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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. what was wrong with the sonic advance games? i liked the first two
  2. and here i was about to try to ask you something about it whenever i could manage to catch you online without an away message
  3. speaking of "Everybody Votes" i would appreciate it if everyone in this thread did this a couple* times: Today Nintendo released a brand new Wii Channel called "Everybody Votes." This is being offered as a free download in the Wii Ware section in the Shop Channel. In this channel Nintendo releases a bunch of polls for a set amount of time for you to vote on. Once the polls are over you are sent the results and get to see how other Wii owners worldwide think. This may seen like a simple new channel, however Nintendo has a much deeper purpose for it: Consumer Opinion Research. Now you maybe asking, "why is this important and on the main page?" In this new channel you are allowed to suggest one new pole per day. Nintendo looks at these suggested polls, and if they find one of interest, they will add it for everyone to vote on. By now you probably guessed what I am about to suggest. Everyone who owns a Wii needs to make a, "Do you want EarthBound on the Virtual Console?" poll. This is probably our best way to get the Big N's attention. There is no doubt NoA will be looking at these suggested polls especially with requests for potential Virtual Console games. If enough Polls made about EB on the VC are made, it could very well get their attention. Hey, its worth a shot and its easy to do. So go make those EB on VC polls ASAP! **hundred or so
  4. a must: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00237/
  5. by "busy" he means "wasting time being an asshole to furries in Second Life" everybody send him like a million PMs so he'll get back on this
  6. the most terrible website ever, of course
  7. hahah and prime is coming out on my friend's birthday too
  8. hi there im 12 or so years old and still afraid to say PENIS
  9. i have a number of wma and m4a files that were effectively made useless simply because they didnt identify themselves as belonging to this computerunpleasant on my end at least, and back to xp might as well mention that its the 64 bit version that did this
  10. mp3s are the ONLY thing you can play
  11. this just in: work on this is still being done
  12. most of this stuff is pretty good too: Orange Dust Resource
  13. that piano sounds really mechanical but hooo shit do i love the rest of the things you have put in do i ever
  14. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00683/
  15. whatever happenend with that original collab file anyway considering i dont have fruity loops i never got to listen to it if you still have it would you encode an mp3 of it or something?
  16. nice, thanks now i just need to find a way to spam them with suggestion after suggestion after plea for earthbound
  17. ive been wondering for a while now: is there a convenient place to see what games have been/will be added to the VC?
  18. Maybe theyll get Will Wright to help them design the zerg stuff.
  19. cue yamipod to the rescue its what i use on the ipod i stole from amazon and it works just swimmingly
  20. all this is doing so far is pissing me off coffee doesnt piss me off
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