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Everything posted by sgx

  1. This is only a partial self-plug since it is mostly not my work: SGXRMX2 - SGX Remix Project 2.0. A bunch of remixers got together and remixed some of my tracks for a free download album. Some pretty hot stuff in here. Grab bittorrent mp3's or ogg's at this link or stream it here.
  2. I'll be contacting people shortly.
  3. I haven't used SONAR for like three years. I used an ACID/Project5/Reason combo for a while, and now I'm super solid with my Ableton Live/Reason combo. Reason is rad - great way to learn and will likely stick around with you for a while, but man, the Propellerheads really take their sweet time developing it. 3.0 is beginning to be kind of outdated in synth sounds and sequencing functions compared to other software that is updated more often. Project5 2.5 is the shit - for the price. It comes with some great sounds, runs vst and dx (natively now), has a great interface and all that. I think P5 is really really great starting out software since it is easy to learn, expandable with vst, and really cheap. For me though, it is missing some 'advanced' features I need, so I replaced it with Ableton Live (which is NOT good beginner software IMO).
  4. I will see it!
  5. Puzzle Quest is pretty damn awesome BTW.
  6. Its possible. After I finish my abum this Fall, I'm planning on taking a break from solo work and doin some random stuff like remixes of 'popular' artists' tracks, maybe a couple game remixes n whatnot. So if I can get some stemps of these tracks, I might be into that. We shall see.
  7. Could you please? I know you called dibs in the forum...just remind me in the email. I'll probably be shipping out Saturday if I don't party too hard Friday night. (Stupid post office closes at noon on sats...grumblegrumble..)
  8. I downloaded it and like it a lot so I'll be buying the disc soon. It is different, and that is why I like it. I was very dissapointed in Meteora because I felt it was pretty much indistinguishable from Hybrid Theory. HT was awesome, but Meteora didn't bring anything new or better at all. Minutes to Midnight is just a lot different. What else could they do...I think if they kept doing more HT/Meteora style stuff all the time, everyone would just go "meh" and write it off or listen to their old stuff again instead of buying it. I can't see how making something different is selling out. Selling out would be sitting back, making the same stuff, and pulling in money from those who want more of the same (which is most people). By making something different like this, they are actually being brave, artistic, and risking sales due to backlash against the new direction. Sometimes it reminds me of The Postal Service in sections...sorta ambient lofi sounds.. Its good music, and if I wanted to hear their old standby style I'd pop in the old CDs again. Now what we need is another Reanimation. I fuckin love that CD!
  9. Thanks everyone who participated. I had materials enough for 14 CD's, so I made all the art and cases last night. I'll be burning discs tomorrow. 8 CD's will go to people who won (4 to the four people who I chose for tshirts, plus 4 to people who win the vote after a week). 1 goes to me, the final 5 will be sold for $25 with proceeds going to pmffc.org. I think I have four people who emailed me with 'dibs' on the CD's, so one left.
  10. Man, I'm a douche. I managed to let -RK-'s mix slip through the cracks... I've added it to the page now. Or just check it out here: http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGXRMX2/batch3/SGXRMX2%20-%20Be%20Coactive%20and%20Find%20Your%20Haven%20%5BRoss%20Kmet%27s%20Phresh%20Lettuce%20Mix%5D.mp3 It is good and I want to include it in the compilation, so I'll be taking down the torrent tracker shortly (and the spiff streaming box will go down too, because I'm doing all that through jamendo.com) while I re-set up the album on Jamendo. In the mean-time, I'll just host a zip with the mp3's. http://www.sgxmusic.com/sgxrmx2/SGXRMX2.zip Damn for a second I thought I missed another remix....but you're talking about buying the CD. Whew. Yeah. Just do me a solid and send me an email about it if you haven't yet: sgx@sgxmusic.com Thanks.
  11. Suggestion: Put your album up on www.jamendo.com You post whole albums and they'll seed a torrent of it for you. Plus they let you stream and stuff. Its pretty rad. This is the mother of all tag-lines. Hah!
  12. Sorry dude.. I really liked the strings in the beginning of the track, but the rest of the track was pretty similar sounding to my original loops, just slowed down. I liked the glitching, but I wish you followed through with those strings! They kind of just quit after the intro. The mix was also short, and it was of Coactive which was over-represented, so I didn't include it.
  13. oh i'll edit it. i didn't recheck it. Can't have you lookin like a dumb dumb!
  14. KOMPLETE! http://www.sgxmusic.com/sgxrmx2.htm Once upon a time, the magnanimous SGX was troubled with a distinct lack of remix within his realm. "My followers must have remix!" he proclaimed. One fortuitous night, SGX descended into his forges of sonance and brought fourth four empyreal stem files. WIth a mighty heave, SGX scattered the stem files across the internet in the hopes that they might find their way to the finest of songsmiths in the realm. For several moons SGX waited. Finally, 18 honorable champions of the remix presented SGX with their best efforts. SGX observed these remixes and reflected upon the many hours his subjects spent toiling for the good of the realm. Eleven remixes shone even brighter than the rest. The remixes pleased SGX, however the number eleven did not. "One more remix must be forged!" SGX determined, so he descended once again into his mighty sound forge and produced one final, glorious remix himself. "These excellent etudes must be heard by anyone with an ear for the sublime, young and old, far and wide!" SGX decided. With this in mind, SGX set forth to construct a vehicle for the delivery of these magnificent remixes. He wondered, "How does one amalgamate such greatness into one place?" Of course! The only solution was to construct the mightiest album ever known! "I shall call it SGXRMX2 - the SGX Remix project." And so it was. I need ur votes doods! 4 remixers (minus the 4 I will be sending Tshirts + CDs) get CD's too. Up to the listeners. http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=eppu75wr17dwbfu300702 I'll have deets on the CD release soon. I'll be making them this weekend. I don't think I'll have more than 4 to sell. If you mention it (or have mentioned it) in this thread, I'll put you down for one. I think they will be $25 (proceeds going to the charity of course). Kind of like a shitty preorder system, eh? First dibs first serve (what?). I'll let you know, after i know exactly how many I am making if you have been A LUCKY CHOSEN ONE, and then I shall direct you to the normal cart ordering system in my store. Anyways. Hope you super duper enjoy. My three fave mixes came in the third batch.
  15. Yessir. I'm not sure how many I'll make. I gotta think about this.
  16. I guess I'm designing some CD's this weekend then .
  17. I thought about doing an extremely limited run, like 20, mostly just because I would like a physical copy of everything I've produced to put on my shelf with the others . But there are problems with that, like selling it - I said at the beginning, that this would be a totally free only for download album, and I don't want to go back on that and start selling. All the content is the individual remixers' work, so I don't want to change how I'm using it from what the remixers essentially agreed was ok by submitting (does that make sense?). Probably no one would care, but I still feel like being ethical like that. I feel weird profiting off of other people's work, and its not worth it to try and split the profits on a project this small (and it would definitely be a small project - BTSB sold like poo, so I assume this would also ) I could send the profits from physical discs off to charity, like the iTunes sales, you say? I'm just a lazy ass. If I'm going to design, print and sell CDs (it is a LOT of work) I want to see some green coming my way. Donating the profits from iTunes is hella easy. I basically just have to pay $55 for Cdbaby to get me on there, wait till money rolls in, and after I gain back my $55, start paypaling or mailing checks to the charity every few months. I don't really have to do anything like print and mail CD's. So, no CD's probably. Maybe I'll make like 5, keep one for myself and sell the other four at an exorbitant price and give THAT money to charity. At least that would be easy. There's probably 4 people out there that would pay like $25 for a collectible SGX CD sold for charity, rite? Ok, thinking out loud will stop now. Duh. You're on the album. Your track was awesome. Did you get the email I sent you?
  18. Stuff is due today! Got some hot stuff. The free download album torrent will be available on the 10th! Everything will be available as singles too. I've decided to also release SGXRMX2 on iTunes and a bunch of other music services. All the proceeds will go to a charity I will give more info about soon. I am assuming that none of the artists who participated will have a problem with this. The album is still free off my site, but iTunes browsers and people who just want to donate will have about 65% of their money from the purchase go towards the charity (iTunes and CDbaby, the company that will get my tunes on iTunes grab 35% of the money).
  19. Told you already that this is the shit.
  20. For realz. Glad you guys are digging it. Rob Dougan is cool and that's a classic track. I think I'm going to try to keep the orchestral sounds out of this one for the most part. A lot of my songs bust into orch-mode so I'm going to try to diversify my sounds a bit. You never know though. I find the orchestral stuff hard to resist . If you remember my last WIP on here (beast.mp3), that was all synths and baddassery, but the final track (not for download yet) gets all epic orchestral. Couldn't help it! Gripes about structure and all that will be addressed of course. This is just one night's work. I usually just start getting together loops/patterns/ideas and worry about structure later. This is just drums+bass+guitary synth+pads. If you know my music, I add quite a bit more than that once I'm done . Current arrangement is just something I pooped together to make the mp3 demo.
  21. Swate! Note - I extended the due date. May 1st now!
  22. I've decided to give an extension for remixes. Stuff is now due May 1st! Release will be May 10! Thanks!
  23. Nice. But omg lots of treble! The whole mix sounds really tinny. That trumpet is so fake sounding it is tough to take seriously at all. I'd recommend changing it to a synth or something. As a rule for myself, if I have an instrument I can't get sounding good, I get rid of it or change it completely till I get something good. Drums are pretty good! Dynamics - the whole song is at like 100% max epic emotion level the whole way through. Needs some builds and eb and flow, ya know?
  24. Some guy makes a music production podcast. It's called Soundsgood or something like that. Too lazy to get link, but he's like REALLY REALLY german or some euro and has an almost comical accent. He does a pretty good job.
  25. I tap in beats with my typekeyboard all the time in Live. Not so great with tonal instruments though.
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