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Everything posted by tweex

  1. Right out of the gate, great trumpet playing Jon. It was a good performance and was captured well. The piano accompaniment was a great driving force. It's almost something that I would hear in Final Fantasy 11, but much better produced! The slight panning of the trumpets was a good way to seperate the parts to have them heard easier. The drums, while I liked the beat, felt thin. The gut bustin' clav/organ solo was great, but the drums needed more meat behind them to really drive them! The bass is groovin' left and right. Like it. The acoustic guitar was a nice element, but could've used a little less verb. In fact, the song kind of feels like its drowning in parts from it when everything kicks in. I only bring it up cause it drowns out the awesome parts. This is a rare occasion where the fade out worked well. Great job Jon!
  2. I do love me some lounge jazz. The opening progression sets the mood perfectly! I do like the key changes, and that's saying something as I usually despise them in songs. Jazz lends itself to that kind of thing better than other genres, so good job capitalizing on it . I can hear wrong notes here and there, but it adds to the feel. 1:50 is awesome sauce. It's got Vince Guaraldi all over it. I can just see Charlie Brown and the gang walking around town! 2:46 brings a new rhythmic feel that is great. THe syncopation in the piece is quirky and fun. The dynamic shifts between peppy and solemn were a great choice and they flow into one another well. Just like all piano arrangements, the trick is making them interesting. Well, production quality definitely has me. The arrangement is constantly moving. It evokes new ideas and images while listening to the piece. Some times I hear Charlie Brown and other times I hear the shopping music from The Sims. The strumming of the stings was an interesting idea. All around, excellent stuff!
  3. Awesome opening synth! The delayed/echo bass is pretty cool. THe shaker percussion is nice. I wasn't a huge fan of the first lead synth as the attack was a little slow for the part, but that's minor. The bass drum is thumping, but mellow at the same time. I really like the plucked string in the left side. I get the idea of the juxtaposition of the rhythmic backing synths verses the slower attacking lead synths/strings. Wit a slower lead line, I think it would have worked a lot better. However, the ambience of the track is fantastic. Considering Jon did this 7 years ago, it's quite good!
  4. It's so funny that you guys started posting in here. With the wedding finally over, resurrecting this was on my list of things to do tomorrow or Friday. Good timing, I guess. And don't worry Jon. I still love you
  5. Shameless bump! There are still 3 hours to submit your name. Directions are above!
  6. Hello my people! I’m going to be giving out 3 free copies of my debut album, Alter Ego in celebration of the one year anniversary of tweexmusic.com! Not only that, but I will be giving out a preview track from a new project I’m working on. Without releasing too much, I can tell you that it’s current being called Project: Binary. Outside of that, I won’t release any more information. The 3 winners will get a very special sneak peek at what’s to come. The rules are simple: 1. Send an email to contest[at]tweexmusic[dot]com 2. Make the subject line something about the contest 3. Include your first name and the country you live in And THAT’S IT. I’ll accept emails up until Thursday, August 5th, 12:00 AM EST and then choose 3 winners at random. I’ll announce the winners on Thursday or Friday and send out the emails with the copy of the album! This album features a guest artist in each track, and the VAST majority of the guests came from OCR, so you know you're in for something good ! If any of you have any questions, let me know!
  7. Back from the honeymoon! Thanks to everyone! This thread is very sweet! Special thanks to Seph for rockin' the best man status somethin' fierce! Pictures can be found here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=27272&id=100000006326573&page=3 http://shutterstitch.blogspot.com/2010/07/sneak-peek-amber-and-brians-wedding.html
  8. I'm in agreement with Jimmy about Voices of Passion. It's a cool sample library to have, but you won't use it much I'm afraid. QL pianos is one of the best piano libraries out there, and if you don't have a decent piano sample already, I'd go ahead and get it. However, if you do have a good piano patch, just stick with it. There's actually a Steinway grand piano patch in the Orchestra gold package that has a great sound to it. If it were me, I would replace VoP with Gypsy. It's not that Gypsy is the best sample package out there, but it definitely gives you some cool celtic samples that go REALLY well with orchestral stuff. If you're looking for a replacement for QL Pianos as well, I would recommend Ministry of Rock. The guitar sounds a pretty bland and not the easiest to program with, but the drum patches are friggin' awesome! If you have a little extra money, you might go for Silk instead of MoR. I've been using Silk for about 6 months and it's a very cool Asian instrument library. However, all of that said, if you don't want to spend extra money to add other products in there, you will still have a GREAT new library of sounds to use. I guess what I'm saying is don't fret over not being able to swap out those packages. Even if you can't, you will still have PLENTY to work with . Good luck mate.
  9. 1, 2, 3, and 4 star online quests done. All offline quests done (except for urgent quests). The game is getting really cool. I just found out how beneficial upgrading your armor can be. My Rathian+ armor is now totally pimped out DEF wise.
  10. If I'm not mistaken, Tempo Mapping was possible with Reason 4.
  11. You know, I felt the same way about the Hammer, having to charge it up each time, but the first time I stunned Agnaktor and Uragann, I knew it was a powerful weapon. I now use the hammer exclusively for Agnaktor, Uragann, Barroth, and the Great Baggi/Jaggi! I'm even contemplating switching to hammer for Gigganox. I tend to use a lance for anything that I have to fight underwater, namely Lagiacrus and Gobul. They move so fast, that blocking has become an imperative for me since dodging underwater doesn't give you the same invulnerability it does on land. Most everything else, I use the LS for, and then it's a toss up between the Guan Dao and the Wyvern Sword "Flame". One more Rath Medulla and I can upgrade to the "Flare" version!
  12. As a lance user myself, you have to wait for him to come to you. And when he does, you can really inflict a lot of damage.
  13. I hear that. Got my farm mass producing herbs, blue mushrooms and honey. I haven't bought a single potion in the game yet .
  14. That's how I roll bitches . Seriously though, Slut and Seph are also quite the pimps in game. You gotta roll with us!
  15. Alright, finally had a chance to hop on and get my friend code for MH. WP8BB7 Anyone can feel free to add me, just make sure you say something about OCR in the message otherwise I'll prolly ignore it . Lookin' forward to playing with some of you!
  16. "More than regularly". You're too kind . And yeah, we both have been playing a bit the last few days. I don't have my friend number in front of me, but I'll remember to get it and post it here. ANYONE can add me, just make sure you let me know you're from OCR or I'll ignore it . This game has been awesome so far! It's been out for less than a week and I've already put 45+ hours into it. I love it!
  17. Well, first day down! Clocked in about 10.5 hours on it. God I love this franchise! It has been a fairly productive first session. Finished the tutorials, the rank 1 offline missions and urgent mission. Hopped online with Sephfire and we finished all but 1 or 2 of the rank one online missions and I'm at HR 5 (seph is to if I'm not mistaken) and we're both sporting MUCH better gear than what we started with . Suffice it to say, even though the game mechanics (how you fight) is very similar, MH3 is not a repeat of MH2 or MHFU. The enemies are brand new and very challenging! Great music and they really amped up the intensity of the orchestra. Very Zimmer-esque. The under water battles are INTENSE and crazy, but fun. Even though I stock piled items in single player, I used A LOT of them in the online. Need to regroup a little and do some more offline missions. Even though I knew it before I played it, you gotta get this game!
  18. Just picked up my copy. Loading it up!!
  19. Truer words about the game have never been spoken. MH is not a hacky-slash button masher. If you go into the fights trying to play it like Kingdom Hearts, God of War, etc, you WILL get your ass handed to you! MH takes a LOT of strategy and patience. God, I love it! I'm about to go pick up my copy!
  20. Yeah man, the difficulty curve for this franchise has never been anything less than completely vertical . However, with online being a real option in this version, it really makes the game more fun AND it lowers the difficultly level a little bit if you're working with semi experienced people. Let's face it, the majority of the people playing this will be playing it because thy love the series! Don't wait too long or everyone will be so high level that they won't want to play with you .
  21. So, tomorrow is the day that Monster Hunter returns to the console since the PS2. Anyone else picking this tomorrow? Gamestop has my pre-ordered version waiting for me! If you've played the demo, what did you think? Being a huge fan of the franchise and having loved MH2 and Freedom Unite, I am thrilled to see this coming back to the console and can hardly wait for tomorrow!
  22. GamingUnion.net, in association with Tweex Music, recelently released an interview with the Shanelle Gray, the actress who voices the character of Larxene from Kingdom Hearts! This is the 3rd Kingdom Hearts interview that Gaming Union has produced. The interview covers Shanelle's background, involvement in the KH franchise, and what the future may bring for her and her fans. It's a great interview that all will enjoy. Click here to listen to the interview For more info on the interview and the music that was used to create it, check out my site here: Click here to listen to the music behind the interview Enjoy!
  23. In other words: "While sitting on my yacht contemplating the meaning of my immaculate existence, clients continually beg for my favor and my music. Depending on my mood that very day, I may show them favor, but others, maybe not. But enough of these questions. Jeeves, bring the car around. It's time for my massage."
  24. Major congrats to you both! Electro music is becoming wildly popular everywhere and it's fantastic to see two experts rock the house....AGAIN!
  25. This was the Antimatrix done poorly IMO. Took most of the same ideas and concepts for stories. Halo is a little tongue-n-cheek as it is, so it was little hard for me to really get into it. Not terrible, but I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it to see it. But Brushfire is right. Odd One Out was hilarious!!
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