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Everything posted by PriZm

  1. being threatened by DDOS attacks and having an idiot hack into the system for users credit card information are two very different things. besides, what could have sony done, as a business ? shut down their server preemptively to let Anonymous calm down, thereby encouraging other cyberterrorists to threaten them and possibly have what they want ? i can understand why some people would be frustrated at sony, but they have been getting a disproportionate amount of internet nerd rage over this. self-righteous people who think they are poisoning the lives of simple consumers and costing a company millions of dollars in damage (millions that could have been spent elsewhere, like in developing the company and hiring more people) in the name of justice or the greater good. like zircon said, there are a plethora of other organisations more worthy of anonymous's time.
  2. If you like RPGs, try Persona 3, Persona 4 or Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne
  3. i do not believe it is such a good idea. for a very niche audience maybe. i will elaborate if you want
  4. sometimes the trophies actually add to the game and don't feel like a big chore sometimes the trophies are just stupidly time-consuming. I used to care about trophies but that was before i tried to platinum final fantasy 13 and star ocean 4.
  5. lol what makes you think i am a non-musician ? i think before we analyze country music we should all agree on what the fuck country music is. because right now this will probably devolve into some sort of "i hate the mainstream because it is forgettable crap" hipster circle jerk
  6. lol at anonymous making threats like they are big shot terrorists also crowbar man this is a trial what do you expect ? geohot is obviously lying by saying he never knew about SCEA and sony might be lying about their shit too` also what's with the italics ?
  7. true also regarding the game, it might actually be pretty fun. i don't see how people who can already play guitar would not enjoy this game, because i'm pretty excited to see how it goes
  8. it's not so much that they suck but they encourage racism against japanese with their anti-weeaboo sentiment also their articles are nothing but troll baiting
  9. reading this reminded me of how much i hate kotaku's "journalism"
  10. i believe genre nazis are more interested in what the music represents in social/intellectual terms and are not too sensitive to the actual music itself
  11. this is actually what my point was EDIT: i can understand that it is annoying for skilled players to be constantly insulted about having "no life" and being called "cheap" for using tactics that work well and are valid options, but you have to realize that it is annoying as well for newbies to be demolished when trying to just play the game casually and not caring about learning all its intricacies
  12. i was not countering your point, i was just making one
  13. except there is no newbie frustration in basketball since the better players tend to play amongst themselves
  14. if you eventually become a dragon, do all the dialogue options become : "fuck you i'm a dragon" ?
  15. the problem being that if you play 2 or 3 times a week, it is very hard to play with someone who has your skill level because, by definition, those people don't play very often. i mean some people still find the special or ultra animations cool and can be excited by playing as some of their favourite character from their favourite franchise; not everyone wants to study the game and frames etc etc it's just a different experience, not a question of which is the right way to play the game. but you'll often see newbies complaining about cheap tactics and tourney fags complaining about how everyone just sucks and should learn to play the RIGHT way, both of which are equally painful
  16. it's funny how every single thread about fighting games becomes a place for the better players to brag and tell everyone they don't understand anything about competitive playing.
  17. you know if there was actually a game called deity of massacre i would probably buy it
  18. so why exactly do people keep arguing about this ?
  19. after so long, i was kinda worried that the album would be rushed towards the end, just to get the fucking thing out i was wrong amazing work out there and i wanna say thanks to fishy for taking my place in the house of frogs track, he did an amazing work (much better than i could have) and did not change stuff too much, even in the solo thanks
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