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Everything posted by sgx

  1. a lot of blind's older stuff is all reason, and some of the newer stuff is part reason. Daniel Baranowski has a bunch of reason mixes. All of mine except Forgotten Daze are all Reason. E-Bison's Time Management mix is reason. Binster is all reason. There are others that I forget or I don't know about. edit: Gray's only all Reason mix to my knowledge is his Mystical Ninja mix. The rest are combos of different things often including Reason. Oh, and FFMusicDJ's older stuff was all Reason. String Machine was Reason 1.0 I think .
  2. Any music software will sound cheesy like GM soundcard midi if you don't pick good samples, program good synths, use nice reverbs, etc. There is WAY more to making stuff sound cool than just picking a sample and going.
  3. Usually you use some noise and some filters to make a swoosh noise. Like this. www.supergreenx.com/rns/swooshunewb.rns Without using noise though? You could use 100% wet reverb with maybe some scream distortion over it. Lots of automation. I did stuff like this in my song Composer. I'm too lazy to make a sample file though. Takes some effort.
  4. Sorry, I don't understand your question.
  5. I did the beginning and end, and that part at 3:46. This track is still getting reviews, which is pretty cool! Glad people like it.
  6. dood - saw waves go "buuzzzz", square waves sound like NES, "sine waves are the simplest/smoothest wave that can carry a pitch, triangle waves sound in between sine and saws, etc....... if you want your bassline to buzz, use a saw, if you want your lead to sound NES, use a square. You can't really set up rules for this kind of thing.
  7. I don't know the answer to number 1. I haven't done a whole lot with midi controllers other than what's set up by default. Read the manual. 2: Your question doesn't make much sense. Control 2 sequencer tracks with one sequencer track? whut? Maybe you mean control two machines with one sequencer track. No you can't, but you can duplicate sequencer tracks and do it that way.
  8. Look at DJ Zenith's post on page 12 here. Check out my responses. This has been gone over To get sounds from the keyboard, you would have to record yourself playing the keyboard with a program (like Goldwave) that is separate from Reason. Reason is designed to be very self contained, thus it does not have support for sequencing other software or hardware. To get your .wav recordings from goldwave or whatever you use, you'll have to load them using either the nn19, redrum, or nnxt samplers. Its..a lot of effort. Not many people bother to do this. If you must use reason for stuff, and you want better sequencing/recording capabilities, you can couple Reason with a more robust sequencer program like Sonar, Cubase, FL Studio, and a few others. I use a lot of the sounds that Reason came with. I also use a bunch of new refills I got (mostly off of the propellerheads website for free), and sounds I record on my own or rip from other stuff (sometimes I'll pull a nice bass kick or something out of some pro song if I can get it out cleanly ). The majority of the samples that Reason come with are actually very good. You just need to learn how to use them (sequencing well, eqing, good reverb, etc). The synths are pretty good too; again, you need to learn how to program them well and put effects that will make them sound cool on. Third, again, Reason sounds fine. Look at some example files that came with it, or check out my mixes I have posted as rns files on my site in the tutorials section.
  9. I have some Sony portable mic thats made for use with minidisc players and stuff. Its not so hot for vocals, which is why I definitely needed to have that distortion on the vocals. I do use ReWire a bit now, mostly for mastering stuff (some eq's and compression) within SONAR. The only songs I've done this for however, are Composer and Deep Breath (newer originals). Otherwise, Its all Reason.
  10. I believe I saw Trenthian saying that he happened upon a fan-made soundfont of those vocal samples that were ripped from the game. I recorded the vocals in the free audio editor Goldwave www.goldwave.com then inserted them as audio samples in Reason. I could have used the nn19 or redrum for it, but I used ReCycle to make the different phrases into chopped up .rex samples and ran them in dr rex. I had to adjust my timing a bit and this made it easier. I could have manually chopped and loaded this stuff into lots of redrums, but that would have been messy and more time consuming.
  11. THere's been a lot of threads about this. One is probably still around if you look for it. Short answer is you pretty much can't get vocals out of a song cleanly. And you wouldn't use Reason to do it.
  12. You need to create a new sequencer track and link it to the machine you want to control,. Regarding midi controllers, I really don't use mine much at all. I mainly use it to fool around, get some chord progressions going, or make a melody. I'd say like 1% of my time in reason is spent using my keyboard. I almost never use it for recording automations also.
  13. Yes, we did. You can set up automations, but it seems you can't record them in real time. I'm not terribly familiar with midi controller hardware. I've heard good things about the Oxygen 8 though. edit: btw, I kinda try to stay away from automating mixer volume sliders. Its annoying if you just want one channel louder in the whole song and you've got it automated already. You have to go redraw your automation if you want the whole thing say 15% louder. I try to automate volumes on the instruments. Here's a tip also: if you need an extra volume boost on an instrument, or you want to volume boost after a chain of effects instead of before(sometimes different input volumes can change the way effects affect a sound), you can just add a Scream machine in there with distortion turned off as the last effect in the chain. You can also automate that and control volume from there. Maybe you can record automation on a scream, too. I'm not sure if you can and I'm too lazy to try.
  14. I think you just can't. I just tried it. Can't say I personally miss the feature though.
  15. yea
  17. Sounds like you need to adjust your audio drivers and or settings from within Cubase. You're welcome, mr. Zenith.
  18. The way he described it is definitely gating, but what BT does more than gating actually is stutter edits. This is actually taking a section of the audio and repeating it really quickly. Its not very handy or easy to do with Reason. You'd have to take the audio file into another audio editor, cut and save the portion of the audio you want to stutter, load it into reason with a sampler, then make the stutter pattern. Its a bit easier with a sequencer like Sonar or Cubase that runs audio better.
  19. Sweet. This is awesome stuff :) SF 4 Evar!!
  20. Noice. Awesome mix. Wouldn't have spent time mastering it if I didn't like it . Kinda wish I had the mastering experience I have now back when I did this. I could make it sound even sweeter than it is currently .
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