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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. ilp0 is a being with a very intimate relationship with the whammy bar digging this
  2. this early 2000s trance structure almost requires the lead to get buried and dig its way back out again, so i see that as a positive element entirely this one is fun
  3. Hey y'all it's in the final stretch and at 600% of the funding goal, go take a look at how it's shaping up!
  4. I'm surprised to see a thread hasn't already been made for this game, given that they intend to have remixers hired onto the project when it hits the next funding goal! Looks really fun, and I'll be a commandervideo main day 1. How bout y'all? Edit: just in case someone on mobile is having trouble with the embed, here's the link to the project
  5. i would deliberately sit around in levels for quite a while when this theme was playing happy to hear a remixed version!
  6. oh man, i love this in fact i wish it were longer. one of my favorite themes in mm
  7. damnit dave dont talk shit about yerba mate! it's really good when coffee starts to lose its effectiveness
  8. if so, i guess i'll throw my hat into the void and offer up some things i've always wanted to hear have a better treatment. we'll go with three of em for now:
  9. REALLY digging the organic use of game samples in this mix
  10. do you like physics based puzzle platformers with a specific niche skill ceiling? download snake pass immediately, especially since it's on sale for the next week it is so damned fun
  11. there's always oldversion.com
  12. seriously guys, give this a listen. it's incredible
  13. Oh man, I certainly hope not. Guy's amazing and I'm sure has plenty more inspiration yet to be written down
  14. Some circumstances beyond his control are preventing him from making the thread himself, but he at least was able to keep true to his promise and set the album to be released today! Go buy it and share it with everyone you know, 'cause it's brilliant: https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/cosmic-diaspora
  15. the atmospheric start and a lot of the drum work makes this feel like a battle theme from super metroid then there's all the other fun d'n'b nonsense piled on top. i quite enjoy this
  16. what's wrong with y'all? this music is amazing and nobody's talking about it. why?
  17. Just released today, and it's a fun little platformer inspired by the infamous SSBM air-dodge glitch. I sank an hour into it without even realizing it. Speedruns of this are gonna be cool http://store.steampowered.com/app/532170/
  18. i tend to drift in and out of it i have a lot of free time at work during the winter months, which is generally when i get back into it
  19. when you do, make sure youre either hooked up to a sound system or using headphones, because it's got a rich depth to it. the theme changes once you score a hit on it as well, so be sure to listen to both phrases
  20. quality of the voice acting varied from character to character, you can turn the shrine locator off, and you cant possibly expect me to believe you werent impressed at least with the molduga battle music
  21. it's going to take me some time to finish this game, and I'm not at all upset about that also if you have a problem with the scarcity of the music you're not playing this with headphones
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