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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. I can appreciate why people consider Mario Galaxy to be good, maybe even great. I just didn't find it particularly compelling.
  2. Al right, I feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of Litchi. I'm still a long way from doing her 20-hits and the other fancy stuff, but I'm not totally terrible anymore. But man, why are there SO many Noels online, and why are they all so spammy? It's worse than Kens in SF IV. But at least I haven't had any lag problems at all
  3. I'm sucking horribly with Litchi now. If I can't get any better, I may switch to Carl. It'll be just like the Ice Climbers!
  4. I'm adding everyone with a PS3 tonight, so don't be alarmed if you see a friend request.
  5. I picked it up for PS3. I'm a Litchi main, and I'm surprised at how complicated she is to use. I'beginning to learn her basic stuff, and I can definitely see why she's an A tier character, it's just going to take alot of practice for me to get there. My PSN is JamStunna, add away.
  6. I just finished On Writing by Stephen King, and Elements of Style by Strunk and White. I highly recommend both to anyone who wants to improve their writing. Now I'm reading The Best American Short Stories 1999, guest edited by Amy Tan.
  7. Both IGN and Gamespot named Scribblenauts as their Game of the Show for E3. I must have that game.
  8. After all, this is the same company that bankrolled an entire anime to sell the true ending later. *glares at Full Metal Alchemist*
  9. I will have this game the day it comes out. It's just too incredible.
  10. I would buy this game.
  11. That picture looks really cool. And if that person is the Master Sword...holy cow.
  12. Here's something: http://wii.ign.com/articles/991/991714p1.html
  13. Well, that's kind of the point. Low tier characters aren't low because their terrible necessarily, but because it's harder to be good with them. SF 4 is pretty balanced, but it's definitely easier to win with some characters as opposed to others.
  14. I was thinking this as well. Also, technology has progressed. I'm no expert, but I don't think a song like "Cantata for Dancing" was even possible in the past. That said, my favorite ReMix is from 2003, so I guess it is subjective in the end.
  15. I don't mind the gayness, because that's inevitable. What I do mind is people who rely on lag. I played an Akuma that got a perfect on me by doing nothing but throwing fireballs because the lag was SOOOOOO bad. I always avoid people with less than two bars, but this guy had two bars and it was still unbearable. I swear, some people have a switch at their house to lag when they want to. It's the only way to explain it.
  16. Yeah, same here. Sometimes people play pretty gayly to get that GP, but overall it's great. I'm getting close to 6,000 GP, but I've had a bad run the last few days.
  17. It's good to know that another ultra can counter that. I was thinking of trying to counter it with Chun's just for the hell of it. Anyone here play Championship mode? I love it, and I play it all the time.
  18. What about spamming high kick? Bison's is pretty similar to Chun Lis, and if I time it right I can hit them right at the end of it pretty safely.
  19. My PS3 screenname is JamStunna. I play a grab-happy Chun Li.
  20. I play this game all the time. Too much, my wife says.
  21. The movie never suggests that he does. In fact, during the movie it makes it explicitly known that his ship stands apart from the Romulan Empire. Also, we have to keep the destruction of Vulcan in perspective. True, it's a major blow to the Federation to lose one of its founding worlds, but it's far from a crippling one. At the time of the movie, the Federation was comprised of 120 worlds and 700 colonies. The ships destroyed by Nero near Vulcan wasn't an entire fleet, just the ships that happened to be nearest to Vulcan, and what, then there was only like fifteen that were destroyed? The Klingons lost more ships when Nero destroyed their prison world. The Federation's main fleet remains intact, and there are still 119 other planets that it can draw on for troops, ships and other materials. They're weaker than before Nero appeared, yes, but they're far from a sitting duck.
  22. I think that makes the universe far more interesting. It will be cool to see how the Federation operates from a position of weakness.
  23. I really hope that they integrate the destruction of Vulcan as an important part of the universe, instead of just having it as a major event in one movie that's never mentioned again. That happens far too often in Star Trek.
  24. Correct you are, sir!
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