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Posts posted by phill

  1. emot-words.gif

    I get the feeling that you don't understand the difference between a cracked version of a game and one in which people have found things like the development console, extra game modes, bugs, hacks, etc etc. If someone is playing a cracked copy, their is a good chance it will not report back to IW servers because that defeats the GOD DAMN FUCKING PURPOSE. That reporting back is what prevents the pirated PC version from playing multi-player OR single-player. There is no point in a cracked pirated version of any game reporting back, it sends up a giant red flag, kinda like emailing Microsoft with your Xbox ID saying you have a modded Xbox, it is really fucking stupid. This lack of reporting back also prevents multi-player through the IW matchmaking system, so even if you are able to play MP, it won't effect the leader-board.

    Those who are playing legit copies but are modifying multi-player matches via the development console may screw up the leader board, but that's due to IW not making sure unranked matches are part of the game. When you play a match with settings different from the standard, the match is not ranked, it's fucking common sense. So don't go blaming the modding community for that douche.

    Now, to confuse you a little bit, I do agree with the hypocrite comment, those who joined boycott communities, signed the petitions, and didn't cancel their pre-order or went out and purchased the game anyways...well they are fucking tools. I was honest when I said I wouldn't buy the game till it cost what it is worth, and until then I have Dragon Age or Assassins Creed or any number of other games that are worth the money or effort to pirate (I haven't pirated MW2 because I'm not sure the SP is worth the effort) Now console fag, go away.

  2. Forgive the double-post, but the game does look really nice, I'm probably going to pick it up in the near future, but why couldn't they have just kept the multiplayer functionality from the first one? That seemed to work pretty well, didn't it?

    It didn't allow IW/Activision to control content they way the think they should, and by that I mean nothing but DLC that the user has to pay for. NO user maps or mods because they don't see a revenue from it.

  3. Apparently the matchmaking system is as bad as people feared it would be, happily choosing people from different continents.

    but it's fair right???? that's what is important to infinity ward/activision, yes sir, being fair for all them casual PC gamers. I'm still not sure if I am going to get the game till there is a drop in price, it's not worth $60 at the moment.

  4. What, hell no, don't be following that, far to much work. Right click on "My Computer" and pick "Manage". That will bring up Computer Management and you will select Disk Management from the left where you will right click on your optical drive and pick "Change Drive Letter and Path". Click change, pick the drive letter you want, and finish it off by clicking Ok a few time. I don't think you have to reboot, but it helps if you do.

  5. As PC gamers are complaining, why shouldn't predominantly console gamers demand dedicated servers as well? At the very least they would alleviate lag issues for the 360/PS3 among other things.

    It also requires a level of interaction with the game and console that console gamers aren't use to or interested in. I've never heard of dedicated server where someone hasn't sat down at some point and edited config files and I don't see many console gamers interested in that. And if you are suggesting running the dedicated server on a PC for the console, well I don't have a decent retort for that since I can see a number of bonuses to that.

  6. I get the feeling they could patch it in. Hopefully, the fuss will be big enough that they cave in.

    I like that they're trying to solve some online gaming problems, but I'm not sure I understand why they don't allow both matchmaking and dedicated servers. Not wanting to "bifurcate the community" sounds pretty flimsy in the face of all this negative feedback.

    It's more then a little flimsy, it's straight up ridiculous and smells of bullshit(piracy check?). The one thing that leaves me shacking my head is how including dedicated servers in the matchmaking process would improve things for everyone but instead they figure the console model is better. They could keep their piracy check if they just forced the dedicated server to report to the matchmaking server, or force players to connect through the matchmaking server(just initial connection) and the PC community could keep their custom maps, mods, and heavily tweaked game play settings.

  7. I don't use Internet Explorer, so I don't know if it works there or not. The thing is, if it works in Firefox, it should work in IE.

    Now, I am assuming that you are using Windows, the majority of these forums seem too, so I can't imagine it being a bad assumption. Regardless, the principle still applies, try a second browser, there is NO guarantee that it's going to work or not work in the second browser. As it turns out, Firefox and IE are two separate browsers and oddly enough run differently using independent plug-ins for stuff like flash.

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