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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. I've screwed around with that glitch a bit. I thought you meant there was a newer one or something. Heh.
  2. I wouldn't mind knowing about and messing around with glitches or advanced techniques, just incorporating them into the way I play doesn't interest me. So what's this glitch then?
  3. Ness, Game&Watch, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers. In that order. Ness gets 90% of the playtime. Also I've been able to beat my friends on a near consistent basis with every single character BUT bowser. Can't stand him. Ness is a really good character, but his recovery is SO easily interrupted. tcp over there plays that dude, and it's pretty fun. Heh, the reason I even bother playing any other character most of the time is when my friends force me to, as they get tired of me winning within two minutes. They seem to think that if I wanted to I could do really well in tournaments too.
  4. Ness, Game&Watch, Mewtwo, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers. In that order. Ness gets 90% of the playtime. Also I've been able to beat my friends on a near consistent basis with every single character BUT bowser. Can't stand him.
  5. Cerrax hits the nail on the head and as such I don't think I'll post in this thread anymore until this phase of conversation has finished. Also, tcp, like ce said, youre not being a dick about it so you dont fit the elitist bill. You just enjoy playing by those rules. Great how this was all started by me saying "fuck wavedashing."
  6. Oh crap, GZC, why are we playing this game? We aren't having fun! But seriously, you play casually, we play competitively. We both have fun. Get over it. I wasn't saying that there's no way anyone could play competitively and not have fun. That is kind of ridiculous. I just can't take a game serious enough to play it in such a manner, and wouldnt have fun trying.
  7. gig, the thing is I'm not an anal enough player to learn all that type of stuff. Fuck wavedashing and everything else too. My friends and I play it for fun.
  8. I'm curious as to whether or not I'm the only person here who is good with the ice climbers specifically after forcefully eliminating the cpu controlled one. wut? how? Jump off the edge and grab onto a ledge. I know that, I mean how are you better? Rocketsniper's got the basic idea really. That and since the pc controls nana i might be trying to set an opponent up in some way, and right after i get them where i want them nana comes in and swings like a retard and knocks them away or in whatever other way ruins what i had planned. I used to be able to get my friends to wait at the very start of a fight to let me kill her off, but now that they know why I do it they never give me the chance.
  9. I just listened to the whole project again today. I tried so hard to listen to Jose's tracks, but I couldn't stand more than 30 seconds of each. :[
  10. I'm curious as to whether or not I'm the only person here who is good with the ice climbers specifically after forcefully eliminating the cpu controlled one. wut? how? Jump off the edge and grab onto a ledge.
  11. I'm curious as to whether or not I'm the only person here who is good with the ice climbers specifically after forcefully eliminating the cpu controlled one.
  12. Oh god this thread drags on and on just like an mmorpg
  13. If we can still suggestimate, do you remember that "Knuckles Chaotix - Tachy Touch" track I bugged you about a while back? That's what I'm suggesting if you didn't infer it. Also I'd paypal you some monies for this.
  14. I would be all too willing to seed. I leave my PC on all the time anyhow.
  15. Why sir, that is Majora's Mask.
  16. That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I'm glad you've made that decision. Anyone who uses 128 kbps (for anything other than streaming) should be dragged out into the street and shot. Neither you nor snappleman like chiptunes, do you. :[
  17. I can say without a doubt that I am one of the biggest chiptune whores around this site, and as such this mix pleases me. I loved it when sam first sent it to me, and I love it now. Not really much more I can say, is there?
  18. Eventually: Knuckles Chaotix - Tachy Touch unless chth one day considers the request i presented to him beforehand, im trying my damndest to get relatively proficient with Buzz
  19. Arashi your choice of colors could not be ANY harder to differentiate.
  20. I'd say that when a remix comes up in my playlist, if it makes me actually want to stop what I'm doing and go play the game it's from, then it's a damned good remix. I'm going to be up all night playing earthbound.
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