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Everything posted by traviswedding

  1. I'm not quite sure if this has been posted yet, as I stopped reading at about page 13. Unitil I discovered this this thread, I downloaded most of the fonts I use from http://www.homemusician.net/ They've got a nice collection, most of it is fairly good, but there's a few you'll want to stay away from. I noticed somewhere earlier in the thread mentioning the Joshua Melodic Trumpet. It's based off of a very high quality Trumpet soundfont called Trumpet3, which I personally think has more character. It really depends on what you wish to use it for. I've provided some links to some of my most commonly used fonts http://soundfonts.darkesword.com < not a ton of fonts, but 90% are very high quality, especially the saxes and squidfont. The incredably realistic Trumpet3: http://www.homemusician.net/soundfontdl.php?keywords=trumpet&soundfont_category_id=8&listOrder=&listDir=&SoundfontListPage=2&soundfont_id=553 A very nice Oboe (I believe this is the one I use): http://www.homemusician.net/soundfontdl.php?keywords=oboe&soundfont_category_id=9&listOrder=&listDir=&soundfont_id=562
  2. this is kinda funny if you'll notice the anthology videos. in this paticular example Kefka is dressed and looks like a freaking CLOWN. thus making the carnival theme fit perfectly
  3. this song is terriffic, i reccomend it to everyone... ok that aside for the song's page here's my reply to the previous post. this song is indeed in zelda 3 and the windwaker, the original being Zelda 3. it is a mix of the castle theme. This song is indeed used and heavily modified for windwaker. if you'll notice the theme from the Hyrule (sp?) castle in windwaker, the main theme from the Zelda 3 song is in it. the song's just a LOT diffrent. i haven't had the pleasure of beating WindWaker as i rented it and had to take it back just as i approched the last dungeon. so i'm not sure about the version at the end
  4. Honestly, i think McVaffe's stuff, could be played on the radio. in fact, i'm a DJ for a online radio station called Digital Evolution Radio. i'll be PMing DJP in a few about possibly being able to stream some OCR's
  5. it seems we have an odd bug, i'm getting a 11:10 file and it starts and stops naturally, yet other's times vary. strange oh, and by the way, this fucking rocks ^.^
  6. holy crap. i remember when you posted this in the works in progress. i thought it was good and listened to it often. the final version freaking rocks!
  7. A Storm in the Desert is simply put: pure beauty. untill the point where the bolero of fire comes in. then it turns into a dramatic heroic march. then fades back into a slightly more suspenceful beautiful part. follows up with a combination. the song becomes quiet... then the theme is played faster than before, and faster and faster. more quiet notes. then a dramitic impact with the perfect ending. kudos to you Unknown
  8. actually, i don't think it's too bad. i mean sure, DJP singing those lyrics seems kinda freaky. but i don't think the last guy should be telling DJP off for not hiring a pro singer when he can't even spell deaf right
  9. i'm sorry, but this remix, is absolutely stupid
  10. too slow and loungy for my taste, but that's one helluva sound font
  11. never played the game, but good all the same
  12. too much quiet/sounds not enough music
  13. i havent listened to this song in a little wile due to the fact that i have highschool, but DUDE!!! this song is AWESOME! in fact this cool, reggae yet beautiful song is on my mp3 player (RioRiot) this in my opinion is, in fact, the BEST remix on this site! (passes Pepsi to all the ppl that like this song)
  14. i, just like djpretzel have no intelegent way to review this (he said it on the mix page, not me) so: OMG TH!$ FREAKING R0CK0RZ!!! ...
  15. ... lol this is an interesting work, good job. i don't like the odd screaming though overall this is an alright track, not one of my favs but that's just me
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