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Everything posted by sgx

  1. That song does own. It's also in Amplitude.
  2. Very cool. I dunno if I like the lead synth in the first half of the tune (also comes back later), but the rest is sweet. The synth at 2:08 is particularly h0t. Nice werk.
  3. ....yes, in a "loud" genre like trance, I expect the levels to be as close to maximum as possible. If I'm listening to a bunch of trance, and then this song comes up, I don't want to have to adjust the volume to be able to hear it. Quiet orchestral sections are fine, but just more volume for a trance song like this is something you expect for the general production/mastering.
  4. 6.2 mb? Wish I could have let my ICO mix go over the filesize limit...had to lower the bitrate. Wah wah! anyways Pretty kewl stuff here. Like Xelebes said, I'm not so hot on the rain samples. Not a big deal, but a little cheesey in my opinion. The volume needs to be turned up. This is a pretty quiet file. I little more high-end would be welcome too, I think. I like that square wave lead near the beginning of the trance section. Would have liked to hear that more during the rest of the song. The trance beat is pretty good, though I usually don't like claps. I'm more of a snare 2 and 4 beat man . The synths are pretty good, but it seems like there is a whole lot of saw wave stuff going on in here. Not bad, but the lead lacks a bit of clarity as it blends a bit with the rest of the sounds. The intro and ending are very nice. You've got some good strings samples and you use them pretty well. Good stuff! You chose a good song, and you put together a quite good remix of it! Yaaaay
  5. Whut? I didn't review this ever? Wow. This is a really freakin awesome mix. One of my faves on OC. Awesome.
  6. I had two on the main page a couple weeks ago. I am winnar. Anyways, this is definitely a sweet mix. I believe this was the first one you made after you got Reason and it was produced entirely within Reason. The bass is really cool and unique. I think its my favorite aspect of this mix. I also really like how the melody is echoed between the strings and the more synthy instrument. Very unique. Throughout the mix though, I feel that it is somewhat dry-sounding. Sounds like a lot of treble mainly in the string instruments and some lacking midrange. A fuller sound would have been nice. Other than that, this is sweet stuff. One of my favs from you. yayay
  7. Want to play a preview of my new track? Its pretty much done except my friend with turntables is gonna scratch on it and we haven't gotten a chance to get together. I can hook you up over aim or something.
  8. This mix is definitely sweeeet. I probably say very similar things every time I review a GL mix: great choice of sounds, interesting arrangement, impeccable attention to detail. All great stuff. This mix is no different. I don't think this is my fav GL mix though. I like his stuff more when it flows, and this one sticks to a pretty straight rock-ish beat throughout. No big deal! Not really a shortcoming, but just a personal preference! Awesome junk right here!
  9. I recommend Panzer Dragoon Orta: More Than A Weapon OC remix by MC and some newb.
  10. Wow something is wrong (with you) if you can't hear the original in this. Especially if you're listening to them back to back.
  11. I already told ya, but this mix is really really tight. GREAT drum programming (I said that in my last Ziwtra review, didn't I? ). Awesome style. Fresh, and interesting! Great job!
  12. Seriously, how does all 'techno' (this is trance, btw, kthx) sound the same? Every song has different/new synths and ideas. That is why I like electronic music: because it uses new sounds and is interesting every time. Orchestral music, Ork Estral, all sounds the same. The same set of intruments is used over and over again. I like orchestral music (I use strings quite often in my music) and I'm not bashing it, but saying that electronic music all sounds the same coming from someone who does orchestral music is ridiculous. Thanks for the constructive criticism.
  13. Heyheyhey. This version is the actual SHORT version of the mix . If you want a full 9 minutes of this, you can grab it at my page www.mp3.com/supergreenx (8.3mb). Please do check that version. It made me sad to cut it down for OC . Edit: Mp3.com is going down. You can get it now at www.besonic.com/supergreenx or www.soundclick.com/supergreenx EDIT: I'll also temporarily host a high quality mp3 of the long version. (11.5mb) EDIT: Not available any more. EDIT 2: http://www.supergreenx.com/music/ICO%20-%20Save%20Me.mp3 For your 160kbps 9 min, 10.3 mb version.
  14. MC's piano sequencing is NUTS. This definitely sounds like it was played live and is a great arrangement. I love how the song can be quiet and then build into something intense. Lots of good dynamic variation in here. Very awesome work. EDIT: I would also like to mention that I can listen to this baby for a very long time looped. I listened to it for like 2 hours straight once at my summer job. Didn't get tired of it.
  15. Very tight man. I was thinking about doing something like that myself sometime. Didn't know a lot of those people were on there. Cool stuffs.
  16. Yea, djp has said several times I believe, that he wishes mixers would add more of their comments in their review threads. Anyhow. Just gotta say I dug this. Distorted piano is nice. Bassline is tight. Good stuff.
  17. I think it's the town theme. I haven't played the game in a long while and my OST mp3's aren't titled, so I can't tell ya for sure. But I think its the town music.
  18. Wow, that was like the best review ever. hahaha To clarify, I did most of the drum work and the breakdown section in the middle (after the "S - G - X" Thanks Mae!). Haroon did the rest of the song. It was fun working with Haroon, and I'm pretty satisfied with the result.
  19. Yo, sorry I couldn't listen. I'm at home and I was chillin with some of my friends from home tonight. (Saw The Rundown...good movie!)
  20. Good job on this. I like the drums; they keep stuff moving and interesting. Nice and dreamy stuffs.
  21. Dude! This song really is sweet. So many great sonic textures running around in here its always interesting to listen to. I dig a lot. Nice job. EDIT: Oh, yea...and who gave you those PDO voice samples?
  22. All sounds are quite cool, though I'm not sure I'm into that NES-sounding lead synth that comes in sometime. Everything else sounds so pro, that that synth just sounds goofy. Good beats, nice guitar sounds, and other than that one synth, great synth sounds. Good stuff.
  23. Dude, your drum programming is phenomenal. The "march snare" transition is incredibly cool and original. Everything else is top notch, but damn, I love the drums. Never gets boring. Love it.
  24. Thanks for playin the stuff, thanks for pimpin my stuff larry! Tite show!
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