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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. prrof that larry knows his priorities and is successful in life
  2. Because you like Earthbound and Shnabubula just like me. Show this to sam, actually. I also love The Neverhood.
  3. yeah this is pretty ridiculous i still cant get ahold of joefu
  4. im not entirely sure how i should get ahold of joefu PMs do not seem to work
  5. I think nintendo's doing this just to be assholes to Mother fans. We all know damned well earthbound wont be released even if its the only thing that gets requested.
  6. Well in the off chance that dpaladin is watching, shoot me a pm or something. Be home around 11 or 12 EST tonight.
  7. pretty much everyone gets that half second lag. you just have to learn to think ahead of yourself and act accordingly. cant help ya with the rest
  8. I dont know if anybody mentioned it anywhere or not, but I'm sure people could simply upload these images to one of the companies that allows you to make custom graphics for credit/debit cards.
  9. yeah jam and i just played a bunch of really close matches, but didnt consider them as anything more than friendlies waiting to see what happens here
  10. so yeah i guess i'll sign up hope you guys are down for brawls at 2 or 3 a.m. est.
  11. exactly i use ness. a lot of people cant. it's all about who fits your manner of strategy i'll play you later tonight (1 0r 2 am, if youre about) and see how i do, if you will. aint home atm use toon link. or lots of aerials also you know you can control the length and strength of the grenade throws right? short throw, grab them, and then you can be more precise. or, hell, throw hard for a bit of knockback. grenades rock
  12. is there anybody who is actually playing any of these recommendations? because i want to see someone's reaction to kickle cubicle
  13. no no a million times no u a noob gb2gfaqs
  14. alright well i just wrote you a miniature diatribe on aim arek K09 please, forward to GT if im not cool enough
  15. I love how most of the time in your music not one set of notes is the same as the one preceding it. Awesome sound Also also also also also: send it to 8bp when they decide to accept demos again
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