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Everything posted by Crazyonr1

  1. Damn, those cakes must've been really expensive... but awesome, nonetheless
  2. Wow... I really should read the site more carefully next time, thanks though
  3. Quick question about SM. Once you find the BPM, how do you implement that into a song?
  4. Hey Zircon, I may try to get some of my friends to preorder it, problem is, I may not be able to get ahold of them for a few days. How long can you preorder the CD?
  5. If not this one http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01459/ Then maybe this might work? http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01132/ and if all else fails, write your own lyrics and put em to music
  6. Heh, I might get this if I had a readily available MIDI keyboard around. Sounds like quite a rewarding way to learn something
  7. Just scroll down a bit, on the right side of the page, there should be a button "add to Cart" thats their CD, I'm guessing Black on black is a terrible design choice though
  8. Preordered, even though this album is fuming with judge bias
  9. Hey Zircon, since the album is comming out on the 10th, can we expect it to get our place of residence on the 10th? The reason I'm asking is, I'm leaving for someplace on the 11th, so should I plan on sending it to the place I'm going, in order to get it faster? I hope that makes sense
  10. Hey, as long as we're adding games to the genre, has anyone tried Keyboard Mania? I tried it once, but I was terrible, and it was in front of my girlfriend, no less
  11. Heh, my favorites would have to be: B4U Dream a Dream (the only song I can pass on Heavy)(DDRMax2) Burning heat (DDRMax2) Xenon Hmmm, I can't think of any more Oh, btw, save for B4U the rest are on the console version of Max 2 >_> I only play at the arcade when friends are around
  12. This game IS awesome, and I'm suggesting it to all my friends, I've already been up all night playing it muhahahaha Edit: Just to clarify, I'm talking about the Desktop Defense, not Nanaca crash game, though thats pretty fun too
  13. HA! I just thought of another one that I've really wanted to do, a solo piano arrangement of Katamari March Damacy... would sound SO awesome....
  14. Heh, if I had the equipment I'd like to try Xenon from DDR Max 2 and Vampire killer. I've always throught they'd work well together, despite being from drastically different games. Too bad NoppZ beat me to it, it wouldn't be QUITE as novel, but still would be pretty friggin weird
  15. Good job man, I've been dating my gf for about a year, but I knew her online for about 3, its great to hear long-distance/internet relationships work. It makes the rest of us feel better, and I know quite a few. Well, I don't have TOO many plans for marriage or the like, but I've still got 3 years o' collge left.
  16. I've seen one person wearing an OCR shirt, and it was at Animefest last year, my girlfriend pointed the guy out... You didn't happen to goto animefest last year, did you?
  17. Heh, EVE is awesome, but its also far from free, unless you get the two week trial
  18. A great crossover AMV
  19. You need to make the next State of the Remix as a video and put it on youtube djp.
  20. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01365/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01429/ and all the others that have been mentioned, good stuff
  21. Ha ha, great thread, I'd have to give Yo! Noid another vote, and since no one's mentioned it, MISCHEF MAKERS!!!!! awesome awesome game
  22. Heh, I was never much into D&D, but one summer durring a computer animation class, me and a few buds would play it durring lunch... after the teachers banned us from playing slapjack cause we were too loud Good times though, good times
  23. Hmm, According to Fivre, I live about an inch from the outside of the crook in "?" and according to TO, I live in the ocean
  24. Heh, someone posted this kind of thread like a year or so back and this is all I have to say http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01132/
  25. Bump, because more people need to know about this
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