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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. If you want that last battle with the 3 Iron Knuckles to be easier then do this:

    Don't just leap into the middle of the area from the ledge. Drop down to the left or right. The other 2 will stay where they are in the middle if you hug the wall right below the ledge.

    Well that's like, cheating or something.

    And I only used Bomb Arrows on a few redeads :P

    It's not cheating :P lol The one below you is already moving, so it's only common courtesy to visit him first.

  2. So, how 'bout those ordeals?
    Three Iron Knuckles at once, eh? That was fun.

    Personally, I ended up using 2 fairies and a bottle of Great Fairy's Tears. However, I used the GFT in the middle of the very last stage, then only lost another heart or so after using it.

    I had 15 hearts, and a bunch of equipment not worth mentioning, 'cause I used less than the minimum amount you can carry [ie: less than 30 arrows, etc], and...well, I burned through a lot of rupees for the Magic Armor in that last battle. I can only carry 600 though.

    If you want that last battle with the 3 Iron Knuckles to be easier then do this:

    Don't just leap into the middle of the area from the ledge. Drop down to the left or right. The other 2 will stay where they are in the middle if you hug the wall right below the ledge.

  3. Well, here's a short one where me and my brothers all got fooled haha.

    We were opening presents, and my oldest brother opens up one from our Grandmother.

    brother: "Zelda! Aw man, but it's for the SNES".

    mom: "I told her regular Nintendo, not Super. I guess I'll have to return it."

    After we open everything else, our mom had one last gift that she wanted all 3 of us to open at the same time. Me being older now, I would have known what it was, but I forget how old I was at the time and I had no clue what was in this box. It was an SNES and we were so happy and excited. Maybe not as happy as the N64 kid, but we had the biggest smiles on our faces.

    Ahh, good times..

  4. All the days are now open, and I just beat it. Some of the levels are actually pretty tough.

    Beating the game gets you the soundtrack and some cool wallpapers. Just wish they had widescreen ones. I like the soundtrack, it kind of has a Sonic The Hedgehog sound to it.

  5. Along with a bunch of Daytona Beach Police cars at the station and an apartment complex across the street from it and a bunch of homes.

    50 of the 65 planes or so were pretty much lost. I wonder if we're even going to have school this semester.

    Here are some photos a student took.


    Here's an article about the whole area.


    Merry Christmas :\ heh

  6. If anyone is interested, next Sunday, Best Buys should have more PS3s for the next Sunday's ad. Our store has 42.

    One PS3 actually got returned yesterday(never opened), and an employee went to walk back to put it on the shelf. She didn't even make it back before someone told her they wanted it.


    >_> <_< *throws a tomato in the general direction of a random person*

    Super Castlevania IV's fun also. Go Nintendo for the awesome Christmas presents.

    It'd be more awesome if we were allowed 1 free download.

  8. Bottom works better for me.

    And nobody knows the answer to my question for Wii Sports? :(

    Not that I know of. It seems that you just get a different ball with bowling and that's it. :(

    I'm bored with the Wii atm, but I do only have 2 games(not counting Wii sports).

  9. My friends gave me Gears of War.....I don't have a 360 yet...my plan was to get one when the new cpu is included next year. Thinking of taking advantage of that toys r us deal....but I have a bunch of xbox1 games I got off of goozex.com to play first. I know if I get the 360 I'll just forget about them...hmmmm what should I do?

    I'd really love to know when next year, and how we'll be able to tell it's the newest model Xbox 360.

  10. So. PS3 can't move off the shelves, and now Nintendo is trying to be Sony.


    At this point, I'm growing heavily reactionary. If they keep this up much longer, I may well just sell my Wii off and go for a 360 and not look back at Nintendo. They seriously should learn from Sony.

    Hell.. first they scream from the rafters that there's no market for importers, and now when one of their popular games is getting imported, they go all batshit on them and try to say they're losing money on it.

    Isn't this just Nintendo Europe?

  11. RUMOR ALERT= (Will find link when I get out of shower) MGS4 may be ported to 360 because of the PS3's flopped launch.

    Yeah, this has been in EGM and a lot of other places. On such an expensive game, it will be really hard to make back the money on the one system with the smallest amount of consoles out there. LOTS of westerners have and will have 360s...they can't afford to ignore the roundeyes!

    It will be HUGE if it comes true. PS3 won't have much big stuff that is exclusive. FFXIII, Devil May Cry 4..can't think of much else. DMC4 has a good chance of coming to the 360 also I think - RE5 is coming to both isn't it? Capcom likes to port anyways.

    I'm sure I'll miss whatever the ICO/Shadow of the Colossus guys are doing for PS3, but really it doesn't look like I'll be missing a lot when I refuse to spend $600 on a PS3.

    Don't forget Virtua Fighter 5 as well. :P

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