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Xerol Oplan

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Everything posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. Try: 1) Going back to the old video card. If the new card is somehow the problem then you'll find out. 2) Booting to safe mode and a) Running virus/spyware scans If the problem still persists, use safe mode to backup all your files and then format.
  2. If Fusion ever sends me the database dump I've got the code and hosting available to get a more functional site up. Still won't have forums and such, but at least we'll be able to add news.
  3. Still ages away from making room arrangements (and hundreds of dollars short) but I can give probably one person a ride from Baltimore or BWI (if it's cheaper to fly in there; usually it is).
  4. I've been trying to find an LCD that supports centering rather than stretching less-than-full-resolution images. My laptop is like that, it's an option in the BIOS, where it puts a black border around the screen when running things fullscreen.
  5. The state fair is running until Sept. 3rd in Timonium, and it's right at the light rail stop, so just about everyone around can get to it, is anyone interested in working out an afternoon/evening to get together?
  6. So you did get the system working? I completely forgot about that until just now.
  7. Last.fm has the entire FFXII Piano OST for free download. http://www.last.fm/music/Various+Artists/Final+Fantasy+XII+-+Piano+OST
  8. Who the hell steals wheels, and how does anyone not notice? Anyway, I won't be making it at all to anything, I'm too tied up in family matters right now.
  9. Unfortunately something came up and I can't make it for either meetup.
  10. I wouldn't mind walking over to Sabatino's, it's all the way down at the other end of the Harbor though (a few blocks beyond the power plant), and I'm not sure if they're even open lunchtime. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=sabatino%27s+baltimore&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=64.160835,94.570313&ie=UTF8&ei=OymdRpXrIoWArQK61MWqDA&sig2=9mNr8TIFANIZfw_-HsPLoA&cd=1&cid=39286294,-76601809,9455020473244308944&li=lmd&z=14&t=m The walk is about 4/5 mile from the convention center, and half a mile from the fountain.
  11. I still have a place open, but you'd be on your own getting to/from the con on every day but Friday. I can shuttle you to the train station, that's about it, apart from the meetup my weekend is pretty packed with packing.
  12. Sweet, I can make it Friday. Will bring camera/laptop/etc. for hijinks. EDIT: BTW Noob pix:
  13. That's why I offered a ride, the trains stop around midnight if there isn't a ball game going on, and I'm pretty sure the O's are out of town that weekend.
  14. On the train itself, about 20-25 minutes. It drops you off just outside the convention center so you have about a 20 foot walk to get inside. Plus, I can always give a ride if needed.
  15. If you don't mind commuting into the city every day (on the light rail) I can still put someone up.
  16. I think the problem here is character builds - you can't max out both Theory and Software skills unless you happen to roll an extraordinary amount of skill points. So the solution is balance - put equal points into each, and take a feat that would help your overall build (such as Shredding). Also, don't neglect the skills when levelling either, make sure you put at least one point into each at every level, otherwise it'll fall behind your other abilities and be forgotten about. I'd really have to see a character sheet to help any more, though.
  17. I'm still waiting to hear if there's going to be some kind of lunch meetup outside the con that I could go to. If something forms and there's a good amount of time (like an hour or so) of warning beforehand, could someone please text 410-905-0165? I'm out of minutes but have plenty of messages left. I can probably make something on Friday, but Saturday isn't going to be an option for me.
  18. That may be true, but: 1) It's not just a service for OCR, this is meant to be used across the entire community. 2) It was also meant to be a public listing of musical services available; as far as I know, OCR profiles aren't public. 3) It's not hurting anything by keeping it up; the whole thing uses a tiny fraction of my total space and bandwidth.
  19. Turns out it's an unpatched/SP2 thing, without SP2 XP won't read dynamic disks.
  20. I've had a hard drive since my Win2k days that has a ton of downloaded data on it, most of it's not replaceable. I had to do the "convert to dynamic disk" thing the first time I used it in my new XP machine. I just reinstalled windows (the hard drive in question is just a data drive and didn't have any OS installed on it in either computer) and now the drive is coming up as "Unreadable" in disk manager. The only option I have is "Convert to basic disk" which will lose all the data. I didn't do anything to the drive during formatting or installing, is there any way to get the volumes to show up again?
  21. This isn't a bandwidth issue, I know that for sure. Firefox will use 100% CPU for about 6-7 seconds whenever opening a tab or loading a page that's anything but plain text.
  22. I've been having the same problem for the last week.
  23. Did you try flushing your DNS cache or doing a tracert? Pinging never works for some reason, I think the host we're on doesn't respond to pings or something.
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