disagree with orky on this one. I thought it was beautifully executed. My only problem is what Malcos brought up about this mix being "commercial." I'm going to hold my vote of yes until we get a little more info on this. Malcos, would you care to elaborate?
  12. NOTICE: THIS IS AN EDIT, I HAVE CHANGED MY VOTE ditto everything Malcos said except I'd like to boldy reiterate, underline, and italicize the repetitiveness. No. sidenote: Huh huh, huh huh huh. Post #420...huh huh huh huh huh [/dumbassedness] Edit: why did I change my vote? Well, I just said "no" to Psychrophyte for the exact same reasons. It's good, but it's too "the same" through it its 4:11 time span.
  13. Well it's "unique" alright. And GOSH DARNIT, that's what OCR needs Maybe it's only my d/l, but I don't like the abrupt cutoff of the song. My complaint is the bass. Did I just say that? It's TOOOOOOO strong. I had to turn off my EQ. Other than that, it's an okay piece. Yes. Very interesting. And by the way, my sister hasn't done a "Devil's Lab" remix, but that's because she's dead
  14. Hmmmm... guess I'm the only one who like it. It's gritty, it's grimy, and it's not a Kraid's Layer mix! I thought it was very well done. It was refreshing to hear a remix of Brinstar's bubble terrain. Plus the item room and title screen as bookends. On the negative, it's a bit TOO grimy. The song as a whole sounds muffled. It's not my EQ settings, because I turned them off. Wait, lemme turn it back on... Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa.... the baaaaaaassss is waaay strong. As is the treble. On second thought...damn. Guess I'll have to say no. Ordinarily I'd say, "fix the EQ and your mix is a shoe-in", but it's not looking to good for you Mike. That's a shame too, because I really like this mix. Oh...fuck it. Yes. Stuff's passed through before with muuuuch bigger problems than an EQ setting. I think the people of OCR would enjoy this song. At least I HOPE so
  15. I can't find anything objective to complain about really. Maybe I'm just lazy. Yet and still, the song gets a yes. It's good! What do you want from me
  16. To say no would be blasphemous against all that OCR stands for. Yes.
  17. I know what Rob's talking about. Something's not quite right, but it's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is. I think it's the theme itself. It's not really a likable theme. It's easily forgettable. The lead synth is ehhhh . I'm not really caring for the drums either. Everything else is okay. Those two things I don't believe are enough to hold it back. But there's something else...I don't know. I think it's just the song as a whole. The theme itself is at fault, not the work of Suzu. Hmmmmmm, tough call... Me not liking the theme is a subjective opinion. My OBJECTIVE opinion is that Suzu did a decent job, therefore I'm going to vote yes and let the critics complain about the song.
  18. ok, here is my submission. or something. this is my "ReMix" of the transylvania theme from Ducktales on the NES. I have no idea who the original composer is... please don't shoot me. it should be there somewhere at ok. this started off as my first ever mix. i posted it a while back (several months ago i beleive) in the reviews forum (before you changed the rules), and some people liked it, and some hated it (no surprise here). so i decided i would re-work it, to make it a little bit better. so over a month or so i had been tweaking this, changing that, blah, and here we are. i don't know what kind of music you would call this. it has sort of a techno beat to it, with some zany "wtf" drums on top of the bass drum. the main melody is comprised of some wierd ass samples (some wave sounding stuff, im not really sure what it is or what you would call it, but i loved how it sounded in this track). some delay here and there, a touch of reverb. and in the background (i think I might have made it TOO quiet, but it's there) is some real guitar. I hope you guys enjoy, and find it acceptable oh and if you need to find me i spend nearly all my free time in the chat rooms (because I have no life... there I said it) peace, Suzumebachi (Ty Guenley) samuraihornet@netscape.net (thanks AP)
  19. *note to self >>> modify the recalcitrant Daniel towards a eunuchian status, then macerate and/or defenestrate the remnants of his prior being* *note 2 >>> look up more big words*
  20. No, no, no. Here we go: 0:00-0:17 I like the NES style intro. As Malcos pointed out, it doesn't really fit the rest of the song, but that's okay. It didn't hurt. 0:17-0:31 The setup. This done well. I see what we're working with here. Nice strong bassline, always a plus. That swooshing noise you've got there? You know, the one reminicent of Mega Man II's Airman? Kill the panning on it. It's too... oh, what's the word? For lack of a better description, I'll say it's panning too hard. 100% right >>> 100% left. Try a stereo delay instead. Uh-oh... a reverse cymbal crash. That can only mean one thing... 0:31-0:45 Ahhhh, yes. The techno beat. You know what? It ain't so bad here . Alright, let's see where this is going. Ooooo, another cymbal crash. And a whooshing sound; cool. 0:45-0:58 Oookaaaay...the ol' techno hihat. *ahem* Neeeexxt... 0:58-1:12 There we go! Some solidarity! Nice string synth used here. The piece is coming together finally. Now if the next part can help balance out the... 1:12-1:19 AHHHHHHH!! MY EARS!! 1:19-1:26 The ol' fade in drums coupled with the cymbals having a seizure. Mm-hmm. 1:26-1:32 Oh thank you, yes! They're gone! The piano solo is nice. A better sample would've been peachy-keen, but that's just me nit-picking. 1:32-1:53 I DO like THIS drum loop. It's very when put with your bassline. Enter the strings around 1:46, I like that as well. 1:53-2:00 Enter the ol' fade in drums. 2:00-2:27 There are no emoticons for the face I'm now making. The best I can describe it is a mix of , , , and with an open mouth. The techno loops from 1993 are back along with something that sounds almost like the "Go!" soundbyte from Sonic 3's Launch Base Zone. Oh wait, those aren't voices. In that case I don't know what it is, but I guess I can deal with it. 2:20-2:27 Enter the ol' fade in drums coupled with the cymbals having a seizure. 2:27-2:48 The bridge. Whoa, that thing around 2:39 (and again at 2:53 was interesting) 2:48-2:54 Enter the ol' fade in drums. Ugh...I'm already sick of reviewing this. Long story short: The ol' fade in drums are waaaaaayyy over used; the piece is too long; that drum loop (the one starting at 1:12) has GOT to go. Yes, I know it's a techno song, but damn. . That loop is...it's so... "Crappy" is the best English word that comes to mind. And the thing that goes between 3:21-3:55? It sounds like a Tusken Raider giving birth. Lose it. Not only that, but you've got six seconds of dead air at the end. Find a wav editing program and either chop that off or in half. I say 3 or 4 seconds would be plenty. This song would be a great addition if it was cut down to about 3 minutes. Basically, everything before the Sandpeople birthing session, minus that damn loop. Good luck to you.
  21. This song makes me think of The Neverending Story. It has a Gorgio Moroder feel to it. I like it. Had you extended the piece anymore, it would have fallen apart, but the briefness of this song works to the advantage of the style he chose to do it in. I didn't really care for the addition that came in around 0:46, but I can understand why it's there. At that point, you're expecting a change to come in. I can't complain because offhand I can't think of anything better. Inanycase I'm voting yes, but having a hard time putting my justification into words. Maybe it's out of a loving nostalgia for The Neverending Story...
  22. No. The timing is too far out of alignment @ 0:33 and again at 1:10. Fix it.
  23. Damn. Seems like Daniel and I are gonna do a complete flip-flop on this one. Now I know it's not fair to use another mix as an example...so I won't. What I'm going to do is steal a line used by Daniel in review for another mix because it fits how I feel about this song. Well? Have you? My "one little crappy part" on this mix is the drum loop. It's offbeat! For me it ruins the whole song. I can't...I can't mentally follow along, you know? It's like I'm trying to read a paragraph silently but the teacher is reading aloud and he's one sentence ahead of me. So instead of following along, I'm separating the two sentences, decoding them from words into comprehension, listening to him, and trying to read my own sentence all at once. I just like things to snap into place. If I'm building a Lego house and I need an 8 pronged square, but all I've is one of those damn 6 pronged ones, you better believe I'm tearing the house down and startin' it over. I'm not suggesting that Thumper redo the song from scratch. It would be nice to have the drum loop line up with the rest of the song though. It's the only thing preventing me from a yes vote. Regardless, it looks like I'm in the minority at this point, but I'm still gonna go on record as no. I just can't bring myself to approve it. I'd love to see a repaired version posted though.
  24. Yes. You know, one of these days I'll actually have to sit down and play Mario 64. Ah well. The Good: The "softness" of the piece. I don't know if that makes sense. It's very...soothing. This is gonna go in my lullaby collection of OCR's. The stereo separation; that's almost always a plus. It's well excecuted, the samples are well chosen, and it's an overall solid piece. The Bad: The main piano could've used some delay like Daniel mentioned, but it's no big deal. Just one of those, "oh, that've been cool" type things. I like the wind sfx, but it is a bit too loud. The sample that comes in around 1:12... It's...ooookaayyy...but it needs something. It's too strong and it's to flat. Maybe some echo there? Your sample around 3:12 seems a bit sharp, but it might just be me speakuhs. The Ugly: So far the vote is tied 2/2... I disagree with Rob. I think this mix IS OC quality. It's got a couple of splotches, but not nearly enough to hold the mix back. Yeah, we're trying to raise the bar, but I'm not looking for seven-footers just to reach the damn thing...
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