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Everything posted by genghisdani

  1. Capn, could you take over my sig request; it appears that no-one else is working on it. I thought someone said they'd do it, but I don't know what happened.
  2. Uh... what happened? I'd be glad to make it for you if you could supply the images, I cannot find any of cloud. the others are fine, but maybe you have preffered ones of those? As for Cloud, you could use or or (By the way, I like the last one best.) They were all at http://adventchildren.net, so you can look there for pics. You said you already had good ones for the other 3; I can give you ones that I like, but also, I enjoy not knowing what it's gonna look like until it's done.
  3. I don't like my sig as it is... it's ok, but I kinda want something better. I made this one, so if someone would be willing to take the job, I'd be much obliged. Here's what I want: Samus Aran, Link, Uchiha Itachi from the anime Naruto, and Cloud from Advent Children; each in their most awesome, badass poses. Also, I'd like a cool quote on there about badass. (That was bad grammer, but I hope you get the picture.) The rest is up to you. I hope someone will take this, cuz I'm really bad at making sigs.
  4. OMFG!!!! IT'S REMIX 1337!!!!! TEH AWESOMENESS!!!! OMFGLMAO!!!!1111oneone! OK, I just did that because, at least post-EA, no-one's said that. On to the real review... The drums are lacking in my opinion, but everything else sounds great; I didn't hear the EA ReMix, so I don't know what everyone's talking about, about changing to synth. This sounds a bit like "Next My Generation", but that's a good thing, it's been near the top of my playlist since it was released. Short version: Great job, keep up the good work analoq!
  5. No, don't bother. Also, this project isn't Hedgehog Heaven, so don't use that as an example of what we're doing here. Ok, sorry. Didn't mean to offend the project. Anyway, ok, final ruling: dump.
  6. I warned you it was crappy, but I felt like it would be wrong to not even try. Besides, I was bored and did it in my spare 5 mins that I had to work with. As for the font.... I know. I hated it to begin with. I had nothing else to work with, so that's what I used. As for the "borrowed" picture... so what? Check out the second CD cover art for Hedgehog Heaven. Should I bother working on this? Tell me yes or no. If no, I'll just quit with this and wait for it to be released. If yes, I'll actually put a concious effort into this.
  7. OK, I know this is crappy, but I was bored, so I tossed it out here in case you don't get anything better. If you would like to comment, feel free to; I might work on it if I get ideas.
  8. WHOA!! Darke/Shariq, This is great! I love how it came out! There are a few places where it sounds like you might be using a cheap soundfont or something, it just doesn't sound real enough to my ears; but, other than that, the orchestration is awesome. As for levels, it sounds good in general, but there are a couple spots where it might be a little too loud; I don't know, it could just be my imagination.
  9. Maybe its just me, but it sounds like Ghetto Paradise at the end. Good job, love it!
  10. k, I'm just gonna chime in here, first off, I think that "Evolution" is a good start, although I'm not sure about "Celestial Evolution", but we're working on it, I understand. Anyway, secondly, a name that just came to mind, I'm sure it sucks, but how's "A Night of Dreams"? Maybe I've just been reading too much shakespeare lately. Also, once we have a name, I have a great idea for a cover, but I won't reveal it until we have a guaranteed name.
  11. I just finished making this... Comments?
  12. i am in need of a few special soundfonts. they are: banjo, fiddle, steel guitar, bluegrass drumset, fingered bass, picked bass, tremelo strings, tuba, trumpet, & harmonica. i know its alot, but the soundfonts i have suck. any help would be greatly appreciated
  13. I know this is a little off topic, but... I need a good MIDI editor, can someone tell me where to get one?
  14. I have practically every soundfont I need, except for a good harp. HELP!!!
  15. Ok, I'm currently playing Metroid Prime, and I want to know, how hard is Meta Ridley, really? I know that "Beating Meta Ridley" won the "Harder than College" award in the 2002 Nintendo Power Awards, but, is he really that hard?? Please give advice, I want to finish the game, but not if I will need to try fighting 1 boss 278 times. Is there some pattern or something, so I can beat him on my first, or even second try? (I know that's probably not gonna happen, but I can always hope for the best.)
  16. The hardest boss, in my opinion, wasn't really a boss. To this day, I STILL haven't gotten past the part in Starfox Adventures where you're on the back of that pteradactle (don't blame me for not spelling it right) trying to shoot all of the missles AND shoot the 4 towers when you get close. That is near impossible, but then again, I didn't have a turbo controller.
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