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Xerol Oplan

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Everything posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. I may or may not be working. I probably won't know until the Monday before.
  2. I'm going to be working on some new features soon, and could use some help improving the design. If anyone's interested, PM me.
  3. Wait, what? We didn't get any earth magic either, unless Gravity counts, and I don't think it does.
  4. What really pisses me off is that there's no multi-hit water spell available to humans. And thinking about it, Blue Magic wouldn't've been too hard to implement: 1) Add a technick called "Capture" or something like that, that allows you to perform a Poach-like action on critically injured foes. Capturing a foe would give you a chance of acquiring a licence for a specific Blue Magic. 2) Add a section of the board for the appropriate skills. AND REALLY, SQUARE, WOULD IT HAVE KILLED YOU TO PUT WATERGA ON THE LICENCE BOARD?
  5. Minor issue, but would it be possible to see more avatars per page on the selection, or at least sort them alphabetically (Ramza was the very last avatar, I had to go through all 9 pages to find it).
  6. http://h.xerol.org/ Sign up for an account, then PM me on OCR and I'll activate it with 25 megs. The only limitation besides that is that there's a 4 MB limit for a single file. EDIT: This offer's open for anyone on the forums that wants it. You can use the hosting for images and other files as well.
  7. No spin-up at all. I don't think it's even getting to the point that windows knows I did something. And I have autorun disabled.
  8. I've been getting the House DVDs from netflix, but my DVD player went up so I'm trying to play them in my computer, but when I put the disc in, windows acts like there's no disc in the drive at all. I can play other DVDs just fine, as well as read data CDs and DVDs, but the House DVDs won't even show up as being IN there at all. Any idea on where to even begin looking for a solution to this? EDIT: This seems to be a problem with The West Wing DVDs as well. Also, the drive is accessing, so I know at least the hardware is trying to do something.
  9. Lost 3-0 in a very laggy game to vega12. Also, Arek hasn't answered his PM or been on AIM/IRC, so I dunno how to get a game with him.
  10. I caught the showing at MAGFest but the extra bits on off-weeks are nice.
  11. You're running linux? Apparently, it's not a problem just with zsnes, but with anything opengl accelerated.
  12. I may have to drop out here. Apparently in linux ZSNES doesn't play well with dual monitor support, which means I'd have to reboot every time I wanted to play. I'm going to try to get a crappy windows machine up tomorrow.
  13. http://forums.thasauce.net/viewtopic.php?t=408 This will be an ongoing thing, for anyone who wants to keep playing past the end of this tournament.
  14. I beat Atmuh 3-0, he said we didn't have to play 5 since I already won three, although it looks like you want us to play 5. Which is it? And do we PM results to someone, or just post here?
  15. I'd like to find a way to record matches, at least. I've got the webspace, I can host the captures, and it'd be interesting to be able to see replays.
  16. I'm looking for the music I made, but don't have anymore. That's already up on the page I linked. I'm looking for stuff that's older, from 2002-2005 mostly.
  17. I lost everything in a hard drive crash last weekend, and I'm trying to rebuild. I've sent a ton of stuff to people over IRC, AIM, and on the forums, but most of my stuff was on old hosts that don't exist anymore, so I'm missing just about everything older than 4 months. If anyone has anything of mine that isn't on this page (scroll down to the files listing) I'd really like to get it back. Thanks in advance, I'll be really lucky if I can get ANYTHING back at this point. A couple things I really would like to find: midis of my FFX and Terranigma remixes. The FFX one was in 4 different parts, and the terranigma one was probably just called "underworld.mid" or something like that.
  18. Zircon said he's fine with it on IRC, and it describes what it is perfectly.
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