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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. man how the hell do i only have enough for 410 coins I AM NOT GOING TO SPEND 1000$ for A 25$ DS GAME NINTENDO
  2. homebrew and emulation and the lot is actually better on the psp if youre into that stuff ds has some neat little weird games here and there like Contact my ds has seen more than enough use through the gba slot and animal crossing
  3. Hate to be a dick but I've known about this monitor from a competing company for a while, and it looks neater. Although it costs about twice as much.
  4. do we get bonus points if we saw it coming? also gl hf dd
  5. Somebody thinks djp is brewing evils of some sort, apparently:
  6. He was marking a similarity between you two as being averse to drug use of pretty much any kind.
  7. something happened here but i am unsure quite what i am hearing some kind of glitchy breakbeat stuff maybe bitcrushed and 8 bit shits
  8. Well in that case your reasoning is sound. Though the bullet aphorism is a bit unnecessary. Also hahahahah what:
  9. i do not intend to get into any kind of debate whatsoever about this but do you drink, meteo?
  10. This is exactly the reason I haven't graduated yet. I knew already just from the first few programming classes i took that my coworkers would not be the kind id get along with. My major has since been changed to air traffic control, and its awesome. However im an asshole that loves to multitask, and i think you kind of have to be one to go into this field without having a nervous breakdown. Aviation in general is always a neat thing to look into though.
  11. that second sentence in my prior post plays heavily into my inspiration and even ability for making art i dont have any right now and cant really afford some so you might get ideas from me in a later fashion
  12. i could definitely do some weird kind of art for this i smoke green things and have ideas
  13. yeah you can make her hold onto any surface, pretty much get near the end, fall past the edge, then move back toward it and she should hang on
  14. Forget THAT You want 8 bit christmas stuff, this should be your album http://8bitpeoples.org/discography/by/the_8bitpeoples
  15. Damnit I cant navigate to the damned bag near the beginning of the level, where the game instructs you on running up a wall, with a platform just out of reach. I can get to the hoop system no problem but the damn one that requires a relatively vertical dismount, no matter how long i swing, is constantly out of reach of whatever her name is. Aggravating
  16. yeah i directed her question here before realizing i could help her with it, which was done she'll likely ask other stuff that ive decided to forget, however
  17. hey kids pay attention somebody is probably going to be in here with a question soon
  18. I still want to force the smash bros community to listen to my music jam and I need you for the outlet.
  19. hey jam the thing i miss about melee is putting music behind videos can you guess why
  20. gollgagh rest assured youll like the album when its released, i can verify this
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