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Everything posted by PriZm

  1. PriZm


    Heh I just saw an invitation yesterday and I was watching a movie so I didn't join. Also my roommate uses my PS3 a lot so it is possible that he didn't relay the message... Sorry man, we should play some SFIV soon. As for Devil Summoner (Raidou I think ?), I heard it was a watered-down version of the more mature Shin Megami Tensei games, but if it's still good I'll give it a try.
  2. PriZm


    Sure thanks. I forgot to mention that I have played all Final Fantasies, DQ8, All Xenosaga and mostly the big name RPGs. I was looking for more obscure ones like the MegaTen series.
  3. PriZm


    So I recently finished Persona 4 and was overwhelmed with sweetness. I went on a buying frenzy on eBay and bought a large amount of games, almost all of them from the Shin Megami Tensei series: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Digital Devil Saga 1. Digital Devil Saga 2. Persona 3 FES. Shadow Hearts Covenant. Any JRPGs on PS2/PS3 you guys would recommend (I don't know much about PS3, although I have played Valkyria Chronicles and had a blast, but I bought Eternal Sonata and never really got into it) ?
  4. I demand that all people who complained about the project taking a long time to be released do a track-by-track review of it just like evktalo.
  5. Yeah it is going to kickass.
  6. I actually much prefer Pain Withstanding to Altar Perception.
  7. First of all, I think this track has the coolest title on the whole project. The sub bass at 1:48 is one of my favorite moments. Very coherent and the transitions work extremely well for such an eclectic genre. I love the guitar tone, but the tremolo picking at 2:33 and especially 2:36 kinda irks me. Anyways, congratulations on a great, stylish and emotionally charged track.
  8. Yes that guy ain't bad. I'll ask him if I can get a commitment from da other folks. Get me the midi and I'll see what I can do. I haven't played guitar for almost a year now but I guess now would be a good time to start practicing again. In other words, no guarantees
  9. Well I don't have the midi file anymore, but if you or Christian still have it, it might be worth giving a shot. But since myf and kungfuchicken aren't around anymore, it might be hard to find rappers.
  10. This is seriously much better than SFIV entirely forgettable soundtrack (except for the amazing intro song). The break in the opening song is especially awesome.
  11. Thanks everyone. I feed on the succulence of feedback
  12. Thank you for taking time to comment on my tunes I realize that not everybody can like them, but I always appreciate criticism, especially when it's constructive.
  13. Congrats to everyone ! I think this project kicks serious ass. Especially Kyle for never giving up on his vision and motivating us till the end.
  14. Somehow I cannot figure out who is sarcastic/trolling and who isn't.
  15. I'm ZeroPrism on PSN. If anybody would like to play Street Fighter IV or Soul Calibur 4, please add me and mention OCR in the friend request. Cheers
  16. I would recommend saying "I feed on the succulence of your tears" in the thread title.
  17. I don't think the "désigné dans le reste de ce document sour le terme (...)" would be necessary. I don't see how the current form could be misinterpreted and brevity is probably better than juridic mast*******. About the oe, I would not expect the content policy the misspell words because their correct spelling appears pretentious to some. I'm not sure whether it is the "and" or the "or" that determines the verb conjugation, but in that case, I agree that "sont" sounds more elegant. Agreed, it does sound better. Yes. That seems kinda rude. How would you suggest to present the multiple enumerations if not with a deadly comma-fest ? Same thing, before "à la double condition".
  18. I would love to play Karin in SFA3 and Setsuka in SC4
  19. What he said. OCR is not a bunch of pretentious fucks; you know nothing about the remixers here. Also, regarding the argument of remakes < original work, it is very subjective, and I know many people who preferred the remakes of The Ring and The Grudge over the originals. At the very least, the people who made the remakes must have liked something about their work enough to, you know, make them. It would be like saying : "OCR does not count as a valid example of reinterpretation because most people like the originals over their remixes". You refute every argument that goes your way by using "some would argue" or "most people" or "almost unanimous" or, in some cases, ad hominem. Add to this the fact that you write like a first grader who just discovered a thesaurus (zenith of disrespect ? really ?) and it makes for a very annoying argumentation. Maybe instead of assuming that interpretation by someone other than the original compositor is "lessened" (whatever you mean by that), you should ask actual compositors why they like/dislike to have people reinterpret their creations.
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