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Everything posted by sgx

  1. I was thinking about getting this, but I don't put music on my PSP, and I already have Phase for the iPod which sounds exactly the same - you have it analize any track on your iPod and it plays a rhythm game that plays exactly like one track of Frequency or Amplitude. It's ok....sometimes the charts it comes up with make sense, other times, it's kind of just random patterns on the beat that don't have anything to do with the music.
  2. Hope you guys are enjoying it. I'm off for a vacation in a few hours so I'll not be online a whole lot. I will be periodically checking emails, so if there are any problems with orders or questions, please let me know! Latas!
  3. Sounds pretty cool. Interesting time sig change. Yummy
  4. Yeah dude - put that in the comments section when you order and I'm happy to do that. I just want to say....I'm selling a lot of music here and it is great . Much more, faster than I had expected. Thanks so much to everyone who has been buying, and since almost everybody who went for the the download has tipped, thanks for that too! Much appreciated.
  5. Dat shit is hot. When I describe your sound to people I always say, "You know Hybrid? yeah, like that but more better."
  6. No problem. I checked the order and afaik it went through correctly, right? I did have a link up on my site by accident...I had meant to disable it, but my ftp errored on uploading the update to the page with the disabled link and I never noticed. Glad you like it.
  7. OK THE STORE IS OPEN www.protagonistrecords.net/buy/ In particular, Hero of the Grey Area - Physical - Digital - Details + information ORDERS FOR THE CD ARE PREORDERS. The physical printing hasn't yet begun and I'm going on a vacation to Colorado for a week and a half this weekend. I was going to get a shipment out before I left, but at this point, I feel that I can't guarantee that will happen. It is a possibility I'll get a few out the door before then, but unlikely. You still get the download version instantly when you preorder the physical
  8. I've got the cart set up....tested paypal connection. Working on re-adding all my old products. 30 min or so plzzzz. Thanks. EDIT: AYE!! Just in case you are browsing around in my shop (I dont' think I have the link anywhere yet, do I?), DON'T BUY ANYTHING YET. I'm NOT READY. Someone bought something....think it went through correctly, but everything isn't set up yet. Thankx.
  9. Yeah, I read that grey is the more euro way of doing it. Grey Pupon!!! FANCY! I wanna be fancy! Also "Gray" makes me think of Gray-"disappearing act"-lightning. Dragon, you are right about FLAC. They sound the same as the CD will. You can encode them down however you might like. The reason I don't have them as the only option is because only a minority know what it is really...and the majority aren't going to tell the difference between audio quality and get what they know - the mp3s. FLAC is a much larger download too.
  10. Apparently either way is acceptable. I couldn't decide which way to go with....
  11. Oh i should probably mention it's going on sale tomorrow and links to the store do not work yet. There's a thread in gen disc about my album. Plz read. I need sleep. Bay. or....bye.
  12. Large, chunky beat, dirty low-down bass, nice piano melodies, orchestral stuff. Hope you like it! www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX - Amity [short edit].mp3 4.5 min Full version is on my new album
  13. The STORE IS OPEN. Hero of the Grey Area - buy straight from me (I get 100% of the money except paypal fees) - Physical $14.99 - Digital $5.00 - Details + information + samples OR CD IS NOW ON CDBABY: http://cdbaby.com/cd/sgx4 Disc is $14.50 and the download through cdbaby is $6.99 OR ALBUM IS NOW ON ITUNES Hero of the Grey Area on iTunes ORDERS ARE SHIPPING NOW You get the download version instantly when you preorder the physical from my store www.sgxmusic.com/hotga.htm I have streaming previews of every track on the album, downloads of all the previews and full songs available at the page above. If you follow my stuff, you'll know that I do release some of the tracks I put on my albums to gather interest, but I've only released two full tracks and a few shortened versions for free from this album. There's about 40 minutes of tunes you haven't heard yet on this album. Also, everything has been professionally mastered, so you haven't heard the NIIICE sounding versions of the tracks either. I'm doing a little experiment with the pricing of the download version - For a possibly limited time, I'm setting the price at $4.99 to start, with the option of 'tipping' me if you should so please. Normally, I think I'd set the price at $7.99, so I'm going to watch how much comes in, and decide in a month or so to put it back to fixed pricing or not. You have the choice between high quality VBR Mp3 and FLAC lossless audio format. The physical CD is set at $14.99 with free shipping. Whenever you buy a physical item from me, you also get the download version free so that you can listen right away. If you've ever seen copies of the limited edition Chroma, Outmoded, or SGXRMX2, you'll know I do discs up right with sexy on-disc printing and a nice deluxe jewel case from these guys. IN ADDITION: One of the songs on the album is a mega long track with four separate "movements" I split into four tracks. I was experimenting with re-using and modifying elements in different ways, inspiring new things that would then be brought back to earlier parts, etc, so while the four parts are pretty different, they all owe pieces of themselves to eachother and are related. I thought it would be cool to send these pieces of the song to some friends and have them use them to build their own continuations of the piece (or you could just say "remix" if you're boring). Malcos, Nicole Adams, Hy Bound, and David L. Puga gave me 5 great tracks which I put together with mine on the i.transmit.this EP. You can add i.transmit.this EP to your Hero of the Grey Area download purchase for $2.50, and to your Disc purchase for $4.99. You can purchase separately for more money - details on the page. The physical is a nice disc in a slim-case with a two-sided print insert. Please check out the demos, grab the free tracks. Enjoy. I'm pretty proud of Hero of the Grey Area - I felt a bit aimless after my last couple of albums which were all over the place in terms of style and tone. Hero focuses my ideas a bit. I still exhibit a diverse group of styles from lots of electronic genres, but I feel the tone of the whole album is a bit more homogeneous and makes for a more complete and interesting piece of work that stands together instead of as a collection of singles.
  14. That is a good idea, thanks. Man, he still hasn't sent me that footage. Ridiculous.
  15. Yes. My main concern is to do a good job. Yoozer, that sounds like fun, but I don't like to put out shit with my name on it ever. And any one of the team on the film could be a good hookup to a better gig, so I don't need to fuck this one up. I spoke to the director and got about a week extension. Still hasn't sent me footage though... He has a hard deadline because it is a school project that is due sometime around the 17th. Can't really set it back further. Thanks for your responses.
  16. A couple months ago I wast contacted by the screenwriter of a short student film to see if I would do the music for the film he wrote. I get this kind of request occasionally from 15 year olds and stuff, but I saw a short trailer of stuff already shot and read the screenplay and it was quite compelling stuff, so I jumped on it (i used stuff a lot in that sentence). I was corresponding with the screenwriter for a while talking about the script and the moods and whatnot. He said the director wanted to finish up in December. I said that would probably be pretty tight for me because I'm also finishing up my next album which I had promised fans before the end of the year, but I would give it a shot. I told him I wanted to see any footage as soon as it begins to come together at all - I need to get a sense of the emotions in the actors and the pacing, the overall aesthetic mood of the film that one can't get from reading just the dialogue. I told him this was very important! Right? He got back to me and said that the director didn't want to show any footage until it was really close to complete...and I was like 'wtf mate etc' that is somewhat essential. And I also became annoyed and thought it weird that I was talking about all this with the screenwriter whose part of the project had been done for a while. The director had never even emailed to say hi. So I got a little pissy, voiced my dissatisfaction to screenwriter guy (who is a cool dude - no beef with him), and he finally got the director to contact me. I told the director I need to see footage ASAP and why. He was all "we'll get it to you soon when we can show it." At this point I was feeling just kind of apathetic and tired of telling him I need this. I told him I'd get some rough ideas started but I would not be able to get far without seeing footage. I spent like 10 min sketching some melody ideas then focused back on my album. I am not about to waste my time stabbing in the dark making some stuff that will have to be totally overhauled once I finally get to see what I'm putting music to, especially when I'm short on time for completing my album already. I just got an email from the director with a schedule that says he wants my music delivered 5 days from now. Eff that! Oh, no footage yet either. Also, he said that they are almost done the 3rd cut and that he'd be sending me the 1st cut soon. Why isn't he sending me the newest cut, and why didn't he at least send me the first cut 1st! Blah! I said as much in a new email and that's where things are. I'm really excited to be on this project since it seems like it will be a really cool film at the end and film scoring is something I've been interested in. I really don't ever like releasing any music that I think is shitty, so I'm definitely not going to do a rush job and produce some crap for them. Therefore I'm not going to do it in 5 days. I think I'll take a little extra time. They've kept me waiting for two months, I'll let them wait for me a bit. Is it unreasonable of me to expect to see rough cuts of a film in progress BEFORE I seriously dive into producing a score? Oh, I didn't mention I'm doing this for free. Maybe if this was a paid job they could use and abuse me like this, but as a volunteer job, I have less tolerance of bullshit and also more of a need to put some artistic merit into my part of the project. Damn that was long...I sort of wanted to vent and organize my thoughts I guess. "SGX, get a diary (or a blog no one wants to read) and stfu!"
  17. I move my 360 out to the common area for rock band where there is no net connection, so I dunno if i'm going to be playing online at all. I don't see how that would be very fun anyways. I have roomates and friends around all the time so it is very easy for me to play local multiplayer .
  18. My kick pedal broke today. It snapped about 2.5 inches up from where the hinge part attaches to the base. Called them up and EA was pretty easy and cool about sending me a replacement. It should be here in a few days and I just have to send the broken one back.
  19. Been rockin the band a bit longer now. I can do a lot of songs on hard on drums now. The kick is still my weak spot though. It's so hard to get my brain to think about moving my foot to the beat like that. Plus, I played the trumpet for like 12 years and always tapped my foot to the quarter-note beat, so sometimes I start just doing that by habit. Also, the muscle on the top of my foot gets tired...It will probably get easier I think. Good times!
  20. There shouldn't be a delay - there isn't for me. Do you have an HDTV? You might need to adjust for the lag. There's a tool for that in the options on Rock Band. I'm playing on an SDTV and it is tight as...butter.? I like this first party controller actually. I'm getting used to the strum bar mushy, but its nice it doesn't make that clickly clicky sound - you hear more the guitar notes you are playing rather than platicy click sounds, so you feel more like you're making the music. I like the frets a lot better too. It's easier to move around and whatnot. Drums are fun as hell. I'm trying to figure out the best way to sit my foot on the pedal though. I can't decide if I should be putting it far forward and lifting my leg then letting go to push down on the pedal, or if I should situate my foot back a bit and rotate my foot at the heel to push it down. The muscles on the top of my foot get tired doing the latter, but the former I have trouble doing fast consecutive kicks. Tips? What's proper posture for drum set playing?
  21. This game owns!
  22. Yeah actually a big reason I sprang for this preorder is because I'm really interested in getting a better feel for rhythm which will hopefully help my music. Easier and cheaper than learning to play real drums I think.
  23. Umm all you gotta do is contact them and let them know you've got a new computer or something. Yeah, Live is definitely pretty expensive already and the add-ons are steep too. I haven't bought any of the instruments. Live is not a very good value, in terms of what it comes with for the money, but it's unique and does stuff I really want, so it is worth the price for me.
  24. I got a boner as hard as granite.
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