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Everything posted by genghisdani

  1. It said Jigglypuff/Peach. I use Samus primarily. I think it's safe to say that this is not an accurate quiz.
  2. I assume that means transformation. I'd disagree. I think what they're saying is that it's another Samus, instead of an entirely new character. I'd bet they'd say the same thing if like Paper Mario were to debut in the game as well (just an example, but you get the picture). Well, reguardless, we'll see when it comes out (or when more info becomes available). Unlockable by beating the game with Samus within a certain time, perhaps?
  3. That's not true. Note: Volume 205 is the July issue; words in bold were highlighted (for whatever reason) in the original bulletin. Knowing NP, I dare say that they only plan to reveal everything we already know. If you were planning on subscribing just for this issue, don't. If you really want it, go down to your local game store and just buy this issue, but I'm pretty sure they'll only tell us about Pit, Meta Knight, Zero Suit Samus, Wario, & Snake.
  4. Nope, anything DK related is Nintendo's, including DKC. Anything created by Rareware associated with Donkey Kong or Starfox became the property of Nintendo, even if Rare moved elsewhere. So characters like K. Rool and Krystal are totally viable for SSBB, and I comletely expect to see them... Meh, they already have Fox and Falco...they don't need Krystal too IMO. That'd be terrible, having Krystal in SSBB...who's next? Slippy? lol Really? I think Krystal would be great. Give her the staff with its rocket boost, fire and ice abilities, and the earthquake, and she'd be awesome. But I agree, leave Slippy out. You DO realize of course, that most of the time, Krystal doesn't have the staff... Fox does. Krystal most likely will be in, and have the staff; but I want to see Fox use the staff, maybe as an alternate version of him (akin to Zero Suit Samus). Just to put out a question... how many series do Nintendo own in a position similar to that of DK & Starfox? That is, how many more sortof-2nd-party series could they put in? I have a feeling that that's the first route they're gonna go to expand.
  5. Wow... I've got to say that I am going to have lots of fun owning everyone here, once SSBB goes online. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5295353616970642959&q=DBR Educate yourself. I used to be that good with Jigglypuff, but then no-one would ever play me. I'm not that ruthless though, it's just not my style. Now, I almost exclusively use Samus; but I'm decent with pretty much every character.
  6. He takes a puff of a cig. I'm pretty sure that's it. And there's probably an extended version, like Fox's and Falco's special taunt, where he has a codec conversation with Otacon and the such. I doubt nintendo would allow smoking. A big part of thier fan base are children remember. Yes and no... Firstly, they might just do to his cig what Kingdom Hearts did to Cid's cig. Secondly, you're forgetting that much of Nintendo's loyal fanbase was 7-12 back when the NES came out. That could make them as old as 33... not quite children anymore. This large non-kid fanbase was part of the reason their marketing strategy for the Gamecube was aimed at a younger generation.
  7. In-game, the cardboard acts as a portable hiding place. Being followed by guards?No biggie, pop one of these out in an empty storage room and watch the guards go crazy looking for you! It's also a private joke of sorts. Basically, if you moved while they weren't looking, it would be very tough for them to find you. Oh is that what he meant by what does it do? I thought everyone knew that. Yes, that's what I meant. I have never played any MGS game, so I didn't understand the joke, even though I knew there was one.
  8. This question is for those people here who have actually played MGS. What does the cardboard box DO in-game?
  9. I call him. Cid. and chocobos and moogles. SSBB with a moogle. That's kind of true. Not about Cid, since he's been different in every game, but with Moogles... They have always been Moogles. Not in games where there were Mogs. I can definitely see them putting in Deoxys. It just seems like something they'd do.
  10. But depending from what time period they pull X, he could have the sabre as well. 2 for the price of one man! But isn't that the whole point of Zero Suit Samus?
  11. I can't wait till FF5 comes to GBA.
  12. They could always give us a generic Black Mage. Hell, why not include a generic Red Mage, White Mage, Fighter, Black Belt, & Thief, too?
  13. According to a Wikipedia article, Akaneia was supposed to be a map in SSBM. Perhaps this is Akaneia?
  14. ... After reviewing the video, I must admit defeat. Good eye, though.
  15. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but do you guys realize that there are silhouettes of 5 of the SSBB characters on the official page? Enlarged (8x) and enhanced for your viewing pleasure: Speculations, anyone?
  16. That's what I was thinking. Besides, the Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald sprites look way better.
  17. Ok... finally I get to do one I've wanted for a while. (These are all from the anime series Naruto.) Sharingan: I personally don't like the edge on that, I'm gonna go back and make more. I demand more sharingan, though. EDIT: And byakugan! EDIT 2: I did another one: More sharingan: EDIT 3: Three more! I'm really enjoying this! ANBU: Rock Lee: Sakura - Pissed: EDIT 4: Added series name and character names. LT: Yeah, the round things just have bad edges on them, and the second one of those looks like a poor resize. The only anime shot that looks fine is Anbu, even though I don't know what the hell that is or if we'd ultimately take it. Rock Lee doesn't look quite smooth enough, and initially it doesn't look like a 1:1 resize. Looks squished. Sakura needs to be sharper, but I dunno if I'm gonna take that image anyway. Don't really need anything with evil eyes like that. Go for the touchup on the Rock Lee one.
  18. Same here... I'm having trouble finishing Advance Wars: Dual Strike though. I'm on the level with a satellite that shoots beams. I wouldn't call it a boss, but it's definitely a hard level.
  19. Can you please cancel one of my orders, I re-ordered b/c I thought there was a problem authorizing my card. EDIT: Actually, upon further checking, I found that there are two that need cancelling, one being under a different account.
  20. No offense Pixie, but Canadia is way cooler than Baltimore any day. (This coming from someone who's never lived outside of Maryland and England.)
  21. Just shut up.
  22. When are you gonna post the next episode?
  23. Wow.... Looks incredible, even without any saying or anything. The "rough" look says it all. Much grass.
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