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Everything posted by sgx

  1. I want more Rama reports with him sipping on a drink in the middle. :sip....AAAHH: oh and suggestion for the show: You spend like a whole minute reading out all six of the RRR songs. Don't care. Just care about the one that was picked. Skip to the chase.
  2. Anything new about the actual host? Or is it just a lot of new plugs?
  3. Rayza, you've got quite a ways to go before you cross the line. Keep pushing it.
  4. Or wangless, I'm sure... She just insulted your manhood! znaps. u gon tak dat? Nuh uh! He said he *shan't* be wingless. So I added that he also shan't be wangless. There shall be bountiful wangs at Hooters. (....ew, I can't believe I just said that...) My wang will be plentiful at Hooters. wut?
  5. Hootah's!! WINGS IN MY MOUF. I shant be wingless. (lolz)
  6. Who wants to share Project5 files? If so: http://www.project5.com/songs.asp?id=5447
  7. www.supergreenx.com/tutorials.php has all of my shareable mixes. Unfortunately I don't think I will ever be adding to that list since I pretty much don't do anything exclusively in Reason (though I often do things mostly in Reason).
  8. I totally don't want to go into unmod.
  9. I'm sure you can keep adding more instances of 16 machines. And I doubt you need to control over 100 devices... And no, you cannot open another rewired instance of Reason. I don't think any rewire slave application can work that way.
  10. Yeah that's sweet. The limitation is in Cakewalk hosts and FL (maybe others that I don't know about too) apparently. Seems like Logic has it right.
  11. Aurora keeps mentioning something about "a-boat." Or maybe its a boot. I liked the Rayza report. That was some pretty awesome background music at 15:00.
  12. New poll: who thinks mr. 'tamer should do a podcast?
  13. Preferences > Audio. Fool with the driver selection and buffersize/latency slider.
  14. i totally roffled
  15. Sharksword? More like Noise-Sword. Wowz. I'd almost like constant noise better than it on and off with that noise gate :/. Good show though .
  16. There's now a 3.0 upgrade at student pricing. $70. Check www.academicsuperstore.com . I'm a bit pissed...I didn't think there was going to be student upgrade pricing....but I don't know if I would have waited had I known anyway...heh.
  17. I got something a little closer. I didn't know if you had 3.0 or not so I didn't use any 3.0 machines. This would have been nicer in a combinator. I'm still not sure if this file will be readable by 2.5 even though I didn't use any 3.0 machines. Give it a try. http://www.wam.umd.edu/~danadler/sgx%20womp.rns
  18. I'm goin on to play right now (fuckin power's been out all day until now). Hopefully someone's on.
  19. I might get a mic if I end up playing with you guys a lot. If not, I don't have a whole lot of desire to communicate with the average Halo2 player.
  20. * SNORT * K Rev fucking owns. Duets in Version 3 are where its at. Add booze also. Good stuff. Anyway..I'd be up for playin with you guys if you'll have me. I'm decent I'd say. I usually beat my friends when we play LAN games, though I'm not sure how I stack up against online people with real skill though. I have no mic right now. My tag is SGX.
  21. Rayza's voice makes me feel relaxed. Cuz he's so chill sounding. Awesome.
  22. You need to adjust your driver settings. In Reason, go to edit>preferences>audio. There should be a pulldown menu with a few different driver choices. ASIO is usually the best choice in there for Reason, but you can try the others and see how they work. There's a slider in that tab that says Buffer size. Slide that thing to the left to make the buffer time shorter. I find 10 ms to be somewhat acceptable, 5-7 close to unnoticeable delay. If you make it too short, you'll get crackles and pops. A faster computer and better soundcard will allow faster latencies. I run my audigy at around 8 ms in Reason 3.0 with the creative ASIO drivers.
  23. Thanks for talkin about me and such .
  24. You can also sequence the ReDrum with the Matrix....triiiiippy. Could be interesting...for those who like pattern automation. You can see several drum channels at once which you can't while sequencing on the ReDrum. You can also create a matrix curve for some type of drum parameter at the same time.
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