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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. thats mostly the fault of the emulator, not the game real hardware would play the game better and make it a little less difficult
  2. yeah im done with the first chapter and like it at least as much as if not more than earthbound at this point worth the wait
  3. Hey kids the patch is up for download GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO
  4. 4 me? rly? u shudnt h@v!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. now theres a dude that just completely disappeared from radar
  6. hey this has been a fun couple of pages im gonna go smoke i want more funny material when i get back
  7. fairly certain that scvs still build things and mine resources, drones morph, and the toss telelport it is reasonable to believe that the tech tree expands
  8. I'm sure most of the people playing a game sequel will be familiar with the mechanics anyhow.
  9. i spent a lot of time getting gold in everything its really fun to play the secret characters
  10. I'll bet you can't tell when we're playing but lag pisses me the hell off.
  11. Hey G-T, wanna make 7500$ ? http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=196937
  12. the only chain grab that takes any remote kind of practice, if you will, is all the fun shit you can do with the ice climbers
  13. does this apply in offtop as well
  14. And I've beaten Jam so by proxy I've beaten arek
  15. it's not like i said i was the first person in the world to install the homebrew channel myself or anything
  16. yes you can and i will show you how if you would like LATER TONIGHT
  17. which is why i linked that particular app
  18. Might I suggest you use this handy utility, then? http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Save_Extractor
  19. hey jam whatever happened to me scoring a vid or two
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