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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. So, I am up to the 8th dungeon. Update so far:
    Man, I hated that City of the Sky dungeon or whatever it's called. The item was alright, but my favorite part was the boss battle - that dragon is my favorite boss so far in the game.

    Wanna hear something silly? I liked that part. It seems no one else did and it's kinda funny since I liked the game a lot less than most people that I really liked the part that no one else did. It really wasn't that annoying at all. The game got you used to simple, fairly linear dungeons and then that comes and you're like WOAH.

    Well, I hated it because I kept falling down into the center room. Only after my third fall did I realize there was that sphere there that I had to hook onto by going down from the top room (I already knew that I had to activate that fan to get to the section with the boss chamber). I spent about an hour of my time cursing at that part.

    I did the exact same thing. I liked the music and the boss though.

  2. So the Gold Wolf
    Is there a blood relation with him and Link with that last sentance about "my child" Im just curious about what he said.

    No, there's no blood relation. It's just a case of someone old addressing someone young.
    Its a good theory. But you are reading too much into calling him son. An older father/teacher like figure could easily call me son and not be related to me at all.

    I think it is link from OoT and MM.

    Because he refers to him as a hero in his former life and his regret to to pass on his skills like in his quote.

    Now he is a triforce of courage holder because he also takes the form of the wolf or what minda calls the sacred best when in the twilight realm and that world you learn the sword skills in (the after life maybe? or perhaps the sacred realm?)

    Now what would let me figure out he is the link from the 64 games is the music he teaches you. After every tune he says let the teachings of old pass onto you. The songs he teaches you. Zelda's Lulaby, Song of Time, and Oath of Order just to name a few.

    This being the first time he would have passed on his knoweldge he lets you know that with the quote above. SO that allows me to conclude its Link the first Hero of Time

    I think that's a pretty smart theory, right or not. I like the music part, myself.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my theory I was going to when I was playing the game.

  3. PS3 production is going to be low for a while since they have to deal with the European launch too, and getting enough PS3s produced for Japan and the US. What I find odd though is that quite a bunch of PS3 auctions lately have been ending at <$750 for the 60 GB PS3. It's actually more profitable to sell a Wii on ebay than a PS3. Maybe that means that we'll see a price drop even quicker than Sony may want.

    Well, it even looks like the European launch might be pushed from March to September.


    Oh wow... why do the console companies hate Europe so much?

    Seriously, I mean it's like "OK, OK..3 months to go..not TOO bad I guess...WTH, now I gotta wait NINE months?!"

  4. PS3 production is going to be low for a while since they have to deal with the European launch too, and getting enough PS3s produced for Japan and the US. What I find odd though is that quite a bunch of PS3 auctions lately have been ending at <$750 for the 60 GB PS3. It's actually more profitable to sell a Wii on ebay than a PS3. Maybe that means that we'll see a price drop even quicker than Sony may want.

    Well, it even looks like the European launch might be pushed from March to September.


  5. Eh, if you own a PS3, you probably own a PS2 anyway.

    Still, I remember seeing the PS3 display and it bragging about it's backwards compatibility. If this is truly what it does, then that is nothing to brag about.

  6. Wow, I'm REALLY glad I checked the topic listing before posting. I had just finished writing up a post about this mere seconds ago, and was about to hit submit. Here's what mine said:


    It looks great, it's pretty fun, and it's even got some nice music, too. When you beat a level, you unlock a bunch of downloadable stuff, like wallpapers, for certain Nintendo games (First level is Yoshi's Island DS, for example.) There're 24 levels total, with one unlocked every day from December 1 through 24.

    Honestly, this is probably the best advergame I've ever seen.

    hehe :P

    This is actually a really fun game. The stuff you get is pretty cool.

    I have one question though. How do you send yourself ringtones on your phone? I don't have a cable or whatever for my Motorola.

  7. http://www.mission-in-snowdriftland.com/ - Online until January 14th.

    This a pretty fun Mario-like flash game brought to you by Nintendo and Extra Toxic. The world map works as a calender that opens up a new level every day all the way up to Christmas Eve. I like the music as well.

    Anyway, have fun. :) Collect all the snowflakes in each level.

    Edit: And it looks like with each level you can unlock videos, screenshots, wallpapers, icons, and even mp3 ringtones to different games.

  8. So maybe in March when Phantom Hourglass comes out Nintendo will surprise us again with a preorder bundle since hey, it'll be Zelda's 20th birthday as well.

    More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time.

    That's how it is for many other games as well.

  9. Animal Crossing

    What does it mean when there's a giant rainbow?


    Ever been to San Francisco?


    As for liking Castlevania, well, if you like Metroids, the latest CVs have been like Metroid only somewhat better.

    Sure haven't.

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