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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. It sucks that youre in hawaii now, because I can never catch you online. :[
  2. i am curious why, if youre using the same link and just replacing the file each time, youre leaving all of the other links up? in other news, sounds great to me
  3. today i read through half of Kurt Vonnegut's "Hocus Pocus" it is not action packed, per se, lest you count human interaction as action i cant describe it since i havent finished it yet but there are things that made me grin like a motherfucker and that is why i love vonnegut EDIT: oh looks like you made this thread useless before i decided to post
  4. I have a predisposition to bias all over earthbound mixes too SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORT :]
  5. the dude that goes by Trace. did it he is a cool dude in my book also tell sauzer that other than the intro i love this mix
  6. tell him i think the intro needs a little buildup instead of coming in full force
  7. just check his site every few days like i've been doing he'll say something about it eventually alinear.net
  8. in comes that age old saying about how different people like different things
  9. The prime games are ALL about atmosphere. At points I lost myself just looking at details.
  10. This makes me think of a particular track that OverCoat made as the result of an old unmod thread. I can see good things coming from this if enough musicians take interest. And I'd certainly enjoy writing something and reading it to my pc in the event that this takes off.
  11. I wonder if I'm the only person who prefers the newer fire temple music to the old.
  12. i would be interested in it if the site youre hosting it on wasnt so damned slow
  13. Well I was wondering why all of unmod was suddenly locked. Now I know!
  14. :[ anyway with regard to the music, well, you ought already know what I think just on principle
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