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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. this one gave me a hangup for a bit too here's where the key is: go outside to the area with the tons of dragon things and turn around to face the crystalfall out there jump through there and look up after you kill the few things perched inside the little alcove and youll see a clawshot point
  2. when have side quests EVER been worthwhile aside from the weapon trading events? theyre there to give you something more to do in the game
  3. uh if you've ever seen me say how much i love majora's mask then it ought to be sufficient for me to say this game is better than mm
  4. yeah i just went and found it. 'twas the one at lake hylia. kept confusing myself because i was counting the one up on zora river and thinking "there couldnt be one at lake hylia theyre too close" then i looked at the map
  5. i found that one for my sixth one i need to look somewhere else also even though i have the magic armor i keep forgetting to use it even in the cave of ordeals on the very last room, figting those three iron knuckles or whatever you want to call them now
  6. also aaaaaaaaagh i cant find the last special sword technique
  7. lol, indeed. And I will still boycott it. There are people that should not be supported in any way possible. Hey, if I can find the full sound track anywhere I'll definitely buy it. I love collecting video game stuff. This is not an issue about downloading, it's an issue about who we are downloading from. I don't know the history of the site, so who is it? had a forum account here for a while named disgust, was discovered that said person was a pedo youkai hates pedophiles because of a traumatic childhood experience hates the entire site as a result also i justify it by the fact that i never have nor never will donate to that site for what im downloading
  8. the ending to this game is quite the fitting denouement
  9. i cant for the life of me think of where i am going to find this very last pair of insects
  10. faaaaaaairly certain this is going to be one of those games that i play through multiple times in a short span of time from one another
  11. the second form of temple six's boss gave me a bit of a laugh
  12. highlight: I am fighting a huge plant, and the monkey i got the boomerang from swings across the room holding bombs. I can kill the two flower things on the side...its the HUGE on in the middle i need help on defeating. i think the "eye" thats in his mouth is the weak point, but i need to know how to hit it.
  13. dont you mean temple six? or are you not counting
  14. tell me im not the only one who noticed that since they made link right handed they went ahead and made every single other character left handed
  15. only thing i know is that im going to have trouble trying to play any older zelda game after this one
  16. [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: i cant fucking stop playing zelda [23:40] hebr3w thunder: heh [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: i am addicted to this [23:40] hebr3w thunder: I want to sleep tonight [23:40] hebr3w thunder: that is why I haven't started [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: heheh [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: yeah [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: thats why i had to break myself away [23:40] jimelah DELUXE: i just beat the fourth temple and got to a good save point [23:41] jimelah DELUXE: i was like "alright, save and shut it off here otherwise ill be up for another three hours" [23:41] jimelah DELUXE: case in point: i had meant to go get a shower before i started the fourth temple [23:41] jimelah DELUXE: i just beat it, and now im going to get a shower and good night
  17. Ahahah thats pretty cool. Thumbs up on this and certainly the rest of the project. Found it kind of neat, by the way, that his voice was following one of the original melodies instead of becoming a new one.
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