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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Yay, I found the 573 in PoR.

    Alura Une has 573 hp.

    Malphas gives 573 exp.

    Edit: Damn, I just had a pretty good streak of luck. Only took me 3 kills of a Minotaur to drop both of his items, and they're both pretty sweet especially the ring.

  2. I can't remember where it was posted(thought it was here but I can't find it), but apparently Toys R Us is supposed to have a bunch of Wiis Friday morning. Who thinks I should line up like a crazy person?

    Do it, but don't go crazy until you get inside.

  3. Someone should just rip the weather music from the Forecast Channel. Everyone seems to love it, haha.

    I knew about Toe Jam & Earl, but SF II and Castlevania IV? Oh hell yes!! well, maybe not SF II, I'd rather wait for a better version....like Tubro or Super SFII.

    Thing is, Joystiq is not always very reliable. I really hope it's true.

    Edit: thanks penfold. I'll do that when I get home.

    They usually have sources. In this case they do:


  4. 5 VC titles for Christmas, but no freebies as rumored.

    via Joystiq

    * Super Mario Bros. (NES, 500 points): Nintendo's flagship title is sure to sell like hotcakes despite already racking up 40 million in sales since its 1985 release. How many times can we repurchase the game?

    * Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (SNES, 800 points): Compared to the Xbox Live version, it's your choice whether you want online play or would rather pocket $2.00 in exchange rate difference (800 Nintendo points vs. 800 MS points).

    * Super Castlevania IV (SNES, 800 points): One of the best in the series. Easily the best Castlevania title on the SNES, though it only had one other iteration (Castlevania Dracula X) to compete against.

    * Toe Jam & Earl (Genesis, 800 points): Strong two-player action title, worth the price based on style alone.

    * R-Type (TurboGrafx16, 600 points): One of the classic space shooters.

  5. $2,500 US dollars

    Uhm... what?

    So on ebay this would go for about 6k?

    If they were in as of a high demand as the PS3 was upon it's release, then it would be a lot higher.

    Weren't there a few PS3s that reached as high as 10,000? If so, then if the price of $2,500 were inflated in the same way, it'd be around $42,000 ;P

  6. So I was wondering how I was going to show up to do the "Overcome the curse" quest when I found the Skull Ring. Raises your stats by a lot, except luck, and curses you lol.

    I did it differently - I went to the long room with all those platforms going up on the right and down on the left, near the painting to the Nation of Fools map, and then I went to the very top room and got cursed there.

    Yeah, I'm sure there is a much, much easier way to get cursed as you stated because this ring is pretty rare. I just totally forgot what monster/whatever curses you, and I just happened to stumble upon this ring being dropped.

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