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Everything posted by Synth

  1. I'm looking for a wah-wah effect vst. Or can a wah-wah be made using a flagner/phaser or something along these lines.
  2. Just copy all of your projects/samples/vsts and reinstall.
  3. I'm trying to link the cutoff of ts404 with my pitchblend on my keyboard. The problem is the pitchblend is auto linked to the pitch in FL. How do I remove it from the pitch? The pitch is the only thing that will work for a controller on my keyboard.
  4. This is probality one of the best orchestral mixes on the site. Its sounds like a battle song maybe. Anyways the choir ahhhs sound really good. But my favorite part is the miltary style percussion. Great work grey I will be looking out for your stuff in the future.
  5. I heard this on VGMIX and on the WIP fourms. I like it alot. But it does go to far at some points.
  6. Ive been trying to rewire Reason into fl4 and iam having some troubles. I can get the sound out of reason into FL. But say I enter some notes into the paino roll and when I play the song I hear nothing. Also some of the lower notes dont work eather. Any ideas?
  7. PSR 290? The yamaha keyboard? No it isent even close these are called VSTs Anyways as always your work is very good rellik. I really like the way you scliced up the come on sounds. And I love the bass synth. 1:06 was my favorite part, I would of never thought of that to be a transition. This is a great example of what FL can do.ANyways great job.
  8. Can you get any other sounds working by starting a new project from scratch? If so, have you linked the midi track in the sequencer to a soundsource (nnxt, malstrom, subtractor, etc.)? That's all I can think of with this little information to go by. Yes I can get all the other sounds to work. How you link the track to the diffrent racks?
  9. Ive had Reason 2.5 for a month now but, I cant get midi files to play in reason. I have all the settings right(i think) and my midi keyboard works fine. Any ideas?
  10. Sounds like a reverse cymbal.
  11. Can you layer racks? For example could I control redrum and subtractor at the same time with a midi controller?
  12. Ok forget about my last post I kinda of fixed it. Now my probelm is when I load a soundfont for example, when I press the keys on my midi keyboard it dosent play except 1 key. C4. It does this with every soundfont, wave, synth you name it. How do I fix this? And how do I record what ever notes I play on my keyboard to Fruity Loops?
  13. How do I use my Yamaha DGX-202 keyboard as a midi controller with fruity loops. I have the midi in/out cable connected. But I cant make it work. I need help quick.
  14. I love this so much. The "cant stop" samples fit so well into the song. Good work
  15. I have a few basic questions. 1. How do i make a channle repeat itslef. Its not in step, its piano roll. Its for a drum beat. I saw it in some of the song FL came with. 2. I am getting a mid in/out cord for my keyboard. Its a Yamaha-DGX-202. Can my keyboard control the sounds from fruity loops? Like a vst, or a soundfont. Instead of using the sound my board came with.
  16. You could do one channel at a time then exeport it to a wav file. Then put them all togather.
  17. I would like a flute sf2/sample that sounds like the 1 in this song http://www.narutofan.com/downloads/download2.php?mirror=1&file=music07 Copy and Paste. Sry but u might have to sing up for the site. Just make up some crap it works
  18. Is their anyway i can use Reason soundbanks in fruity loops. They come in a .rps file i think.
  19. Anybody know of some orchestral/milatary(cant spell) soundfonts? Highquality too. I relly want some Milararty style sounds.
  20. thanks but I can't figure out how to change those back into my original channels and original song on the playlist. in other words...how do I change this little midi file back into the project I had going Edit>copy>and paste into new channel. I dont use the playlist so i dont know about that.
  21. Yes, go to tools>marco>prepare for midi exeport then save it as a midi and open it.
  22. http://www.ocremix.org/detailmix.php?mixid=OCR00088 I want to make modulation(dont know if i spelled it right). For a example the lead in this zeal mix has some. I know i need a effect but does fruity loops have one that will work? If it does would i turn it on the notes i want it on then turn it off on the ones i dont? I have no idea how it works.
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