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Jam Stunna

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Everything posted by Jam Stunna

  1. Yeah actually, I won't write anything else. There's a glut of stuff already, I'll just try to find some artists.
  2. I'm working on a non-related short story now, but once I finish I may write another one. No promises though.
  3. This seems relevant to this thread: http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=9190
  4. Congratulations!
  5. Seconded. Congratulations sir.
  6. Okay, I wrote this at 2:00 AM, and spent the last hour fixing it. If it's not good enough or not what you're looking for, let me know and I'll take another crack at it. It's 1,215 words.
  7. I rolf'd. Expect a PM in the next few days.
  8. I'm interested in writing for you. Short stories are my specialty.
  9. I always did think it was strange to remove a song after it made it onto the site in the first place. It comes across as trying to retcon the site to put the best possible face on it today. Does Doulifee maintain OCRemoved as some official site function or in his free time?
  10. Yeah, that's true. It's a screenshot from Melee that they're calling a Brawl screenshot. Grade A reporting there.
  11. How the hell did this slip by me during E3? http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2008/06/21/f-zero-wii-aka-f-zero-z-said-to-be-announced-at-e3.htm It seems a little iffy, but the person who posted it claims it came from a "reliable source". Can anyone confirm/deny this? @ Thalzon- You're 100% right, but I think what really makes this painful is that unlike a book or a movie, videogames require AT LEAST a $200 investment (that's assuming you buy a 360 Arcade and the cheapest downloadable game possible). It's one thing to be disappointed in a $10 movie or a $30 book, and quite another to be disappointed in an entire system.
  12. I think he just uppercutted both of us.
  13. That was some good shit, Arek. The only thing I miss about Brawl is playing you guys. Maybe I'll borrow my friend's copy for old time's sake one of these days.
  14. Squirtle's utilt looks like he's jumping for joy.
  15. ...what? They're talking about the hack to record matches that are longer than 3 minutes. Red, Squirtle is the best form of PT, hands down.
  16. http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/disasterdayofcrisis/review.html Bear attacks aside, I'm surprised at how disappointed I am that this game sucks. At this point, I'm just waiting to see if The Conduit and Mad World are going to fail to live up to expectations as well.
  17. It's not so much that, I just prefer playing fighting games on a TV. There's no crowd reaction to awesome stuff on a handheld.
  18. If there's a God in heaven, this game will play as awesomely as it looks. Too bad it's for PSP.
  19. What I fear is that with the runaway success of the Nintendo Wii (seemingly in spite of it's failings), it's going to become the standard business model for the industry going forward.
  20. PT is trash tier. Sakurai personally saw to that.
  21. Oh God I wish I'd seen that live. Too good.
  22. Yeah, I figured as much. That's one reason I didn't really enjoy The Sacred Stones, because it wasn't a particularly good in it's own right, and couldn't hold a candle to FE 7.
  23. Damn it, stupid me. I meant to type STORIES, not STORES. God I suck.
  24. Were the stores in PoR and RD actually good in the end? Like I said, I never actually finished PoR, and my experience had been so negative that I never played RD.
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