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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Hmm Max 300 = 300 BPM

    300 BPM x2 (or 2x)= 600 BPM

    666BPM- 600BPM= 66 BPM!!

    You're still 66 BPM short! YOU LOSE!

    Actually, the other Maxes are faster than 300 at some parts, so I'm sure you'll be fine. You have to have an excellent reaction speed to comprehend those songs on 2x (or just have them memorized, haha.) I have enough trouble reading TLOMax on 1x. And by the way, I'm usinig a keyboard when I do this.

    LoM is 333BPM I believe, so 2x is 666 :P. I did this a long time ago, I can probably do better now because I only tried this once since we got Supernova.

    This was on 2x :P Misses are from the wonderful pads provided by Betson(piece of jumk).


  2. I remember hearing a rumor about Diablo 3. Is it for real?

    I played Diablo 2 back in the day like people play WoW today. My friends would make fun of me and call me a vampire because I only came outside at night, lol. Good times..

    If they made a Diablo 3 and kept the same old style of a Diablo game with today's graphics and not change it into an FPS or MMO, I'd be all over that.

  3. I made another video today, just for this thread. :P


    Butterfly Oni.

    I'm sporting my jank OCR shirt in this, not that you can even tell. If you look at the reflection of the screen you can sort of make out the headphones in the logo.

    Weird, I thought you'd have a lot of misses because it looked like the down arrow was sticking. I guess the light was staying on? I've never seen that before unless the arrow stuck too.

  4. Here's a video of Jack Thompson on MSNBC. Gotta love it when his claims get questions with logic instead of just agreeing with whatever he spews out.


    Jack Thompson mentions this killing being a "body count game" and since this is related to counter-strike, a member on Kotaku pointed something out.

    "If he played Counterstrike they should at least report his score as 31, not 33, that being 32 kills and -1 for suicide."

    I know it's wrong, but i lol'd.

  5. To use this product, you need to install free software

    This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 with Microsoft Media Player 10 and Macromedia Flash 6, or Mozilla Firefox 1.5 with Macromedia Flash 8, or Safari 2.0.4 with Macromedia Flash 8. To download these free software applications, click the links below and follow the on-screen instructions.

    Step 1: download firefox 1.5

    download firefox 1.5

    Step 2: Download Macromedia Flash Player

    Macromedia Flash player is free to download

    Once the installations are complete, reload this page.

    Why does it tell me to get stuff I already have? :\ lol Any other sites?

  6. So, finally broke down, bought some Wii points, cashed some of 'em in for Super Mario World.

    Please, Nintendo, fix the controls. I feel like I was stolen from, because the game is utterly unplayable with a GC controller. YAX would be a far better control scheme for that game, than YAB, since a lot of the game involves doing things like.. running AND jumping, at the same time. Which you can't do, with a 1 inch gap between the buttons.


    Just do yourself a favor, stop stealing from yourself and buy a classic controller :P

  7. My next door neighbor was talking to my Mom about this. She said her daughter in law works at the school cleaning the dorms. She was 20 minutes late to work that day, and the dorm she had to clean was the one where the first killings happened.

  8. Do those folks due custom Pump or DDR dance floors at all? Or do you not know. I would also kill for some Bleach-ified IIDX controllors.

    Not that I know of.

    I haven't played DrumMania, but I've played Guitar Freaks :P My friend has his own DM setup in his room though. It was pretty cool.

  9. Oh, you kiddies. I remember my first S. That's right, even before there was AA, there was S. Good times. Full comboing doesn't necessarily guarantee you anything. It's just greats and above. It'll get you at least a B. Back in my day, we used to try to get Full Goods... which is a lot harder than it sounds because the time interval to get a good is actually shorter than getting a perfect. It doesn't yield a good grade of course, but you just have to appreciate it. I'm kind of leaning towards becoming more freestyle than technical though. Then again, I do need to get into shape, so playing harder songs wouldn't hurt either.

    Oh yeah, Atmuh, you look funny when you play DDR. It's almost as if you're going to fall off of the pads at any moment. But you're definitely hitting the arrows right.

    Heh, S grade... good times. The first arcade mix I played on was 4th mix(first started at home on a 2nd mix). 4th had no speed mods, so it makes you wonder how the game would be today if they never introduced speed mods.

    If I were you, I'd lean toward technical. Freestyling was cool 3-4 years ago.

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