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Everything posted by genghisdani

  1. I am quite enjoying how this season is shaping up. Of particular note of course was "Make Love, Not Warcraft", but all the rest really are maintaining what makes South Park, South Park.
  2. The other day, I had Smashing...Live! on while I smashed.
  3. I second ALL of that! I've been wanting that for so long...
  4. Now THAT'S awesome![/billEngvall] Also, I (and a bunch of my friends) want to see more customizable characters. Some of my friends have suggested something akin to CAW mode from the WWE games, but that seems to go against what Nintendo wants for this game. I personally want to see something like in Soul Calibur II, where you can unlock more weapons and outfits (maybe even the custom outfit idea from SC3?), but their attacks remain essentially the same, save for power, smash strength, etc. Lastly, I demand that their costumes be more than stupid recolors. Except for a few of the characters in SSBM (Peach: in one of her costumes, her hair is reddish-brown, and she wears Daisy's outfit; Ice Climbers: in costumes 3 & 4, Nana's in front; Pikachu, Pichu, & Jigglypuff: accessories... because they're naked without them), everyone's "costumes" were just recolorations of their original outfit.
  5. Ok... I suppose I concede then. While I would like the camera to FULLY rotate around the characters, I suppose that there's not really anything else I'd like to see concept-wise. You mean when you pause right? But then they'd have to make two sets of backgrounds... Yeah... you have a point... I'd never thought of that before.
  6. Ok... I suppose I concede then. While I would like the camera to FULLY rotate around the characters, I suppose that there's not really anything else I'd like to see concept-wise.
  7. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. I think it would be too much of a risk to try to change things up too much. Why fix what's not broken? Which is funny, because that kind of mentality is exactly what Nintendo is opposing with the Wii. Still, though, I say let the others games be "revolutionary". Don't screw around with SSB. Firstly, I agree in concept, but look at the changes between SSB and SSBM: a lot of cosmetic upgrades (duh, better graphics card), more characters, items, & stages, but also a lot of new ways to play - 3 different 1-player modes, event matches, multi-man melee, home-run derby, trophies, and all the special melee modes. IMO, THAT was part of what made SSBM so great; that, and also if you had played SSB, it was kind of like Othello ("A minute to learn, a lifetime to master") in that, you could pick up a controller and just start playing with ease, but it still took forever to get really good at it. I'm not saying reinvent the game here; I want to be able to plug in my Gamecube controller and start playing well with my best character as soon as I get the game. On the other hand though, I'm not buying SSB for my N64 because I have SSBM; I want SSBB to make SSBM obsolete like that.
  8. Wow... I have every OCRemix on my iPod, and I was playing all my songs randomly when I stumbled across this song. Firstly, this reminds me SO much of one of my favorite theme songs of all time: Just Communication by Two-Mix (1st Gundam Wing opening theme song). Overall, just a great song to chill to.
  9. Ok... I'm in. I just downloaded the program and it's chugging away.
  10. I hope not. I am really looking forward to SSBB, and although I agree that SSBM was quite near the pinnacle of evolution, I want to see something that DYNAMICALLY sets SSBB apart.
  11. How much bandwidth does this take up? If it's not too much, I can do this from work AND from home.
  12. Wasn't Sonic an American production? So... never heard of Sonic Team, eh? The name Yugi Naka ring any bells?And CE, I never noticed that symbol and Agahnim's chest before... wonder if it's noticable at all in game. I'd heard OF Sonic Team, but I didn't really know much about them. BTW, I just experienced a very unfortunate side-affect of a hiatus in SSBM-playing: loss of skill. I hate it when that happens; I used to be the best in my area, but now I can't even take on 2 lvl-9s teamed agaist me. (Against 3 lvl-9s FFA, I did ok though.)
  13. Don't worry. I sure didn't and I've never played it. NEVER FORGET Dittoed.
  14. I fixed it now.
  15. Wasn't Sonic an American production?
  16. That kills off any chance of Sora, Cloud, or any post-FF6 character from SE (Not that I expected that to happen.). However, that still leaves the door open for a lot of other major third party characters (Sonic, Rayman, etc.) Besides, I have other character fantasies... *looks at FF6 cardridge religously* I don't understand... how does that kill off their chances? (FF7-12 I get, but why Sora?)
  17. I really hope they take wavedashing out for Brawl as well...especially since it was almost certainly not meant to be used in the first place. Actually, I've heard that the debuggers actually found it and left it in. I see no real problem with it, to be honest. It's not like some n00b can pick it up and start doing it to ace a veteran, and even after practicing for a while, it still takes a long time to be able to do effectively. What, pray tell, is this "wavedashing"?
  18. Looking around... it's how I found a list of Masahiro Sakurai's considerations for SSBB (as of May 28th): As you can tell, I had to do some translation; though because I don't know Japanese, I'm not exactly sure about what it says. For those who still feel like submitting, Masahiro Sakurai will only be accepting submissions until June 9th at 5:00 pm Japan time.
  19. Something akin to this, perhaps?
  20. Taken from Super Smash Brothers Arena: I'd like to point out that I made BOTH of those observations as soon as the rumors started going out.
  21. Hey now, I won a game or two when you weren't one of your better characters (*cough* bowser and link). Ahem excuse me. As for the screenshot, It would be kinda fun if there was an actual mode for that with all the retro sprites. Or perhaps revamped sprites, such that the original sprite look is there, but the styles match up. I second this motion. Only make it 32-bit sprites, not 8-bit; otherwise it will be a little difficult to tell who is who. I am in favor of 16-bit sprites. The SNES's graphics always had this certain, almost surreal feel to them that I still love even now. My brother always comments "ugh, what bad graphics"; but I feel that the SNES has good graphics, while 2D. I am one of those people who believes that the Gameboy line should always remain 2D, because that is a style that nothing else can quite capture. I don't know what 32-bit sprites were used on, so I cannot comment on that. I agree. 32 bits sprites don't have the same feel as 16 bit sprites do. 8 bits are too simple, and 32 bits just look plastic and fake. 16 bit is perfect. I can just see them making a 16-bit SSB for GBA. I'd play it.
  22. Hey now, I won a game or two when you weren't one of your better characters (*cough* bowser and link). Ahem excuse me. As for the screenshot, It would be kinda fun if there was an actual mode for that with all the retro sprites. Or perhaps revamped sprites, such that the original sprite look is there, but the styles match up. I second this motion. Only make it 32-bit sprites, not 8-bit; otherwise it will be a little difficult to tell who is who. I am in favor of 16-bit sprites. The SNES's graphics always had this certain, almost surreal feel to them that I still love even now. My brother always comments "ugh, what bad graphics"; but I feel that the SNES has good graphics, while 2D. I am one of those people who believes that the Gameboy line should always remain 2D, because that is a style that nothing else can quite capture. I don't know what 32-bit sprites were used on, so I cannot comment on that.
  23. Hey now, I won a game or two when you weren't one of your better characters (*cough* bowser and link). Ahem excuse me. As for the screenshot, It would be kinda fun if there was an actual mode for that with all the retro sprites. Or perhaps revamped sprites, such that the original sprite look is there, but the styles match up.
  24. Ganon/Ganondorf won't be in TP. They said that this game will feature a completely new villian.
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