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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. You guys need to look at the RE:UE video. The game looks amazing. It looks pretty fun too.

    Treasure Island Z looks good too. Finally a point and click adventure game. I read an article where they describe the game as "the bizarre love child of Monkey Island and Wario Ware"

    I've heard the opposite actually.

  2. Lair looked pretty cool, but then everything in the gameplay movie I saw was very repetitive.

    Fly around, shoot fireballs from a dragon's mouth that sounds like a cannon(even seems like it's autoaim, not sure), land on the ground and kill a bunch of NPC soldiers that look like they probably don't even harm you, and fly back up in the air. Rinse, repeat.

    There's a ton of action happening at once though. That was cool. FPS gets pretty bad at times though when you're on the ground and the dragon is breathing fire everywhere.

  3. Over the past week or two, I've noticed Firefox is randomly crashing a bunch. It mostly happens on forums when I'm entering a message. I've noticed it happening when I click the text box, and then I hit enter to go down a few spaces. Then the error message pops up and it crashes. I guess at least it saves your session so you can immediately go back though.

    Is this happening to anyone else?

  4. I was just watching some of the new Pokemon D/P videos over at http://www.gametrailers.com , and you really see some of the dumbest comments.

    "This could be on the GBA easily".

    "For god sake, why are they still using midi files?"

    "graphics suck!!!!! omg, they could have done way better w/ the DS"

    "graphics are #$@! (yes i expected more)"

    "this game looks like it did on the gba"

    "It looks almost exactly same as the GBA battling wise."

    I guess there always has to be some form of hater.

  5. Just watched a gameplay video of Enchanted Arms. Looks pretty boring, or just your typical RPG with next gen graphics. The battle system looks interesting though. It uses a grid system where you can move your party around(I guess moving yourself in front of someone protects them from melee attacks?).

    I never did care for the sound of your feet stepping as you're running in any RPG since you do so much running around. The sound just gets to you sometimes :P

    They could really do away with each character saying something before they attack. Especially when a guy playing his saxophone plays and speaks at the same time. Or when this guy with a spear is going to attack, he yells "I see you!" as if the monster was hiding or something.

    edit: I forgot this was on the 360 too, *shrug*.

  6. But if you think about, in a couple years, to match the graphics of the PS3 or 360 will probably be cheaper to achieve. I mean, I bought myself an X800 XL video card maybe a year and a half ago for $150. I just recently purchased a Radeon X1950 Pro for the same price, and it very much more powerful than my previous card.

    Then again, this is the gaming console industry where stuff sometimes tends to be somewhat inflated. Like Microsoft seems to think their 120gig Hard Drive costs $180 and claims that "a 120 gig self-powered external PC drive and in that case we are seeing those retail at anywhere from $160 to $200 for comparable laptop sized external hard drives."


  7. I have this theory, and it's kind of funny because at work when I was thinking about it my friend mentioned it as well.

    I think Nintendo is going to come out with their "powerful system" a few years down the road. Their making such good sales/profit already with the Wii, so they could easily afford to make a system to compete with the 360/PS3 graphically wise. Since it's a few years ahead of the PS3 and 360, it'll probably be better(graphics wise).

    *shrug* I know this won't happen, but it would be kind of cool. I mean, as soon as the Gamecube was released they were working on the Wii, so who knows?

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