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Posts posted by phill

  1. Ignoring the cat fight that's about to break out, I have looked at ATI cards, but as prophet said, the drivers suck something fierce, and it is literally the only reason I didn't pick something from the ATI product line. I dealt with the drivers in an office environment where requirements for what the drivers had to do were limited, and they still screwed that up half the time. I have heard that things are improving, perhaps because AMD is starting to dictate more of software process, but I think I will still give it sometime.

    The 860s I can find are $300-$320 cdn which is annoying since our money is worth the same (more or less) as yours. I would consider driving south of the boarder (or order online) but I'm lazy, gas would negate the savings and I hate dealing with online ordering, shipping, and the occasional DOA. The i5 has a pretty good deal on it at the moment and I might be able to sweet talk my way into a better one, local shop can be pretty good that way.

    Thanks for the input.

  2. I have always thought about hunting down an old case with the turbo button just to make the girls swoon, but those old cases are damn ugly. I think neblix' was commenting on the mobo being a mATX board, which shouldn't be a problem either way since mATX and ATX share mounting points.

    I did look at the i7-860, but it was a $100 more which couldn't be justified considering what this computer is going to be used for. The g.skill is the same price so I may take a look at that and I may bump the video card if there is a sale between now and when the computer is needed. Picked up a new PSU already, was hoping that the brown out followed by a surge only fried the PSU, but nooo, so got a 650w Cosair...I believe, I have a short memory some times and I can't remember for sure.

  3. Case I'm not worried about, the mounting points should be there and even if they are not, I can put them in. Sheet metal is easy enough to work with, well it is for me, don't know about the rest of you. The PSU is a good one, enough to power all this, but I can't for the life of me remember who makes it....it's just not the one with the modular cables that I wanted. And prophet usually makes it into threads like this eventually, see what he has to say when he does.

  4. Old is relative when it comes to computer, the case is a decade old, maybe a little more, the rest(hd, mobo, mem, video, etc) is only four years old. The computer is only being replaced because the motherboard is toast, power issues took the psu and board out (and maybe cpu and memory) and it's not worth it to hunt down replacement parts. Case is fine, as is the optical drive, and the hard drive will last until SSD come down in price. The memory is 2x2gb which is more then enough for Win7 and the couple of applications/games that will be run on this computer.

    Not really worried about meeting system requirements for anything, I'm more interested in if these are solid pieces of hardware. I have read good things about all of them, but I like to double check before spending $500 when my current income isn't so high.

  5. So, it has been a while since I last looked at buying computer parts, I think the 8800gt had just been released, and I'm looking for comments on the list I put together based on a few review sites, customer reviews on newegg, and the deals a local store has currently.

    Intel Core™ i5 Processor 750

    Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2

    Mushkin XP3-10666 Blackline

    eVGA e-GeForce GTS 250 512MB

    Not looking for a power house of a machine, this is overkill considering what the old computer did but since the current sales lets me get this for $500 it should cover what is needed with a little room to expand.

  6. Since the computer has frozen a few times only a couple of lines through POST, could Windows actually have anything to do with it anyway?

    You wouldn't happen to remember how far it go through POST would you? POST operations are very basic and if it is screwing up without BIOS errors, you may be able to limit where you are looking. For example, if it freezes during or just before the information about the hard drives is loaded, you may be looking at a bad HD.

    Freezing on POST with a lack of BIOS errors may also indicate a bad motherboard as prophet has already stated.

  7. Wonder why the JDK installer didn't do this for you, I've installed and reinstalled it dozens of times since...a while go...great now I feel old...anyways, and it should have done it for you. All you need to do is go to enviromental variables like Mr. L says, select the path from the BOTTOM list, click edit and add ';D:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin' with that very nice semicolan at the front. Replace the path to the bin directory with whatever it is on your machine. If that doesn't work, you sure you have an actual javac.exe?

  8. this is a relatively major issue, particularly with ISPs throttling bandwidth. downloading files from PSN would interfere with most ISPs efforts to prevent illegal downloading on their networks.

    the bigger issue is that the PS2 is still being sold in stores. we won't see PS3 compatibility until sony has stopped sucking that teat for at least two years.

    Your first point is bullshit, by that logic, ALL downloads will interfere with ISP throttling. PSN and XBox live downloads aren't special, they are pretty much a single stream of serial data from a single source like http and ftp downloads, unlike a torrents which is multiple streams from multiple source. It doesn't take much for a routing algorithm to recognized the pattern in a download and start forwarding all related information down the same line with barely any evaluation or actual routing.

    Your second point though is likely the only reason we won't see PS2 games anytime soon. People are still buying both PS2 consoles and games, and I doubt Sony wants to touch that cash cow.

  9. Even now, bluray doesn't appeal to me, and I don't NEED a media PC. I need a gaming machine, and the PS3 failed miserably at that for the first two and a half years.

    AH, so you were generalizing your own disappointment such that EVERY PS3 owner is disappointed and not to the subset of gamers who wanted a strictly gaming machine for brand new games. I say brand new games because the PS2 has a solid game library and for early adopters, you had backwards compatibility. I also assume you were an early adopter and have a right to bitch.

  10. Keep in mind, this post was made in 2007 -- 2007! And five of the games STILL aren't out yet! For someone who may have spent $600 on a PS3 in 2007 on the promise of these games, this is absolutely unacceptable.

    As a general retrospective from someone who just recently became a PS3 owner, I have to say, I would have felt absolutely ripped off and irate at Sony if I were an early adopted. I'd have felt raped, to be honest.

    I'm not entirely sure how I should feel ripped off, I essentially got a media center PC with a blu-ray player that will always meet the standard, pretty much the best up-scaling DVD player on the market and a single device that plays all my PS2 and PS3 games. Granted, I only paid $400 due to a sweet deal I stumbled into, but considering how much I use it to play movies on physical discs and videos stored on my PC, it has been well worth the money. Even if I only used the thing to play PS2/3 games I would be more then happy with my purchase.

  11. WHAT?!?!?

    So you are free to just download music at your leisure?

    There was a post on Reddit a while ago about a Canadian who got one of them fancy fancy warnings from the music industry. When the guy phoned his ISP, Rogers I think, they told him downloading wasn't going to get him in trouble (which is basically what the current copyright law more or less says) but uploading isn't so easily ignored.

    So yeah, currently most Canadians download at their leisure.

  12. Actually it is, it was a birthday gift from my Dad. Timberwolf is right too though, it's a huge hassle to take all the data off and then put it back on again later.

    Isn't it just copy and paste? or do you not have a copy of your music on your comp? Do ipods really suck that much?

  13. So my question is this? Does anyone know a reliable service, online or otherwise, that can do this for cheaper than what Apple wants to charge? Short of that, is anyone out there experienced in this kind of stuff, and will to do it for cheaper? Short again of that, has anyone here had this problem themselves and found an easy solution that doesn't break the bank?

    I'm not entirely sure you will be able to find a service that is significantly cheaper then Apple and also reliable and it might be a better use of your money to replace the ipod with something new and use the old one as an external drive.

  14. Yeah that doesn't actually happen in the military.
    While sometimes this may happen, it still makes the people who do this war criminals. Everytime it was reported, those involved were prosecuted under the UCMJ. This game is telling the general public that the US will not only condone terrorism, but actually participate in it.


    Also you point out that it is inevitable for collateral damage. Commanders have to take that into consideration.I do not know what the magic "acceptable" number is, so I can't go on further.

    See the contradiction? but that really isn't important. Like you said, it happens, ideally it shouldn't, but collateral damage and specifically civilian loss of life, is expected and planned for. Whether or not it is properly dealt with is another matter all together but that risks turning this thread into something that should be in the politics forum.

    The No Russian level in MW2 is intended, I assume, to make you wonder if the ends justify the means. Problem is the MW2 story line seems to be a little convoluted and has a problem of revealing major plot points in the middle of a gun fight. Now I can't say how far a CIA agent in that situation would go, I don't think any member of these forums is really qualified to speak to that point, but it has been proven that terrorist organizations are willing and have gone that far. It is also accepted fact that the CIA has a bad habit of supporting the wrong group, the Contra, the Taliban, Gen. Fazlollah Zahedi during the Iran coup in the 50s, so it may not be to much of a stretch to say they would put an operative in that position.

    Just so you know, I am in the military. I know all too well about the reality of war.

    Ok, now I am curious what do you do?

  15. I really wish this game was more realistic.

    I really hate it when game devolopers put in levels that violate LOAC. Like in MW2.

    The level where you shoot up helpless airport people.

    Yeah that doesn't actually happen in the military.

    Kind of offensive there.

    Also Snomobile chase wasnt that bad, but still.

    As much as you wish it to be true, the world is not, and has never been, that black and white. Now, I can't speak for situations where an individual is undercover with a terrorist group in a similar manner to the Airport Level, since it is rare for the public to ever find out about such operations, but it is naive for you to assume that all the civilian deaths in current and past military operations are "unavoidable". *just a note, I'm talking about civilian deaths due to so called "civilized" nation such as the US, Canada, UK, those that subscribe to LOAC.

    Now I am kinda curious how you developed the opinion that the military follows LOAC or similar conventions to the letter? Are you one of those guys that does research into the military, but only in the hero's? Or are you one of the fine men/women in uniform that have yet been introduced to the reality of war and still believes the pamphlet? Or are you just that naive?

    I know absolutely nothing about dedicated servers, or how bad or good a game is without them.

    It really depends on what you want out of a game, I do admit not everyone will see the benefit, but there is a distinct difference in the online experience. If you really want to find out, I'd pick up COD4:MW and try the multi-player out. Even if you don't see the difference, you get an awesome MP and SP.

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