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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Good groove, good sounds, good tune. Dig it. Very nice stuff. Drums get a bit repetitous after a while, but are generally good. Thumbs up.
  2. The purple line box thang around the pattern bank numbers and letters? It gets highlighted when you draw or drag those pattern tab things in the sequencer when looking in pattern view for that track. When it's highlighted, that signifies that the pattern stuff is automated (just as any knob or slider gets highlighted green when it is automated). Hope that helps/was clear.
  3. All sounds great. I'll make a bumper dude.
  4. Wow, wtf. I love the drums. Very very cool and interesting rhythms. I dig that synth that everyone is whining about. Old school sounding. Really goes well with this tune's interesting ideas. Very cool. There is some really high (like almost dog-whistle high) tone that sounds throughout the whole song. It starts right when the file starts and goes to the end. Weird. Hmmm. I really liked this mix. It's full of cool ideas that are pulled off well and doesn't overstay its welcome. Nice job.
  5. Pretty nice stuff. I wish the bass kick was louder. The piano stuff is really nice, as is the synth that begins at 2:17. 2:47 is kinda weird, but not that bad. Nothing in this mix blows me away, but it's quite competently put together and enjoyable.
  6. I really dig this tune. Everything is really smooth. Lots of attention to detail. It is interesting to listen to over and over again. Nice werk!
  7. Quite nice. The snares were kinda whack, but the rest of the tune was generally very cool and atmospheric. Raindrops make me wanna pee! The section after the more orchestral section kinda just fades in in a weird way. Sounds a bit disjointed. Other than that stuff, very enjoyable.
  8. Very nice. Love the intro. Good feel throughout.
  9. Mmm. Good percussion stuff. Trance beat that actually is interesting and detailed. Good fills and such as DJP said. I kinda feel that the string lead is too loud. It seems to overshadow a lot of stuff. But the way it is handled and the melody it plays is very tight. The banjo is quite interesting, though I don't think I'm really fond of the pattern it and the synth plays. They kinda just do the same thing over and over, just change notes. When the melody and everything is going together, there just seems to be no interesting rhythms going on in the mix other than the lead. Doesn't bug me much, and it does give a really fast moving feel. The section at 3:08 is quite nice. Dig. Good sounds, good break from everything else. Good stuff.
  10. Version? They're two different songs by two different composers....
  11. Hey man, I remember commenting on this in the WIP a LOOOOOOONG way back. I probably still have the last version of this on my computer somewhere. I heard a few different versions, and you definitely have cleaned this up and made it quite cool since then. Very good job. Nothing totally wowzorz about this track, but the original tune was catchy and nice, and you did a good job of keeping it that way. Very enjoyable.
  12. Hmmm. I dig. Always up for something creative, and this is just that. Diggin it...(wait, already said that). Likin it. Cool lead synth.
  13. The kick drum is not panned at all. EDIT: It has come to my attention that maybe the drums ARE panned a little. That gets a huge WTF from me, since I didn't mean to do that. I have slight hearing issues and one ear does not hear as well as the other, so I guess I didn't catch it since it is hard for me to gauge panning stuff.
  14. Hey, thanks everyone for commenting. I'm very glad you guys dig it. It was a fun mix to make. Hmmm....I ripped the music from the game CD, and the CDDB database said it's name was "Aqua Vistas". Well, whatever .
  15. Dude, this rocks! The array of sounds in here is just incredibly well put together and chosen. The mastering is great, and the drum programming really really rocks with many details thrown in. Man. Skillz. Are you still using Linux and shareware music progs? (that was you, right?) Amazing stuff.
  16. This is very cool. The flute solo is boss, drum programming and samples are very nice. Very cool ending. I'm not a fan of the slap bass sound in general, however. It always makes me think of Seinfield in a cheesey, not-good way. It's not necessarily bad in you mix, but personally, I'm not diggin it that much. Others might. Everything else is super smooth and lots of attention is paid to details. Nice work.
  17. Wow man, this really rocks. There are so many little details going around in here its hard to keep track. My favorite part is at 2:47. Its so pretty there. Very very nice stuff dude. Also, you must teach me how to master like this. Awesome.
  18. E-Bison really really rocks. I've had this song for like 5 months or so (actually I've had the non-ocr/non-cut down version) and it is amazing. I LOVE the use of the clocks. The time management samples are used really well also. I think this may be the most professional sounding mix I've heard coming out of OC. I'm a big fan of E-Bison, including his original work that I think people should check out at www.mp3.com/esb Fantastic stuff. Now where is Suikostep?
  19. This is pretty cool. The arrangement sounds nice and the song structure is good. I'm not sure if I like that synth that is moving around during the whole song. It kinda doesn't serve much purpose other than to fill up that required "fast-moving wierd distorted synth pattern" that trance usually has. While it fills that gap, its not that super or interesting to me. My other gripe is that all of the other sounds are pretty much just long chords. There aren't any interesting note or gating patterns or anything. Just mostly the an arangment of the original (I'm assuming, never heard the original) in the same style but with drums and that synth. Nothing is moving around quickly keeping the intensity up except for that synth I'm not so hot on. It is enjoyable however, just not rockin my world. I do like the drums that start at 4:25. Very cool there. Overall, I dig it.
  20. Dude, very awesome! I need to learn to play the guitar and sing.... . I am quite impressed. The only sore spot is the singing around 5:30. Everything else is A+++++++ hot stuff! PS. Why is it that every time there is a good rock mix or something, people start their bitchin about electronic music? Sheesh.
  21. Pretty cool stuff. Everything is done quite well and is skillfully put together. Diggin it. Maybe a bit more variety in synth tones would have been cool, but its a very sweet mix. Nice.
  22. Veryvery smooth and a great listen. Everything is put together with taste and skill. I really like how the lead synth and the sax interact with eachother. Very cool. Very chill. Very good. Thanks mv!
  23. YAY! Awesome super stuff. Every different instrument sound is picked and used really well. This mix just straight up sounds great. The 'soundscape' created is really just super duper. The atmosphere created is awesome and it really takes me back to the many hours I spent playing Xenogears. Veryvery cool!
  24. Very very tight. Very original and different. Diggin it.
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